景观广场, 校园美国GLS Landscape | Architecture哈斯商学院广场改造 Haas School of Business / GLS Landscape | Architecture
景观桥, 雕塑装置美国Metcalfe Architecture & Design1莫里斯植物园,树梢上的装置 Morris Arboretum, Out on a Limb / Metcalfe Architecture & Design
景观儿童及运动, 校园美国Metcalfe Architecture & DesignAFS花园基地 Abington Friends School / Metcalfe Architecture & Design
景观广场, 校园美国DAVID RUBIN Land Collective2宾夕法尼亚大学Pennovation Works景观 The University of Pennsylvania Pennovation Works / DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
景观广场美国DAVID RUBIN Land Collective5埃斯基纳斯健康医院广场 The CommonGround and Sky Farm at Eskenazi Health Hospital by DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
建筑艺术文化空间美国Trahan Architects2Magnolia山丘游客中心 Magnolia Mound Turner Family Visitors Center / Trahan Architects