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Thanks Takayuki Kuzushima and Associates for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Takayuki Kuzushima and Associates.
Takayuki Kuzushima and Associates:项目地四周山脉起伏,自然资源丰富,场地两旁种植着诸如李树、撒尔沙植物、枫树等令人印象深刻的树木。客户希望能在此度过周末,将来也想搬到这里经营农场。他们想对现有的主屋做一些小改进,计划拆除悬崖边的几个棚屋,并建造一个农业仓储的新棚屋。
Takayuki Kuzushima and Associates: The project site is surrounded by a mountain with large undulations, and is rich in nature. The site is lined with impressive trees such as plum trees, sarsaparilla, and maple trees. The owner planned to spend weekends here, and in the future, he would like to move here to run a farm. They wanted to make minor improvements to the existing main house, demolish several shacks along the cliff, and build a new shack (agricultural warehouse).
▽场地顶视 Top view of the site

▽新棚屋 Pergola

The new hut was placed along the road surface. The location of the existing huts was difficult because they are located along a steep cliff, and it was also necessary to secure as much area as possible as a field on a flat site. The road is lined with a variety of trees, and we considered the shape of the flat surface and the height of the roof to avoid the trees. To avoid damaging the roots of the trees as much as possible, the columns were planned with independent foundation legs, and the beams were connected at a height that would avoid overhanging the branches of the trees. The rafters are louvered in a continuous pattern, springing out from the post-and-beam frames.

The roof floats softly in response to the mountain range, passing under the tall trees and embracing the shrubs, and blending in with the trees. The under-roof space is divided by walls and lined up with five different spaces. These are the approach to the building, a place to store farm equipment, a bench on the edge of a shaded area, a work space, and a space for drying out in the sun. Walking under the roof, the spatial composition is such that visitors move between the back and front sides of the five types of spaces. The height of the roof is determined not only by dodging trees, but also by the use of space. For example, the approach is warped to welcome people, and the roof is raised to provide a large space for the work space.

Many of the secondary components are reused scrap wood from the dismantled shed. Flooring materials were used as partition walls, columns and joists were used as benches, and roof tiles were reused as flooring materials for the approach. By using the waste materials, we thought that the new building would blend in with the landscape even though it is a new construction. The client and the design office did the DIY construction, and the structure is open to future use.

▽室内空间 Interior space

We planned this project while envisioning such a landscape where the client’s life and the architecture for nurturing that life would blend into nature. The architecture should have a direct relationship with nature. It is the appearance in a large landscape like a mountain, and the space created by each tree. Building the architecture here was an affirmation of the existence of the beautiful satoyama and the trees in the garden.
▽夜景 Night view

▽改造前后 Before-After

▽场地平面 Site plan

▽棚屋平面 Plan

▽棚屋立面 Elevation

▽棚屋细部剖面 Detail section

▽模型 Models

▽模型试验 Mockup

▽植物选择 Trees and plants

▽植物选择-平面立面 Trees and plants

▽结构设计 Structure frame

▽结构平面 Structure plan

主创建筑师:Takayuki Kuzushima
合作者:Komatsu Structural Design
照片来源:Shingo Kanagawa / Takayuki Kuzushima and Associates
Project name: Pergola
Completion Year: 2021
Building area: 23.24㎡
Floor area: 9.81㎡
Project location: Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Takayuki Kuzushima and Associates
Website: http://kztkoffice.site/
Contact e-mail: kuzushimatakayukioffice@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Takayuki Kuzushima
Clients: Private
Collaborators: Komatsu Structural Design
Photo credits: Shingo Kanagawa / Takayuki Kuzushima and Associates
Photographer’s website: http://kanagawashingo.com/
“ 扭曲的棚屋屋顶如同起伏的山脉,与周围景观相融合,回收材料的循环使用体现了其绿色价值。”
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