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Thanks Instinct Fabrication for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Instinct Fabrication.
Instinct Fabrication:Located in the Sungang area of Luohu, Shenzhen, known as the “No. 1 Warehouse in China”, CR Vientiane Food Project is a key area of Luohu City’s renovation, which in the past gave the impression of narrow streets, scarce public space and a large number of residents. In recent years, with the gradual completion of a series of renovation projects in the area, the city’s image, the quality of public space and supporting services have been greatly improved.

CR Vientiane Restaurant is one of the representative renovation projects. The project is a new place for urban residents to gather the innovative brand of Vientiane Food, combined with office, residence, education and other functions.

The core landscape interface of the project is a funnel-shaped space running through the north and south of the project, one end of which connects to the main exhibition interface of the project city (Meiyuan Road), and a section that connects the main entrance of the mall and runs through the interior to the north entrance of the mall. It plays an important role in the spatial layout of the entire project, such as guidance, image display, and commercial atmosphere creation.
▽项目空间布局结构 Project space layout structure

As the almost only urban display interface of the project, the North Square of the streets and alleys should not only become the label of the Sungang area in the rows of old city blocks, but also exert a strong siphon effect to introduce the crowd into the internal space.
▽昭示性广场 Declaratory square

On the premise of ensuring sufficient passage and external space, the water feature can be adjusted according to the atmosphere needs of different time periods, and at the same time, in order to retain the overall integrity, the design integrates the paving of the square with the bottom surface of the water feature.
▽艺术水景 Artistic waterscape

The office lobby is located on the east and west periphery of the site, which is clean and neat, and the landscape elements also maintain a slight design intervention.
▽通透开敞的办公空间 Transparent and open office space

Although the main entrance of the mall retreats into the alley, the tall and transparent glass curtain wall continues to attract people in an open attitude against the backdrop of the large trees.
▽商场主入口景观 View of the main entrance of the mall

From the outside to the inside, with the change of the nature of the space, the details of the paving also change, from the calm gray tone that fits the municipal modern to the warm yellow tone of the intimate one. Visually carry out the atmosphere of emotional relaxation, and let the environmental language give the visitor a sense of belonging.
▽给人以温暖的地面铺装 Give people warm floor coverings

▽铺地渐变关系推演 Gradual relationship of paving

▽打样验证及工厂排版确认 Proofing verification and factory layout confirmation

The flow and cohesion of the atrium space and the enclosure of the shops make the central axis not only a diversion channel, but also a narrow atrium connecting the entrances and exits and gathering people.
▽中庭景观 Atrium view

The Grand Staircase Plaza connects the commercial space on the second and third floors, bringing the atmosphere of the block on the first floor into a vertical direction, and the grandstand space formed with the square has also become a tipping point for various commercial activities.
▽鲜活图案与色彩的台阶广场 Step square with vivid patterns and colors

The light and shadow of the water and the shadows of the trees shape this public space, which contrasts with the external urban space, and becomes another reason to attract the surrounding residents. In the flowing space, walking and stopping occur simultaneously, some people shuttle, and some people take a nap.
▽水景雕塑 Waterscape sculpture

The integration of the external space enriches the sense of scene of the entire landscape space. In the fast-paced metropolis, the desire for leisure is becoming more and more clear.
▽闲适的景观空间 Leisurely landscape space

▽池底细节推敲及打样对比 Pool bottom detail analysis and proofing comparison

街巷,庭院, 生活设计过程中,我们不断理解这个并不大的商业景观空间。在这个有限的空间里,尝试有限的设计。直到华灯初上,店家、玩家、居民、孩童的到来,才让这个空间展现出了更加真实鲜活和亲切柔和的面向。
In the process of designing streets, courtyards, and life, we continue to understand this small commercial landscape space. In this limited space, try a limited design. It wasn’t until the lights came on and the shopkeepers, players, residents, and children arrived that the space showed a more real, lively, and friendly aspect.

项目地点:中国 深圳
景观设计:Instinct Fabrication 本色营造
建筑设计:10 DESIGN
摄影:三棱镜建筑景观摄影、匠力影像、张灏Seilao Jiong、邱彧
Project Name: The Mixc
Location: Shenzhen, China
Landscape area: 22000㎡
Client: China Resources Land
Landscape design : Instinct Fabrication
Construction drawing design: 深圳市宏瑞园林景观设计有限公司
Architectural design : 10 DESIGN
Interior hardcover design :恺慕建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司
Interior soft decoration design :设计共和商业(上海)有限公司
Photography:Prism,匠力影像 张灏Seilao Jiong 邱彧
“ 在这个有限的空间里,尝试有限的设计,让这个空间展现出了更加真实鲜活和亲切柔和。”
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