本文由 上海朱周空间设计 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。
Thanks Vermilion Zhou Design Group for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Vermilion Zhou Design Group .


上海朱周空间设计 :原维多利亚式的建筑以及西式的庭园,如同过度妆点的女子,已不合时宜,主人初衷欲将其功能改造成可供大众欣赏的艺术空间,我们第一步便是拿掉了它的项链、耳环、衣服以及装饰,以最纯洁的形体展现。

Vermilion Zhou Design Group :The original architecture is Victorian style with Western-style gardens, as an overly makeup woman, is outdated. The owner’s intention is to transform its function into an art space for the public using. Our first step is to remove all the decorations from her, to show she’s purely look.




The whole base shaped like Chinese long scroll, we reconsidered the relationship between architecture and courtyards. We selected and arranged almost 199 pine trees to scatter around, taking the art museum as the main building, restoration of ancient buildings and resettlement of ancient archway at two side, these are present owners preference and positioning the museum as an oriental style.




” Blank-leaving” is the most artistic expression in the art of Chinese painting. The ” geometrical ” form is the most objective expression in Western logical thinking. The architecture of the museum, where we removed the symbols of the Western to give the purest whiteness, connected together with new corridor by several different geometric buildings, in order to have new conversation in between; indoor the vertical circulation, giving more dimensions of stretching. The significance of the art museum is to present the art. As a platform for displaying it, our definition of ” Song Art Museum” is an “art container”, with “art” as its mainstay and “container” as its complement, and in the future it can also easy be duplicated in any other place with it’s own language, we intent to give the architecture and space more possibility.




” Song Art Museum ” transforms everything into geometry, purity, like Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said ” Govern without intervention ” from the outside to inner. With its ” clean ” existence, any kind of “contemporary art” is welcome to enter, to vitality showing without scruples. The courtyard surrounded by the pine trees, to give the external vitality of ” Song Art Museum “, the scenery becomes the breath of both inside and outside. The oriental sense also becomes the natural rhythm of mutual attraction between traditional and modern architecture.



总占地面积: 22000 ㎡, 建筑室内: 2200 ㎡
总设计师暨创意总监 :周光明
室內设计师 :白建玢
軟裝設計師 :黄茗诗、凌博远

Song Art Museum
Location: Beijing, China
Time: 2017.9
Total area :22000 ㎡, Architectural interior :2200 ㎡
Creative Director, Lead Designer:Kuang Ming(Ray) Chou
Architecture Design Director:Shi Hai
Interior Design Director:Garvin Hung
Lighting Design Director:Vera Chu
Architect:Huang Jing
Interior Designer:Jamie Pai
Decoration Designer:Mavis Huang、Boyuan Ling
Photographer:Xia Zhi
