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Thanks Marc Pascal ODA for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Marc Pascal ODA.
Marc Pascal ODA:该屋顶营造项目将一个露天空间改造成住宅楼的屋顶,旨在为墨西哥城罗马社区的公寓露天平台创造一个平静且宜居的空间。
Marc Pascal ODA:ROMA Rooftop comprises an outdoor space transformed into the rooftop of an existing residential building, which seeks to create a calm and habitable space for the upper terrace of an apartment in Mexico City’s Roma neighborhood.
▽入口处两面墙围成廊道 The entrance is bordered by two walls

▽半开放空间全景,碳化木屋顶是亮点 Panoramic view of semi-indoor space, carbonized wooden roof is the highlight

The project is developed by two main spaces, the first one gives continuity to the roof-access through a sequence of massive walls creating a corridor that gives increased privacy with a distinct scale, while also being the home to the greenery. Those walls were covered with a mix of paints and pigments to achieve a rusty finish, envisioned as an urban ruin.
▽屋顶的入口处,墙壁很好地保护隐私 The roof entrance, the walls provide privacy

▽墙壁上的特殊涂料形成生锈的效果 Special paint on the walls creates a rusting effect

▽平面图,项目主要由两个空间组成 Plan, the project is mainly composed of two spaces

Design strategy was considered to integrate low-maintenance materials and finishes that would age well and could resist inclement weather, which improves the personality of the project as the time goes by. While walking this concrete corridor, the lush vegetation and clay planters create a micro-climate that embraces the user into a cozy desert-like environment.
▽植被和花盆营造出沙漠般的微气候 Vegetation and clay planters create a desert-like microclimate

Further down the corridor, the second space is discovered as a semi-indoor living room, featuring a modular metallic structure that stands out by its carbonized wooden roof. Beneath this element, the project offers a timeless and spacious place for guests to enjoy with various uses including contemplative garden, workspace, and lounge area.

▽不受时空限制的屋顶下方空间 A timeless and spacious place

One of the most striking features is the integration of in-house designed and manufactured objects, such as a casted-concrete counter and a suspended rusting-steel fireplace. These elements are supported and complemented by Mid-century furniture and art selected by in collaboration with the user.
▽混凝土柜台和壁炉与家具风格统一 Concrete counters and fireplaces match the furniture

Crossing the terrace, is located a single wall that functions as a visual feature, which is covered with a bluish-ochre gradient pigment to create a contrast with the “sepia-like ambience” that defines the project. On one side, the slim columns that support the structure generate natural frames and offer interesting views over the city’s skyline.
▽作为视觉特征的墙,颜色与整体基调形成对比 The wall as a visual feature, the color contrasts with the overall tone

▽细长的支撑柱撑起城市天际线的景观 Slim support columns dominate the skyline of the city

▽纵剖面 Longitudinal section

▽横剖面 Transversal section

项目名称:ROMA Rooftop
景观/建筑公司:Marc Pascal ODA
首席建筑师:Marc Pascal Pontón
客户: Eduardo Granja
合作者:Carlos Resendíz
图片来源:Camila Cossio, Maureen Evans
Project name: ROMA Rooftop
Completion Year: 2020
Size: 84 sqm
Project location: Mexico City
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Marc Pascal ODA
Website: https://www.instagram.com/marcpascaloda/
Contact e-mail: mailto:hola.marcpascal@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Marc Pascal Pontón
Clients: Eduardo Granja
Collaborators: Carlos Resendíz
Photo credits: Camila Cossio, Maureen Evans
Photographer’s website: http://www.camilacossio.com / http://www.maureenme.com
“ 创新型屋顶空间营造,提供城市天际线景观。”
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
更多 Read more about: Marc Pascal ODA