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Yong Ju Lee Architecture:根凳(Root Bench)是对汉江艺术大赛获奖方案的重新诠释。“根凳”是一个直径为 30 米的圆形公共设施,安装在草地上,呈现出根系在整个公园蔓延的动态形状。它带来了视觉刺激,与宽敞的室外公园背景形成强烈对比。人们可以坐在它上面休息,也可以倚靠在它不同的高度上休息。它延续了获奖方案的主要概念:从中心向外伸展的有机形状创造了空间的连通性。
Yong Ju Lee Architecture:Root Bench is the reinterpretation of winning proposal in Hangang Art Competition. This is circle-shaped public furniture with diameter of 30m, installed in grass, which shows dynamic shape of root spreading throughout the park. It provides visual stimulus creating strong contrast to the background of spacious outdoor park. And people can take a rest with it while sitting and leaning on its different height. The main concept continued from the winning proposal is that the organic shape sprawling out from the center creates spatial connectivity.

The art piece designed by computer algorithm presents dynamicity from three-dimensional geometry. The metal frame with concrete footing supports the overall form as main structure and wooden deck covers it. By applying familiar material for finishing, it is easy to use and maintain as a comfort seat.

“根凳”不仅暗喻了一个完整的圆形,还与草地融为一体,模糊了人工装置与自然环境之间的界限。人们在相互交流的同时,还可以在舒适的休息空间里欣赏艺术作品。它还可以完美地用作家具,且有着三种不同的高度:儿童椅(25 厘米)、成人椅(45 厘米)和桌子(75 厘米)。富有韵律感的造型能给汉江公园带来新鲜的刺激,并提供诸多乐趣。
As well as suggesting complete shape of circle, Root Bench is fused into the grass and blurs the boundary between artificial installation and natural environment. While communicating each other, visitors can feel comfortable in resting space and enjoy the art piece at the same time. It also functions perfectly as furniture with three different heights: child chair (250mm), adult chair (450mm) and table (75mm). The rhythmical shape can suggest fresh stimulation to Hangang Park and provide various aspects of pleasure.

To articulate spreading-out branch intensively, reaction-diffusion system is applied to design process. This mathematical model describes the change in space and time of the concentration of one or more chemical substances: local chemical reactions in which the substances are transformed into each other, and diffusion which causes the substances to spread out over a surface in space. Through the algorithm from it, overall radial form is generated with the foreground (installation) merging into its background (grass).

▽安装过程 Installation process

▽完工细节 Detail

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Root Bench
建筑师事务所:Yong Ju Lee Architecture
首席设计师:Yong Ju Lee
设计团队:Seung Joon Lee, HyeokJun Dong, Seongmin Moon
建设:Sunjin Plus
客户:Hangang Art Park
图片来源:Kyungsub Shin, Dae Won Lee, Kyung Mo Choi, Yong Ju Lee Architecture
Project name: Root Bench
Architect’s Firm: Yong Ju Lee Architecture
Website: www.yongjulee.com
Contact e-mail: info@yongjulee.com
Project location: 302-17 Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Completion Year: 2018
Gross Built Area: 700 sqm
Lead Architects: Yong Ju Lee
Design team: Seung Joon Lee, HyeokJun Dong, Seongmin Moon
Construction: Sunjin Plus
Client: Hangang Art Park
Photo credits: Kyungsub Shin, Dae Won Lee, Kyung Mo Choi, Yong Ju Lee Architecture
Photographer’s website: http://www.shinkyungsub.com
“ 以树根为灵感,创造如同根系蔓延的公共休闲设施,让空间具有吸引力的同时,也充满了生命力。”
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