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WEi STUDIO: What does the city of the future look like? Perhaps you will imagine an intelligent city in the digital age, or perhaps you will look forward to a sustainable eco-city. Exploring the essence and ultimate meaning of cities, becoming a home for people to live and work in is the fundamental function of cities. Taking people as the purpose and scale of urban development and construction, establishing the connection between people and nature, people and cities, and people and people, and reconciling the flavor of the terroir, is our vision of the future city.
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风土人情构成“南汇味道” Local customs constitute the “taste of Nanhui”
WEi 参与了南汇新城绿环规划的国际方案征集工作,提出了“南汇味道”,以风、土、人为题眼,打造出集自然、城市、人文的复合公共空间,描绘了未来城市生活的新蓝图。
Nanhui New City is located in the southeast of Shanghai, connected to the air and sea ports, and is an important node city of Shanghai’s coastal corridor. The Nanhui Green Ring, as an important part of the new city’s green space system, plays a vital role in ecological functions.
WEi participated in the international call for proposals for the green ring planning of Nanhui New City, and proposed the “Taste of Nanhui”, which takes wind, earth and people as the theme to create a complex public space integrating nature, city and humanity, and depicts a new blueprint for future urban life.
▽城市生态空间分析图 Urban ecological spatial analysis map

基于生命共栖的未来城市生活 Future city life based on life co-habitation
American new economic geographer Joel Kotkin said, “Where it is more livable, intellectuals choose to live, where intellectuals choose to live, human wisdom gathers, where human wisdom gathers, and ultimately where human wealth gathers.”
Through holistic consideration of ecology, city, landscape, architecture, activities, and operations, we are committed to creating a ring of life sharing interconnection where everything lives freely, attracting the gathering of people and the collision of wisdom of life.
The ecological suitability assessment is based on the current ecological substrate, providing a rational basis for spatial design; connecting the urban ecological corridor to create a corridor of flora and fauna, where diverse habitats will attract birds, frogs and even small mammals such as raccoons. Respect and protect every living creature on the earth, and live together in a poetic way with safety and distance.
▽多栖生境 Polyhabitat

According to the natural and cultural qualities of the region, it is divided into six thematic areas. To provide different dimensions of life experience for diverse individuals and create twelve living worlds, the most characteristic scenes of good life in Nanhui.
▽六大主题及十二生活世界 Six themes and twelve living worlds

Nine design strategies based on city, nature and people form the cornerstone of the future city of Nanhui.
▽九大设计策略 Nine design strategies

▽总平面图 Plan

风的味道,与自然更深的联结 The taste of wind, a deeper connection with nature
The wind, strings together the connection of all things natural. Humans come with memories of their ancestral wilderness existence and have an instinctive inner emotional connection to the natural environment and other life. The future of urban life will be more natural and wild.
By building four complex and diverse ecological woodland systems, the forest coverage will grow from 14.62% to 40,17%. The green forest belt provides a green and healthy lung for Nanhui New City and a place for natural experience. The design is integrated with nature to strengthen the natural environment elements and amplify people’s perception of nature.
The Eastern Source Flavor Park will aim to carry natural life and divide the recreation zones according to ecological sensitivity, forming a diverse experience of urban recreation, field scenery, eco-viewing and forest exploration. Based on the distance and habitat required by birds, the park will create an ecological habitat for birds to enter and people to retreat.
▽风-自然策略 Wind – Nature strategy

▽城野交融的绿环将生活融入自然 The green ring where the city and wilderness meet integrates life into nature

▽亲水观鸟栈道,最大化的保留场地生态肌理 Water-friendly bird watching trail, maximizing the preservation of the ecological texture of the site

▽鸟类惊飞距离为设计提供依据 Bird startling distance provides basis for design

▽观鸟栈道与鸟类栖息地保持合理距离,提供亲近自然、观测其他生命的友好设施 Bird watching walkways are kept at a reasonable distance from bird habitats, providing friendly facilities to get close to nature and observe other life

▽半干预人工沙滩满足市民海洋憧憬 Semi-intervention artificial beach to meet the public’s ocean vision

▽利用潮汐堆积原理,促进沙滩生长 Promote beach growth by using the principle of tidal accumulation

▽智慧能源与城市地景相融合 Integration of smart energy and urban landscapes

▽渣土变身为山岗,以自然开放的姿态,展示城市创新形象 Dirt is transformed into a hillock to showcase the innovative image of the city in a natural and open manner

▽利用南汇盐碱土特性,打造碱蓬草红色浪漫水岸 Using the characteristics of saline soil in Nanhui to create a red romantic waterfront of alkali poncho

土的味道,与乡土更深层次的联系 The taste of the earth, a deeper connection with the countryside
The earth, weaving together the memories of the city and the countryside. The city of the future needs not only to look towards the future, but also to look back at the past. Looking back at the culture of the countryside ignites certain long-standing memories and emotions deep in people’s hearts.
The unique site texture is extracted from different geographical types of Nanhui, refined and transformed, preserving the memory of the earth and giving a new life to the land. The western farmland area is an area where the urban and rural areas of Nanhui meet. The design preserves and refines the characteristics of the local landscape and stimulates rural vitality with special activities. Optimize the location of home sites, form clusters of villages and continuous forest belts, and create a variety of forest and field experiences. Develop the characteristics of one village with one agricultural product, and share the natural and organic life from farm to table. Explore the characteristics of Nanhui handicrafts and integrate the vitality of earth art. Permeate the surrounding technology industry into the fields and modular green office buildings to become a natural and open creative incubator.
▽土-城市策略 Soil-city strategy

▽城乡融合的自然风土交织带 A natural terroir intertwined with urban and rural areas

▽美食商业街分享从农场到餐桌的自然有机生活 Gourmet Commercial Street shares natural organic living from farm to table

▽传统农业与自然教育交织共融 Traditional agriculture and nature education intertwine and blend

▽森林驿站提供无边界的自然体验场所 The Forest Station provides a place to experience nature without borders

▽自然科学博物馆打造自然渗透的复合驿站 Natural Science Museum to create a compound station for natural penetration

▽模块化的绿色办公建筑,成为自然开放的创意孵化器 Modular green office building as a natural and open creative incubator

人情的味道,人与人之间更紧密的链接 The taste of human touch, closer link between people
The active and interesting creation zone on both sides of the Luchao River intertwines functional blocks such as campus, technology industry and logistics park, linking multi-themed spatial environment and stitching green and vitality on both sides.
▽人-人际策略 People – Interpersonal strategies

▽丰富的文化主题活动激发社群营造共建 Rich cultural theme activities stimulate the community to create co-build

▽共享创新水岸,缝合芦潮引河两岸校园、科技产业、物流园区等功能区块 Shared innovation waterfront, stitching the campus, technology industry, logistics park and other functional blocks on both sides of the Luchao River

▽趣味造物线成为联通校园,激发灵感创意的纽带 The fun-making line becomes a link to the campus and inspires creativity

▽多样复合空间,打造活力健康生活场 Multi-composite space, creating a vibrant and healthy living field

▽校旗大道,打造标志性的校际沟通场所,传递校园共享活力 School Flag Avenue, an iconic place for inter-campus communication, conveys the shared energy of the campus

▽鱼嘴公园,置入海洋剧场,使老广场焕发新生 Yuzui Park, the placement of the ocean theater, the old square to give new life

The taste of Nanhui is the taste of the wind, the taste of the earth, but also the taste of human feelings. Natural everything intertwines and shares with people, and the spirit of things live together.
As an open organism, the Green Ring of Nanhui keeps growing and changing, inspiring a diverse world of life and weaving a new era of the future innovative city of Nanhui.
方案设计团队:WEi Studio
Project Name: Shanghai Nanhui New City Green Ring Concept Planning
Area: 36.46 sq km
Location: Nanhui New Town, Lingang New Area, Shanghai
Design Period: 2022
Owner: Lingang New Area Management Committee, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, Shanghai Greening and Amenities Administration Scheme Design Team: WEi Studio
Chen Wei, Chang Jiya, Liu Deng, Zhang Yunqi, Xu Mingyang, Huang Wenshu, Ge Qinni, Shi Yi Ecological Planning Consultant: Professor Zhang Jinshi’s team from North Forest Architectural Design Consultant: LANDMRX, Shi Qi
“ 用设计探究城市的本质和终极意义,使其成为人安居乐业的家园是城市的根本功能。”
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