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IMAGE ARCHITECTURE :Suzhou Kunshan Urban Park is located in the core area of the city, and the official goal is to create a people’s urban park that is “city-green, open and shared, multi-dimensional and dynamic, and everlasting”, aiming to show the sequence and hierarchy of the urban space in a multi-dimensional way.


▽项目视频 video


▽用镜头捕捉包容合一的城市界面 Capturing Inclusive Urban Interfaces on Camera


1-关于意象作品中的『大局观』 “Vision of Overall Situation” in IMAGE ARCHITECTURE


Vision of overall situation, the essence is the landscape structure, which is the skeleton of the whole site, should exist before the form, reflecting the designer’s solution strategy for terrain and space, as well as the longing and construction of a better way of life. Benefit from the educational and disciplinary background of landscape design, we are good at using a professional perspective to “perspective” the spatial structure, spatial scale, group relationship and other contents from a professional perspective, and use visual language to better interpret the design language during observation and experience.


▽透视与重组设计语言 Perspective and restructuring language of design

▽用镜头丈量空间与尺度游动中的关系 Measuring the Relationship between space and scale in travelling with a Lens


2-如何体现场地的尺度感与城市属性?How to reflect the sense of scale and urban attributes of the site?


Kunshan Urban Park has a total area of about 3,000 acres, unlike other types of landscape projects, it exists in the city with a huge area, carrying a variety of urban functions such as ecological improvement, leisure and recreation, science popularisation and education, etc. The 7.5-kilometre-long corridor is the most beautiful walking route in Kunshan, showing different gestures in the distance and angle of the environment, and moreover constantly roving in the spatial scale. How to show its lively changes in static photos requires more attention to the “sense of sequence” in the process of capturing, to frame the sense of movement and multi-levels between primary and secondary, virtual and real, and to map the value and significance of the project in the city through the contrasting levels of the interface and the changes in the terrain.


▽人们用脚步丈量城市,用步伐感受自然 People measure the city with their feet and feel the nature with their steps

▽游动的廊桥 The roving corridor

▽空中绿道 Aerial green corridor


3-定格场域的美,是日常,更要超越日常 Framing the beauty of the field is daily, but more than daily


The lens captures not only the objective expression of the design, but also the initiative to explore some content and temperament outside the design. We hope that good works, the scene expressed is daily, but more than daily, is full of emotions, full of story sense and imagination. Just like the project of Kunshan Urban Park, we need to first understand and learn “empathy”, and then transform the acquired cognition, and make the image have a medium for conveying emotions through the superposition of some narrative elements. The aerial corridor passes through the forest in the form of a line, the height and curvature conveyed through different angles, standing on or under the corridor is also different horizons and scenery, as life is seen from different angles, the conclusion is naturally different, but each angle is a part of our life.


▽廊下之上与廊下之下皆是独特的风景 A unique view above and below the corridor

▽展现自然与人的连接关系 Show the connection between nature and people


4-通过摄影传达设计对生态保护、环境可持续发展的看重 Through photography, the design attaches importance to ecological protection and environmental sustainable development


How to imprint the design concept and the presentation of the field in people’s memory, in addition to the immersive way, through photography to convey, the green shade of the jungle in the urban park, the extension of the stone path, in the height of the natural stone landscape and reconstruction of the ladder corridor , respect for the natural space of its own existence, the artificial reconstruction of the roundabout, are all the preservation of the natural ecology and pay tribute to the original, enough to retain the warmth of the intention.


▽公园不同入口的设置提高了可达性 The different entrances to the park have been set up to improve accessibility

▽从入口开始便释放出松弛地氛围感 From the entrance, it releases a relaxing atmosphere

▽绿意包裹下的是城市生活的剧场 Wrapped in green is the theater of urban life

▽人的介入是为场域注入力量 Human intervention is to energise the field

▽成为聚合之所 Becoming a place of convergence

▽对自然原生态的保留 Preservation of natural originality


5-将气场留于界面之中,让图像具有传递温暖的能力 Keeping the aura in the interface gives the image the ability to transmit warmth


In the square inch of the interface, what needs to be presented is not only to objectively express the spatial structure design and the relationship between matter and substance, but also to explore some instantaneous, inner core power in the design. The necessary condition is to understand and instantly capture the moving moments, to understand the fusion of people and places, to show the aura in the interface, and to know how to turn them into each other’s scenery. Under this superimposed technique, the image has the ability to transmit temperature.


▽人与场所的融合共生 Integration and symbiosis of people and places

▽从围合到开放 From enclosure to openness

▽人与场所互为彼此的景色 People and places are views of each other


后记 Conclusion


We hope that the urban park under the lens will stand in a leisurely manner, develop its skeleton, release its aura, and become a natural and ideal place in people’s hearts. It not only conveys the harmonious coexistence among people, nature and the city, but also shows that they are scenery and nourishment for each other, soothing the style of life together.




项目地点: 苏州昆山
项目设计: 上海园林设计研究院
项目拍摄: 意象建筑摄影

Project Name: Suzhou Kunshan Urban Park
Location: Kunshan, Suzhou
Design by: Shanghai Landscape Design Institute
Photography by:Imagery Architectural Photography



审稿编辑: Maggie

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