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Arcadis凯谛思:位于俄勒冈州波特兰郊区莱克奥斯威戈(Lake Oswego)的河谷小学(River Grove Elementary School)近日完成了全新升级改造。此次改造由Arcadis凯谛思负责,秉承现代化和可持续发展的设计理念,全面提升了学校的功能与设施强度。

Arcadis:  River Grove Elementary School, located in the suburban area of Lake Oswego, Portland, Oregon, has recently undergone a comprehensive upgrade. The renovation, led by Arcadis, adheres to modern and sustainable design principles, significantly enhancing the school’s functionality and facility resilience.






Originally built in 1967, the school covered an area of 6,400 square meters. After the renovation, the area expanded to approximately 7,300 square meters, making it one of the first schools in the United States to be equipped with a microgrid system.
In terms of disaster resilience, River Grove Elementary School has adopted higher seismic standards, enabling it to provide robust disaster prevention and evacuation capabilities for local residents during natural disasters such as earthquakes. With its fully electric design and exceptional disaster resilience, the renovated River Grove Elementary School has not only made significant advancements in energy independence and disaster response but has also set a forward-thinking new standard for future educational buildings.




01 绿色节能转型,可持续设计新典范 Green Energy Transformation: Designed for Sustainability


River Grove Elementary School utilizes highly efficient air-cooled chillers to cool classrooms, supporting students for an active and attentive learning environment. 100% outside air is delivered through the building ventilation through MERV filters, preparing for the increased likelihood of seasonal atmospheric smoke with the proliferation of wildfire events. Heat is recovered from exhaust air as it leaves the building, reducing the amount of energy needed to heat the building in the winter as well as operational costs. Lighting fixtures automatically dim when light levels are reached through sunlight, reducing energy use and maintaining a comfortable light level in the learning environment. Solar coatings and exterior shades reduce heat loads on exterior windows, minimizing heat loads and controlling glare in the classrooms.




02 创新微电网系统,社区韧性全升级 Innovative Microgrid System: Upgrading Community Resilience

河谷小学配备了一个独立于区域电网运行的微电网系统。学校屋顶安装的150kW光伏(PV)阵列每年可产生相当于建筑年能耗10%的电力。作为微电网系统的“大脑”,可编程微电网控制器在电力中断时会自动切换到“孤岛模式(Island Mode)”,保持系统的稳定运行;还可以将未使用的多余光伏能量存储在电池储能系统(BESS)中,以削减公用电网负荷高峰时的电力需求,从而增强电网韧性并最大限度地减少碳排放。


River Grove Elementary School is equipped with a microgrid system that operates independently from the regional power grid. A 150 kW Photovoltaic (PV) rooftop array generates 10% of the building’s annual energy consumption. The programmable microgrid controller is the “brain” of the system and lives in the main electrical room. The controller automatically switches the system between “default” and “island” mode in the case of a power outage, maintaining stable system operation. The controller will also store surplus PV energy (not being used by the building) in the battery energy storage system (BESS) and shave peak electrical load demands when the utility grid is strained, adding to grid resilience and minimizing carbon emissions.

By combining the use of BESS and generator power, River Grove Elementary School can provide prolonged emergency power to HVAC, electrical, technology, and plumbing systems in common areas and the gym during outages, ensuring continuous operation. This design not only provides critical services to the community during natural disasters or prolonged widespread power outages, enhancing the school’s emergency response capability but also significantly contributes to the overall resilience of the community.




03 全维度学习空间,打造多元教育生态 Comprehensive Learning Spaces: Creating a Diverse Educational Ecosystem


River Grove Elementary School, as an advanced educational facility, is designed to meet the needs of every learner by providing a variety of educational and activity spaces. These include classrooms, extended learning areas, innovation labs, music rooms, performance stages, a library, administrative offices, a gymnasium, a kitchen, semi-outdoor activity areas, outdoor learning spaces, and sports fields. Catering to the diverse learning styles of students, the school offers spaces for gatherings of different scales, quiet areas for focused work, and active spaces for team collaboration. For instance, L-shaped classrooms support zoning and grouping, accommodating various educational activities such as one-on-one learning, group discussions, quiet reading, and large projects, thereby ensuring maximum flexibility. Through such design, River Grove Elementary School not only provides a diversified learning environment but also creates favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of students, fostering a diverse educational ecosystem.


▽教室前廊:内置书桌用于个人或一对一工作 Built-in desks for individual or one-on-one work.


▽公共区和体育馆可通过伸缩的幕墙合并,用于大型活动 Public areas and the gymnasium can be combined through movable walls for large events.



04 为福祉而设计,构建心灵绿洲 Designed for Well-being: Creating a Sanctuary for the Mind


Prioritizing students’ mental health and well-being is crucial in shaping an educational environment that fosters comprehensive development. River Grove adopts a distributed counseling and socio-emotional support model, with each classroom featuring window nooks where students can “chill out.” Counseling and advisory rooms are located outside the main office, offering acoustic privacy to ensure that students receive ample psychological care and support. Additionally, the school’s design emphasizes the use of natural light and views, offering operable windows and outdoor learning zones to enhance students’ connection with nature, providing a calming effect.


▽设计注重自然光与视野,提供宁静舒适的学习与思考空间 The design focuses on natural light and views, providing tranquil and comfortable spaces for learning and contemplation.



05 连贯空间布局,带来沉浸式社区体验 Coherent Spatial Layout: Delivering an Immersive Community Experience


The original elementary school comprised a series of separate buildings connected by covered walkways. The renovated River Grove, through a coherent spatial layout, emphasizes fostering a sense of community, providing a more cohesive and interactive learning environment. The central double-height entry zone overlooks the learning courtyard, public areas, outdoor gardens, innovation labs, and the library, further enhancing spatial connectivity and a sense of wholeness.




06 自然连接与融合,实现资源创新循环 Nature Connection and Integration: Achieving Innovative Resource Circulation


Research shows that connection with the natural world helps lower blood pressure, improve short-term memory, reduce negative emotions, and alleviate “directed attention fatigue.” During the design process, Arcadis incorporated opportunities for nature connection at River Grove Elementary School through the use of colors, materials, views to nature, and patterns. For example, the use of natural wood and rubber, which are low-VOC and sustainable products, not only provides warmth to the learning environment but also impacts indoor air quality. Extensive and varied outdoor spaces further encourage students to extend their learning into nature, promoting intimate contact with the natural world.


▽色彩方案中采用的色调,源自对自然界中颜色的模仿 The color scheme tones are derived from imitating colors found in nature.


▽木墙板和瓷砖被切割并排列成复杂的不规则图案,呈现自然世界中的特点 Wood paneling and tiles are cut and arranged in complex, non-rhythmic patterns, reflecting features of the natural world.


▽设计还包括树屋、学习角落等空间 The design also includes spaces such as treehouses and learning nooks.




The entire learning neighborhood is oriented around a courtyard, facing an existing well-established grove to the west. The design cleverly preserves a significant number of existing ancient trees as carbon sinks and repurposes the glue-laminated timber beams from the original school gymnasium into benches and a “learning tree,” giving them new life and showcasing respect for natural resources and the beauty of recycling and reusing.



▽在整个设计过程中,仅有一棵编号为#139的成熟树被移除,作为墙面艺术作品加以保留Throughout the design process, only one established tree, numbered #139, was removed and honored as a wall art piece.




The River Grove Elementary School renovation project began in June 2022 and will be completed in time for the start of the fall semester in 2024. The rebuilt River Grove will not only provide students with a safe, healthy, and creative learning environment but will also serve as a significant model for other educational facilities, leading the way in modernizing and sustaining educational design.




项目地点:美国 波特兰 莱克奥斯威戈
主创设计师:Rebecca Stuecker
设计团队:Mathew Braun, Marta Lilly, Brent Johnston, Matt Rolston, Nan Kambhu, June You
客户:莱克奥斯威戈学区(Lake Oswego School District)
总承包:Triplett Wellman
摄影师:Alondra Flores (Arcadis凯谛思平面设计师)

Project Name: River Grove Elementary School
Completion Year: 2024
Scale: 7,300㎡
Location: Lake Oswego, Portland, US
Design: Arcadis
Website: https://www.arcadis.cn/zh-cn
Contact: layla.tan@arcadis.com; golbjgcrtklteam@golin.com
Leading Designer: Rebecca Stuecker
Designer Team: Mathew Braun, Marta Lilly, Brent Johnston, Matt Rolston, Nan Kambhu, June You
Client: Lake Oswego School District
MEP Engineer: Glumac
Structural Engineer: KPFF
General Contractor: Triplett Wellman
Photographer: Alondra Flores, Graphic Designer from Arcadis




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