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Thanks Change Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Change Studio.
承迹景观: 云鹭湿地展厅是自然基底上的艺术公园。设计既对这片水域和原始植被进行自然保护和生态修复,又给人们提供了一个了解和探索自然的窗口。在这里,光、时间、空间还有万物不断生长的状态 ,就像是被设计师镜头放大的风景。人们被这里的生态、宁静和诗意所感染,真正享受这片自然生活。
Change Studio: The Shunde Yunlu Wetland Pavilion is an artful park rooted in nature. The design balances ecological preservation and restoration of the wetlands and native vegetation, while creating a gateway for people to explore and connect with the natural world. Here, light, time, space, and the ever-changing vitality of life are magnified through the designer’s lens, transforming the landscape into a vivid narrative. Visitors are immersed in the serenity, poetry, and ecological richness of this space, allowing them to fully embrace the essence of natural living.
▽云鹭湿地展厅是自然基底上的艺术公园 ©河狸景观摄影 ©王宁
▽设计既对这片水域和原始植被进行自然保护和生态修复,又给人们提供了一个了解和探索自然的窗口 ©王宁
Exhibition halls in wetland parks
Located in the Yunlu area of Shunde, Foshan, Yunlu Wetland Park is a vibrant ecological sanctuary centered around the habitat of over 20,000 egrets. By leveraging existing waterways and fishponds, the park has been transformed into a thriving wetland ecosystem. Situated at the northeastern corner of the park, the Yunlu Pavilion spans 2 hectares and features remarkable landscape elements. The pavilion seamlessly integrates green park spaces with architectural components, functioning as both a visitor center and an exhibition hub that showcases the ecological resources and unique characteristics of the wetland park.
▽展厅同时承载着游客中心与展现湿地公园生态资源与特色的功能 ©王宁
The pavilion’s southern boundary is marked by a bamboo grove designated as the Egret Conservation Zone. This area is surrounded by protective waterways, creating a secure habitat for the bird population. Human presence in this space plays a dual role: as both observers of nature and participants within the ecosystem. While the wetland pavilion is publicly accessible, the design prioritizes minimizing disturbances to the egrets and their surrounding ecological environment.
▽展厅能很好的观赏自然,又能与他们保持一定的距离 ©王宁
Respecting and Preserving Nature
Every living being, whether plant or animal, holds intrinsic significance. The pavilion’s location was carefully chosen to offer visitors an intimate view of nature while maintaining a respectful distance. The site is home to abundant native vegetation and water features, including seasonally changing bald cypresses, towering royal palms, and majestic banyan trees. By minimizing intervention, the design prioritizes the preservation of existing trees and understory spaces. These natural elements are not only objects of admiration but also companions along the journey, enriching the experience with their organic beauty and vitality.
▽现场有非常多的原始植被和水域,被自然包裹的艺术展厅 ©王宁
▽我们减少干预,最大限度的保留现有乔木及林下空间,它们成为了我们的风景 ©王宁
▽水杉,大王椰,榕树,每一种树,他们自有自己丰富的表情 ©王宁
Rewilding and Biodiversity
原生植被和建筑之间,还有大片空白的区域。我们在尊重场地现状的前提下,营造了一个弹性的、水岛交织的海绵湿地系统。园内总共有125种独特的保留和新种的植物为游客提供了一个生机勃勃、不断变化的风景。The spaces between the native vegetation and the architecture have been thoughtfully transformed into a flexible sponge wetland system, interwoven with water islands. This design respects the site’s natural conditions while introducing ecological resilience. The park features 125 unique plant species, both preserved and newly planted, creating a vibrant and ever-changing landscape for visitors to enjoy.
▽营造一个弹性的、水岛交织的海绵湿地系统 ©王宁 ©河狸景观摄影
▽再野化的植物营造,为游客提供一个生机勃勃、不断变化的风景 ©王宁 ©河狸景观摄影
All pedestrian pathways are elevated to minimize disturbances to wildlife. This design approach not only protects the local ecosystem but also offers visitors a distinctive opportunity to experience the raw and untamed beauty of the wetland.
▽停车场包裹在森林里 ©王宁
▽这里,只有柔软的绿意肆意蔓延 ©王宁
Dialogue Between Architecture and Nature
Once the ecological system was established, the architecture seemingly “disappeared,” becoming a harmonious part of the landscape. While blending seamlessly into its surroundings, the architecture also engages in a profound dialogue with nature. The pavilion’s windows function as viewfinders, framing and magnifying the most exquisite scenes of the natural environment.Beauty is omnipresent, but it takes a discerning eye—like a viewfinder—to truly discover and appreciate it. By inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the natural setting, the design fosters moments of reflection, healing, and a deep connection to the world around them.
▽建筑的视窗就像是风景取景器,把自然最美的画面放大,入框 ©河狸景观摄影 ©王宁
▽建筑的视窗就像是风景取景器,把自然最美的画面放大,入框 ©河狸景观摄影 ©王宁
“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” ——Ralph Waldo Emerson
Embracing nature is a fundamental human instinct, one that inspires a deeper appreciation for life itself. Nature exists in its purest form, and human intervention here is restrained, refined, and elegantly minimal.This is more than a wetland park—it is a collaborative creation where the energy of architecture, the power of art, and the healing essence of nature converge. Together, they craft a profound statement on ecological preservation while offering an experience of deep spiritual resonance and meaning.
“ 这里,只有柔软的绿意肆意蔓延。”
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