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Wutopia Lab:我对你们说过:一切都在我的眼底,从旅程第一步起。


Wutopia Lab: I said unto you, I beheld everything, in the first step of the distance.



▽项目视频 Video


Wutopia Lab 设计的白色苏州伴宅(林渡陶庐)Section homestay于2021年十月在太湖之滨的西林渡村落成开放。它由是由同程旅行旗下景程文旅投资并由陶庐品牌民宿运营管理的,属于同程旅行与横泾政府共同打造开发的乡村振兴项目林渡暖村里的第一个样板建筑。

The White Section Homestay designed by Wutopia Lab in Suzhou was opened in October 2021 in West Lindu Village on the shore of Taihu Lake. It is invested by Jingcheng Culture Tourism Development (Suzhou) Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of TONGCHENGTRAVEL, and managed by Taolu Brand homestay. The White Section Homestay is the first prototype building that is a rural revitalization project developed by TONGCHENGTRAVEL and the Hengjing government in Lindu Warm Village.


▽项目与周边环境 Project and surrounding environment


我想轻松一点|I Would Like To Relax.


The weather was excellent when I visited the site. I was even a little drunk in the golden winter day. The most attractive to me, a middle-aged man, is in a daze in such a peaceful and tidy village to ease the pressure from struggling life! I hope that the Section Homestay could express this relaxed and lazy state, rather than haggle over every ounce with precision.



切一半|Cut In Half

伴宅是对原基地的已经危房状态的房屋修缮改造,建筑师是不能改变建筑的平面轮廓线。有趣的是苏州的郊区农村建筑并不是合院,而是一个反C的布局。看上去是合院的一半。这个一半激发了我的灵感。一半就一半吧,我决定把西立面设计成剖面而暴露出内部的空间组织。伴宅仿佛是把一个完整的合院一分为二分家而留下的一半房子,这是伴宅Section homestay的由来。看得见的半宅和看不见的半宅才是完整意义的伴宅,一个典型的苏州合院。

The Section homestay is the redesign and reconstruction of the dilapidated house on the original site. The architect cannot change the footprint of the building. It is interesting that the rural buildings in the suburbs of Suzhou were not courtyards, but an “C” layout. It seems to be half of the courtyard, which inspired me. Half is fine, I decided to design the west facade as a section to expose the internal spatial organization. The Section homestay seems to be the half of the house left by dividing a complete courtyard into two separate houses. This was the origin of Section homestay. The visible half house with the invisible half house were the complete Section homestay, a typical Suzhou courtyard.


▽“C” 形建筑形态 “C” shaped architectural form




Since it is a section, I decided to treat the outer contour of the building as a continuous shell with thickness. The thickness of the shell from the wall to the roof is controlled at the same 300mm. That’s right, this section should be seen clearly on the west facade. In order to maintain this continuous section, I did not use the common blue tiles for the roof in Jiangnan region, but used a white aluminum cover to maintain visual continuity with the white wall. Considering that the sloping roof should fall freely while not destroying the continuity of the section, a white metal cover flashing was specially designed on the cornice to help the rainwater drop away from the wall.


▽建筑剖断面 Building section




Then I regarded the interior of the building as a cavity. Any cavity is unlikely to be filled with various functional spaces like modern buildings. Therefore, I decided to release the first-floor space and blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor. I defined the first floor as the void in the cavity. It could be used to rest, show or drink. For the guesthouse space on the upper floors, I regarded them as organs in the cavity. I treated each room as an independent volume (organ), instead of treating all rooms including the corridor as a unified volume to be placed in this cavity.


▽形成生成分析 Formation analysis



民宿有6间房子,就是6个体积。鉴于我对农村为数不多的记忆是学农时农场晒谷场的秋千。我决定在视觉上创造房间如同秋千是被悬吊起来,去填充腔体的。它们要在剖面上体现悬挂在大空间的首层上方。如果有些微微摆动感就更好了。但这给结构和设备造成了一定的难度。胡文晓采用底部框架抗震墙砌体结构形式,来经济性地解决首层公共活动要求大空间与上部悬挂的民宿空间之间底部轴网错位的矛盾, 在二层楼面采用钢筋混凝土悬挑梁加挂板,三层则外承重砖墙内收,最后在屋面钢筋混凝土板与外承重砖墙通过宽扁圈梁错位连接的方式帮助建筑师达到了在西侧剖立面上展示一种悬吊以及外壳和内腔体积具有空隙的效果。

The homestay has 6 houses, which are 6 volumes. In view of the fact, my few memories of the countryside are the swings in the sun-dried rice field when learning farming. I decided to create the room visually as if a swing is suspended to fill the cavity. They should be suspended above the ground floor of the large space in the section. It is even better if it feels a little wiggly. This created certain difficulties for the structure and equipment. Hu Wenxiao adopted the bottom frame seismic wall masonry structure to economically solve the contradiction between the large space required for public activities and the dislocation of the bottom axis network between the upper-hung room space on the first floor. On the second floor, reinforced concrete cantilever beams with hanging slabs were added. On the third floor, the external load-bearing brick wall is retracted. Finally, the reinforced concrete slab on the roof and the outer load-bearing brick wall are connected by wide flat ring beams to help the architect achieve the effect of suspension and a gap created by the outer shell and the inner cavity on the west section.


▽内部悬吊设计分析 Internal suspension design analysis


剖面就是立面|The Section Is The Facade


Finally, when you enter the building from the west facade, you can have a vague insight into the organizational structure of the building on this seemingly cut section.


▽整体开窗分析图 Overall windowing analysis chart

▽建筑形成 Building formation


刻意消失的猪圈|A Deliberately Disappeared Pigpen


There used to be an independent square pigpen on the north side of the original building, which is now a private room of the restaurant. I could not visually integrate it with the main building. Then I decided to use reflective stainless-steel panels as the facade to make it disappear by absorbing the surrounding scenery, so as to ensure the integrity and independence of the main building.


▽场地整体环境鸟瞰 Bird’s eye view of the overall environment of the site

▽方形猪圈改造的餐厅空间 Restaurant space transformed by square pigsty

▽镜面屋顶休闲露台 Mirror roof relaxing terrace


东立面|East facade


I maintained a sense of closure on the other three facades and the roof to enhance the visual characteristics of the shell and the volume of the entire building. Especially the east facade, which is the gable.


▽东侧山墙立面 Gable facade on the east side


长卷|Long roll


As the east f açade towards the river, I designed a long window with a length of 16.4 meters along the stairs to the second floor. Therefore, the scenery outside the window is slowly opened as the tourists move. The long roll not only crosses the column net in the horizontal direction, but also crosses the floor in the vertical direction. Structural engineers can only use the vertical dimension change of the load-bearing component shear wall and the retraction of the wall below the window roof, so as not to affect the continuity of the window. The main beam of the floor structure at the cross-floor is designed as a vertical folding beam along the top of the window, which satisfies the continuity of the long window across the floor.


▽设有一条沿着楼梯到达二层的长窗 There is a long window along the stairs to the second floor

▽细节展示 Show details


调皮一下|Play A Joke


The long window is too controllable on the east facade, even a little blunt. I decided to change the design temporarily. I extended the window cover of the long window, stretched the top slab to the north facade and then folded to the ground, while the south window cover slab directly fell to the ground. The paint between these two parts forms a slight difference in the texture and color with the main wall material. This impureness that is not easy to find is probably a kind of suspicion that, a Jiangnan person like me, has a desire to reject and welcome pure geometry in my heart.



那就改改其他|Then change other


After continuing to modify the east facade, I redesigned the drain, the window cover of kitchen on the east facade, and of the public rest area on the second floor. While satisfying their functions, they must also strengthen the sense of closure of the east facade.



还黑于地|Give Back To The Ground


I use black volcanic rock for the ground on the first floor includes the courtyard uniformly. I explained that the black of the roof was used for the floor. In fact, it is out of avoiding the complete white and the experiment of ink painting tone that I have been trying recently. The black floor also successfully separated the second-floor space, the shell and the ground to enhance the suspension experience.


▽庭院空间 Courtyard space

▽模糊的空间边界 Fuzzy space boundary

▽庭院采用黑色火山岩铺地 The courtyard is paved with black volcanic rock

▽黑色与白色的视觉冲击 The visual impact of black and white


凿壁取光|Gouging For The Light


I regard the yard and windows as holes cut out from the continuous shell of the homestay. You can sit in the shadows and watch the light pouring down from the hole, everything is quiet. The crape myrtle in the small white courtyard to the south brings this quietness to life.


▽庭院天井 Courtyard patio

▽阳光透过天窗照射进来 The sun shines through the skylight

▽走廊尽头的框景 Framed view at the end of the corridor


江南在哪里|Where is Jiangnan


The renderings of this white house will make people feel a little bit unsuitable in Jiangnan, but from a bird’s-eye view after completion, there is no sense of disobedience. In fact, the three percent black and seven percent white Jiangnan vision refined by Wu Guanzhong is far away from us. Not only the shape of house was changed, but even the blue tiles on the roof were abandoned by the local residents. The contemporary Jiangnan is a bit mottled, but Wu Guanzhong’s Jiangnan is in memory. My choice of complete white is just to make a subtraction to eliminate the confusion of the mottled Jiangnan. I chose red for the guest room on the third floor, which is another kind of regret. Nowadays, ordinary people in Jiangnan are flooded with Baijiu on their dinner tables. Yuan Mei’s favorite rice wine has almost disappeared from the mainstream dinner table of Jiangnan. Although rice wine is made from rice, it uses wheat to make koji, so it has a color of amber. West Lindu Village has a well-known history of winemaking. Therefore, I used the red vinasse to decorate the two rooms on the third floor. It is probably a stubborn expression of some things that are dying.


▽三楼客房以酒糟的红色为基调 The guest room on the third floor is based on the red of lees

▽不同调性的客房 Different tonal rooms


万物静默如谜|Everything is silent like a mystery


I did not place a TV in the room because I would like to create a quiet atmosphere, color, light, sense of closure, and restrictive use of the scenery from my own experience. We are so rich of sound and color in our daily lives that we feel uneasy. I hope all the external devices can be put aside temporarily. The sun will warm you slightly, the air will be a little slow, and some insects will sing occasionally. Me or you can do nothing lazily, and then become interested, why is everything silent like a mystery.


▽夜景鸟瞰 Night view

▽静谧的夜景带来的美好 The beauty of the quiet night scene


每一个瞬间,灰烬都在证明它是未来的宫殿。Every moment,Ash proves to be the palace of the future.

———-阿多尼斯 Adonis


▽总平面图 Plan

▽一层平面图 Ground floor plan

▽二层平面图 Floor plan

▽三层平面图 Three-story floor plan

▽西侧立面图 West elevation

▽东侧立面图 East elevation

▽剖面图 Section



设计公司: Wutopia Lab
摄影:CreatAR Images
视频:CreatAR Images

Design Firm: Wutopia Lab
Chief Architect: Yu Ting
Project Architect: Huang He
Design Team: Li Ziheng, Zhuang Yinfei (Intern)
Document Development: Shanghai Sunyat Architecture Design Co., Ltd.
Development Team: Zhu Yumei, Hu Wenxiao (Structure), Shi Jiaying, Mao Bo, Mao Yaqian, Wang Can, Yu Bing, Shen Rui.
Lighting Consultant: Chloe Zhang, Wei Shiyu, Chen Xingru, Liu Xueyi
Plant Consultant: Liu Yuelai, Xie Wenwan
Owner: Jingcheng Culture Tourism Development (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
Location: No.1 West Lindu, Shanglin Village, Hengjing Street, Wuzhong District, Suzhou, Jiangsu
Building Area: 556㎡
Project Time: 2021.10

Material: Exterior wall paint, aluminum veneer, steel, aluminum composite panel, volcanic rock, micro cement, terrazzo, etc.
Photography: CreatAR Images
Video: CreatAR Images



审稿编辑 王琪 –  Maggie

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