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Thanks Espace Libre for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Espace Libre.
Espace Libre:芒特拉若利 (法国伊夫林省)城市行动计划干预区位于主要的社区商店(超市、快餐和电影院)附近,最近的一个更新项目彻底改变了空间的外观。
Espace Libre:In Mantes-la-Jolie (Yvelines), the intervention area of the operation is located near major neighborhood shops (supermarket, fast food and cinema) but also a recent project that has changed the appearance of this space.

更新后的广场,一马平川从超市延伸而出,扩大了亨利·杜楠特(Henri Dunant)的视野,突出了政府的建筑。
The latter, in the continuity of the supermarket, enlarges the perspective of the place Henri Dunant and now highlights the house of the sub-prefect.
▼项目概观 Overview
▼鸟瞰效果 Perspective
Today, the parking lot is in the heart of this square and the public spaces are separate.

▼停车场 Parking lot
该项目作为城市行动计划的一部分,干预范围包括将亨利·杜楠特广场大部分区域改造成步行区,并通过邻近的des Dames球场更好地将其与城市中心连接起来。
The project, which is part of the Action Coeur de Ville program, therefore consists of making Place Henri Dunant largely pedestrianized and better connecting it to the city center via the neighboring Cours des Dames.

广场上安装的游戏和街道设施的设计灵感都来自于Dames Cours的城市法规。
In fact, the games and street furniture that will be installed are inspired by the urban codes of the Cours des Dames.

According to the wishes of the contracting authority, the new configuration of the site will limit unnecessary corners, a source of nuisance.

客户:Communauté urbaine Grand Paris Seine et Oise
设计:Espace Libre, landscaper, Setu
预算:854.000 欧元
图片来源:Julien Falsimagne
Client: Communauté urbaine Grand Paris Seine et Oise
Design: Espace Libre, landscaper, Setu
Budget: 854.000 €
Year of construction: 2020
Image Credits: Julien Falsimagne
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