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Thanks NOMA for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by NOMA.
NOMA:悉尼和瓦尔达贝索夫雕塑花园共占地11英亩,位于博物馆附近的城市公园中。与大多数雕塑花园不同的是,这座花园基地本身就拥有一个成熟的景观环境,其周围环绕着两个泻湖,还有许多松树、木兰树和橡树。花园的设计在这个风景如画的景观中创造了户外观赏空间。2003年构思的Besthoff雕塑花园在2019年的规模扩大了一倍,从最初的规模扩大到现在的90多座雕塑,其中大部分雕塑来自悉尼和瓦尔达贝斯索夫基金会(Walda Besthoff Foundation)的捐赠。
NOMA:The Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden occupies approximately eleven acres in City Park adjacent to the museum. Atypical of most sculpture gardens, this garden is located within a mature existing landscape of pines, magnolias and live oaks surrounding two lagoons. The garden design creates outdoor viewing spaces within this picturesque landscape. Conceived in 2003, the Besthoff Sculpture Garden doubled in size in 2019 and has grown from its inception to include more than 90 sculptures, most of them donated to NOMA by the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Foundation.
▼基地平面图 Site Plan

The six-acre expansion of the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden at the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) opens to the public on May 15, 2019. With environmental impact at the forefront of planning, the sculpture garden expansion emphasizes the distinctive character of the Louisiana landscape while incorporating architectural elements such as the first canal link bridge of its kind in the United States, an outdoor amphitheater and stage, a sculpture pavilion and an outdoor learning environment, alongside 26 new large-scale sculptures.
▼人行道(左:Katharina Fritsch, Schädel-头盖骨装置, 2018;背景中装置:Fred Wilson-缪斯女神伴侣, 2006)Pedestrian Walkway(Left: Katharina Fritsch, Schädel/ Skull, 2018 Background: Fred Wilson, The Mete of the Muse, 2006)

▼运河大桥(中间装置:Frank Stella-Alu桁架星, 2016 雕塑展馆) Canal Link Bridge(Middle: Frank Stella, Alu Truss Star, 2016 Sculpture Pavilion)

“悉尼和瓦尔达贝索夫雕塑花园扩建项目的多样化特点为选择、委托和定位雕塑提供了多种机会,并让这些雕塑能够与场地的独特条件进行对话,”Montine McDaniel Freeman主管Susan Taylor说道,“新花园结合了环境的历史特征和当代健康可持续生态的价值观,成为了NOMA主要使命所特有的引人注目的艺术体验——与尽可能多的公众分享重要的艺术和艺术家”
“The diverse character of the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden Expansion has afforded multiple opportunities to select, commission and locate sculptures that engage in a dialogue with the unique conditions of the site,” said Susan Taylor, Montine McDaniel Freeman Director. “The new garden joins the historical character of the setting and contemporary values for a healthy and sustainable ecology into a compelling experience of art that is specific to NOMA’s primary mission—to share significant art and artists with the broadest possible public.”
▼雕塑花园平面图 Besthoff Sculpture Garden Plan

此次,NOMA与景观设计师Reed Hilderbrand合作,设计了一个以水为中心的雕塑花园,并对雕塑花园扩建的核心元素之一,雕塑花园周边现有的泻湖进行了改造,以突出其开阔的水域,并作为一种健康和可持续的资源,用于获取、清洁和曝气水,使其重新焕发活力。改造和稳定泻湖岸线后,泻湖增加了容量,改善了水质,并减少了市政排水系统的负荷,其综合水资源管理策略的作用原理是在雨水到达泻湖之前分流暴雨水管捕获沉积物,并引入水生净化植被减轻污染物,设置在花园内部的拦河坝可允许水位变化,以解决潜在的洪水问题,并在水流经花园时对系统水源进行再氧化。
In collaboration with landscape design partners Reed Hilderbrand, NOMA has designed a sculpture garden with water as its focus. A central element of the sculpture garden expansion, the existing lagoon within the perimeters of the sculpture garden is reshaped to emphasize the expanse of open water, and revitalized to capture, clean and aerate water as a healthy and sustainable resource. Reshaping and stabilizing the lagoon shoreline increases capacity, improves water quality, and reduces loads on the municipal drainage system. An integrated water management strategy diverts storm water pipes to capture sediments before reaching the lagoon and introduces emergent vegetation to mitigate pollutants. Set within the garden, a weir allows for changes in water level to address flooding potential and re-oxygenate the system as it flows through the garden.
▼NOMA花园扩展-河流景观 NOMA SG Expansion Mockup_View Across the Lagoon

▼NOMA花园拦河坝景观 View of weir

▼拦河坝 Weir

A connection between the existing five-acre Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden and the garden expansion is provided by a canal link bridge. Two hundred eighty feet in length, this structure dips into the lagoon, taking visitors down to the waterline and creating the unique experience of walking through water. The canal link is the first design of its kind in the United States, and only the second of its kind in the world.
▼NOMA花园扩展-雕塑花园景观 NOMA SG Expansion Mockup_Sculpture Garden View

▼NOMA花园景观桥 RH Besthoff Bridge

位于雕塑花园内的5000平方英尺的室内雕塑馆由Lee Ledbetter & Associates设计,它作为扩建的地标为NOMA的室内雕塑和其他作品提供了展览空间,以补充该园的户外设施。展馆的椭圆形状可利用其弯曲的墙壁引导参观者围绕引导艺术装置进行活动,其十八英尺高的天花板还可用于展示更高的艺术作品,房间周边的连续天窗则强调突出了展馆外部景观环境。
Set within the sculpture garden, a 5,000 square foot indoor sculpture pavilion created by Lee Ledbetter & Associates serves as a landmark for the expansion, offering exhibition space for indoor sculpture and other works in NOMA’s collection that complement the garden’s outdoor installations. The gallery’s elliptical shape is reflected inside through curving walls, encouraging movement around the installations. Eighteen-foot ceilings allow for the display of taller work, and continuous skylights around the room’s perimeter emphasize the gallery’s external setting.
▼雕塑馆(左侧装置:Frank Stella-Alu桁架星,2016) Sculpture Pavilion(Left: Frank Stella, Alu Truss Star, 2016)

▼艺术装置(左:Maya Lin-折叠密西西比河 (1938),2019;中:Nick Cave-连声衣,2011;右:John Chamberlain-Inka Dinka Dew,1991)Install (Left: Maya Lin, Folding the Mississippi (1938), 2019; Middle: Nick Cave, Soundsuits, 2011; Right: John Chamberlain, Inka Dinka Dew, 1991)

An amphitheater provides opportunities for musical, theatrical, and cultural programming, as well as a location for visitors to contemplate the garden. Bermed grass forms gradually stepped seating beneath a grove of trees, overlooking a backlit stage that extends over the lagoon.
▼圆形剧场草坪视角 From Amphitheater Lawn

▼圆形剧场(左侧装置:Pedro Reyes-Epicurus,2017)Amphitheater(Left: Pedro Reyes, Epicurus, 2017)

Paying homage to the lush character of the site, NOMA’s Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden expansion incorporates vegetation indigenous to the region as a setting to experience sculpture and the performing arts. Hundreds of newly planted trees, palmettos, and shrubs align with the historical fabric of the landscape, while preserved-heritage live oaks extend the adjacent canopy through the garden.
▼新旧花园鸟瞰图 Aerial view of new and old

悉尼和瓦尔达贝索夫雕塑花园的赞助人瓦尔达贝索夫(Walda Besthoff)说:“虽然扩建的雕塑花园是建立在现有花园的成功基础上的,但我们已经与我们的设计伙伴合作,将原有花园没有的建筑特色融入其中。这个充满想象力和令人振奋的新空间,是开发这个项目的主要人员一起努力工作的结果。”
“While the Sculpture Garden expansion builds on the success of the existing garden, we have worked with our design partners to incorporate architectural features that the original garden does not have,” said Walda Besthoff, patron of the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden. “The principals developing this project have worked hard and well together to achieve an imaginative and exhilarating new space.”
▼雕塑花园扩建地图 Sculpture Garden Expansion Map

▼艺术装置(最左:Georg Herold-爱的肝脏, 2013;中间偏左:Ursula von Rydingsvard-Dumna, 2015;中间偏右:Bernar Venet-11不等锐角;最右:Sean Scully-彩色叠架, 2017) Install (Far Left: Georg Herold, Liver of Love, 2013; Middle Left: Ursula von Rydingsvard, Dumna, 2015; Middle Right: Bernar Venet, 11 Acute Unequal Angles, 2016; Far Right: Sean Scully, Colored Stacked Frames ,2017)

▼艺术装置 Install (Ursula von Rydingsvard, Dumna, 2015)

▼艺术装置 Install (Sean Scully, Colored Stacked Frames ,2017)

▼艺术装置 Install (Bernar Venet, 11 Acute Unequal Angles, 2016)

▼艺术装置(左:Tony Cragg-Sinbad, 2000;中:Katharina Fritsch, Schädel-头盖骨 2018;右:Yinka Shonibare-风状雕塑V, 2013) Install (Left: Tony Cragg, Sinbad, 2000 Middle: Katharina Fritsch, Schädel/ Skull, 2018 Right: Yinka Shonibare, Wind Sculpture V, 2013)

▼艺术装置 Install (Katharina Fritsch, Schädel/ Skull, 2018)

▼艺术装置(左:Bernar Venet-11不等锐角, 2016;中:Larry Bell-太平洋红VI, 2016-17;右:Hank Willis Thomas-征服历史, 2017) Install (Left: Bernar Venet, 11 Acute Unequal Angles, 2016;Middle: Larry Bell, Pacific Red VI, 2016-17;Right: Hank Willis Thomas, History of the Conquest, 2017)

▼艺术装置 Install – Larry Bell, Pacific Red VI, 2016-17

▼艺术装置 Install –Hank Willis Thomas, History of the Conquest, 2017

▼人行道(右侧装置:Tony Cragg-Runner,2017) Pedestrian Pathway (Right: Tony Cragg, Runner, 2017)

▼艺术装置(Georg Herold-爱的肝脏,2013) Install (Georg Herold, Liver of Love, 2013)

▼艺术装置(Shirazeh Houshiary-蜕壳,2016-17) Install (Shirazeh Houshiary, Exuviae, 2016-17)
▼艺术装置(Johan Creten-MASSU II,2015) Install (Johan Creten, MASSU II, 2015)

▼艺术装置(Frank Stella-Alu桁架星,2016) Install (Frank Stella, Alu Truss Star, 2016)

▼艺术装置(Pedro Reyes-伊壁鸠鲁,2017) Install (Pedro Reyes, EPICURUS, 2017)

▼艺术装置(Yinka Shonibare-风雕塑V,2015) Install (Yinka Shonibare, WIND SCULPTURE V, 2015)

▼艺术装置(Baltasar Lobo-跪着的年轻女士,1993) Install (Baltasar Lobo, GRAND JEUNE FILLE A GENOUX, 1993)

▼艺术装置(Thomas Houseago-大步流星(罗马一世),2013) Install (Thomas Houseago, STRIDING FIGURE (ROME I), 2013)

▼艺术装置(Gerold Miller-扩音器28,2017) Install (Gerold Miller, VERSTÄRKER 28, 2017)

▼艺术装置(Beverly Pepper-分裂仪式2,1996) Install (Beverly Pepper, SPLIT RITUAL II, 1996)

▼艺术装置(Tony Cragg-辛巴达,2000) Install (Tony Cragg, SINBAD, 2000)

▼艺术装置(Jeppe Hein-镜子迷宫,2018) Install (Jeppe Hein, MIRROR LABYRINTH, 2018)

▼艺术装置(Robert Longo-《城市中的男人》系列-优雅的速度,1982 – 1983) Install (Robert Longo, SPEED OF GRACE, FROM MEN IN THE CITIES SERIES, 1982 – 1983)

▼艺术装置(George Rickey-四开矩形,1978) Install (George Rickey, FOUR OPEN RECTANGLES, 1978)

▼艺术装置(Fred Wilson-缪斯女神的伴侣,2006) Install (Fred Wilson, THE METE OF THE MUSE, 2006)

▼艺术装置(Tony Cragg-奔跑者,2017) Install (Tony Cragg, RUNNER, 2017)

▼艺术装置(Frank Gehry-熊与我们,2014) Install (Frank Gehry, BEAR WITH US, 2014)

▼艺术装置(Teresita Fernández-维奈莱斯,2019) Install (Teresita Fernández, Viñales(Mayombe Mississippi), 2019)

▼Teresita Fernandez的装置安装过程 Process of Teresita Fernández Install
▼艺术装置(Elyn Zimmerman-蜿蜒的密西西比河,2019)Install (Elyn Zimmerman, Mississippi Meanders, 2019)

▼Elyn Zimmerman的玻璃桥安装过程 Process of Elyn Zimmerman Glass Bridge Installation
▼Maya Lin的艺术装置制作过程 Process of Maya Lin Installation

About NOMA and the Besthoff Sculpture Garden
新奥尔良艺术博物馆(New Orleans Museum of Art)由艾萨克·德尔加多(Isaac Delgado)于1910年创建,至今已收藏4万多件艺术品,涵盖了5000年的历史。永久藏品及不定期的特别展览时间为:星期二至星期四:上午十点至下午六点;星期五:上午十点至晚上九点;星期六:上午十点至下午五点;星期日:上午十一点至下午五点,在博物馆四十六间展览厅展出。周二至周日下午1点,NOMA可提供讲解员导游服务。
相邻的悉尼和瓦尔达贝索夫雕塑花园展出了超过85位艺术家的作品,其中包括几位20世纪和21世纪的雕塑大师。NOMA的贝斯索夫雕塑花园的参观是免费的,每周开放七天:上午9点到下午6点。残疾游客可从前台领取轮椅,进入新奥尔良艺术博物馆(New Orleans Museum of Art)和贝斯索夫雕塑花园(Besthoff Sculpture Garden)。
有关NOMA的更多信息,请致电(504) 658- 4100或访问www.noma.org。路易斯安那州居民每周三可免费参观博物馆,13-19岁的青少年在年底期间可每天免费入场,费用由Helis基金会赞助提供。
The New Orleans Museum of Art, founded in 1910 by Isaac Delgado, houses more than 40,000 works of art encompassing 5,000 years of history. Works from the permanent collection, along with continuously changing special exhibitions, are on view in the museum’s 46 galleries Tuesday through Thursday from 10 AM to 6 PM, Friday from 10 AM to 9 PM, Saturdays from 10 AM to 5 PM and Sundays from 11 AM to 5 PM. NOMA offers docent-guided tours at 1 PM Tuesday – Sunday.
The adjoining Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden features work by more than 85 artists, including several 20th and 21st-century master sculptors. NOMA’s Besthoff Sculpture Garden is free and open to the public seven days a week: 9 AM to 6 PM. The New Orleans Museum of Art and the Besthoff Sculpture Garden are fully accessible to handicapped visitors and wheelchairs are available from the front desk.
For more information about NOMA, call (504) 658- 4100 or visit www.noma.org. Museum admission is free on Wednesdays for Louisiana residents, courtesy of The Helis Foundation. Teenagers (ages 13-19) receive free admission every day through the end of the year, courtesy of The Helis Foundation.
景观设计:Reed Hilderbrand
摄影:R. Alokhin, Ann Horton, Richard Sexton
Landscape: Reed Hilderbrand
Owner: NOMA
Open: May 15, 2019 (The Expansion Garden)
Photography: R. Alokhin, Ann Horton, Richard Sexton
更多 Read more about: NOMA