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Thanks INLY STUDIO for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by INLY STUDIO.
INLY STUDIO:度假式的静修居所位于清迈府湄安县一个依山傍水的盆地内,总建筑面积 175 平方米,该建筑结构基本的空间功能及其适应性的开放式布局可以满足居者的不同需求。
INLY STUDIO: The described architectural structure manifests as a holiday retreat, characterized by fundamental spatial functionalities and an adaptable open-plan layout conducive to varying user requirements. Positioned within a basin nestled amidst mountainous topography within the Mae-on District of Chiang Mai Province, the dwelling encompasses a total area of 175 square meters.

The designers intentionally crafted a simplistic layout, with a central wooden courtyard serving as a private area for the owner’s use. Beyond the architectural structure, the compound features a campsite area for social gatherings.
▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view of the project

All glass partitions incorporate a layered curtain system to offer privacy, while the furniture is designed for flexible reconfiguration according to usage needs. The building is enclosed by a perforated steel fence delineating the property boundaries, while intentionally integrating the surrounding environment as part of its facade through mirrored glass elements. This design element reflects the context of the surrounding mountainscape, creating a continuous perception of the surrounding environment.

The architecture’s form is defined by the primary roof, which serves as a key element in guiding the large-scale horizontal lines that evoke a sense of lightness and levitation to the structural system. Construction and material selection align with these concepts. The raised area is elongated, with glass partitions forming the bulk, with only the bathroom featuring solid walls. Due to the requirement for a low-slope roof, metal sheets were chosen as a readily available industrial material.

为了确保屋顶与地面和周围环境的水平连续性,金属板被水平折叠起来。这种特殊的水平折叠金属板由制造商Jumbo Shutter和建筑师团队合作研发,起初因无法在市场上买到合适的成品,所以团队与制造商密切合作,不断研发并完善使用细节,包括实际坡度测试,以及解决施工期间和入住后的各种材料相关问题。
However, to ensure a horizontal continuity with the floor and contextual surroundings, the metal sheet panels were horizontally folded. This particular profile of horizontally folded metal sheets was developed in collaboration with the metal sheet manufacturer, Jumbo Shutter with architect team. With initially unavailable in the market, the team worked closely with the manufacturer to develop and refine the usage details, including real-world slope testing and addressing various material-related issues both during construction and post-occupancy.

It may be stated that this building represents the designers’ endeavor to present the simplest architectural form through the development of construction details in collaboration with an experienced contracting team and material refinement with manufacturers, resulting in the realization of this project.

▽细节处理 Details

▽设计草图 Sketches

▽平面图 Plan

▽结构分解 Exploded drawing