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Thanks LJ-Group for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by LJ-Group.


LJ-Group:The Crest 是一个多功能综合住宅项目,坐落在胡志明市飞速发展的河滨中心区Thu Thiem核心地带。地面层是公共景观区,裙房层是居民和办公室用户的专属公区。

LJ-Group: The Crest is a mixed-use residential project at the heart of Ho Chi Minh City’s rapidly developing central riverside district of Thu Thiem. The project features public landscape areas on the ground floor and private common zones for residents and office users on the podium levels.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group


中庭特色元素“The Crack(裂痕)”的设计灵感来源于越南本土的原生湿地,在那里,季节性的水流涨落影响着周围环境的景观形成,如抽象的土壤纹理、波光粼粼的水面和葱郁的绿植群落。

The Crack, the design identity, draws inspiration from native wetlands, where seasonal water fluctuations create scenes with abstract soil patterns, reflective water surfaces, and lush pockets of greenery.


▽中庭看台设计草图 Grandstand Sketch

courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group


▽种植池详图 Planter Detail

courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



LJ-Group’s ground floor design dialogues with the surrounding public realm, extending its influence beyond the project’s boundaries. This outdoor space serves a dual function: it transitions from the city to each building lobby and acts as a public plaza. The city is invited to permeate through, enhancing the public pedestrian network, fostering a more vibrant and interconnected community.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



The residential podium’s highlight is a 360-degree full-length infinity edge swimming pool, granting a continuous view of the surroundings. It includes an Olympic-length lap pool, a spa pool with Jacuzzi jet pods, shallow lounge areas, and a family pool with subtle water play elements. The design, inspired by the rejuvenating properties of water, evokes the dynamics of dry, cracked soil revived by monsoon rains.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group


定制室外休憩亭 Customized outdoor lounge pavilion

courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group


▽泳池区夜景 Night view of the pool area

courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



While the pool reflective water acts as an outer ring, integrating the visual landscape, the garden wraps around the building enclosure, providing a gentle natural experience. The main outdoor amenities happen between these two layers: a small café for residents, a kid’s playroom, an outdoor dining station, two sun decks, and a sequence of customized outdoor lounge pavilions.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



Office landscape podiums are envisioned as spaces to decompress and gather among greenery in a relaxed environment. The geometrical design lines create a dynamic experience, with meandering paths that break down the building façade into human-scale seating and gathering spaces, set between the garden and the expansive views.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group





项目名称:The Crest 住宅
社交媒体:Instagram: @lj_group_ Facebook: LJ-Group LinkedIn: LJ-Group
项目地点:越南胡志明市Thu Thiem
景观设计师:Pedro Pedalino, Daniel Alonso, Phuong Nguyen, Kha Pham, Luan Ho, Huong Le, Muj Powell
图片来源:1.Trieu Chien 2. Kha Pham
摄影师网站:1. Instagram: @trieuchien 2. Instagram: @khaaphmm
摄影师邮箱:1. trieuchien92@gmail.com
建筑:P&T Group
室内设计:Kaze Interior Design Studio
项目经理:Artelia Group
运营单位:Savills Vietnam


Project Name: The Crest Residence
Office Name: LJ-Group
Office Website: www.lj-g.com
Social Media Accounts: Instagram: @lj_group_ Facebook: LJ-Group LinkedIn: LJ-Group
Contact email: info@lj-g.com
Office Locations: Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) Porto (Portugal)
Completion Year: 2023
Design area: 7418 m2
Project Location: Thu Thiem, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Building Function: Mix-used Residential building
Landscape Architects: Pedro Pedalino, Daniel Alonso, Phuong Nguyen, Kha Pham, Luan Ho, Huong Le, Muj Powell
Photo Credits: 1.Trieu Chien 2. Kha Pham
Photographer’s Website: 1. Instagram: @trieuchien 2. Instagram: @khaaphmm
Photographer’s e-mail: 1. trieuchien92@gmail.com
Client: Sonkimland
Architecture: P&T Group
Interior Design: Kaze Interior Design Studio
Project Manager: Artelia Group
Operator: Savills Vietnam





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