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Enea landscape architecture:Enea景观公司的自然艺术装置在今年的巴塞尔艺术博览会首次亮相后,将成为巴塞尔艺术博览会的正式合作伙伴,为双方的长期合作奠定了基础。Enea景观公司创始人兼创意总监Enzo Enea将在博览会上展示他独特的自然装置作品《使用/滥用》,突出可持续发展的主题,引人思考人与自然之间的共生关系。
Enea landscape architecture:Enea Landscape Architecture is to become an official partner of Art Basel in Basel and thus lay a foundation for a long-term collaboration. Enzo Enea, Founder and Creative Director of Enea Landscape Architecture will showcase his unique nature installation, “Use/Abuse“ to highlight the theme of sustainability at the fair and invite us to reflect on the symbiotic relationship between man and nature.

树木——大自然中的活艺术品 Trees – Living Artworks of Nature
Enzo Enea的自然装置《使用/滥用》处理了我们这个时代的一个关键问题:我们当前生活方式的生态后果,它表达了对生态、人类和自然之间关系的质疑。
Enea景观公司在1号展厅的餐厅和他们自己的休息室,利用反射效果创造了一个无限区域,这里有一些寿命达800年的橄榄树,社会问题在这个区域通过艺术的形式进行协商和展现,这些自然艺术作品象征着树木的力量,说明了它们在当今自然和城市空间设计中的重要作用。“在我们的城市和生活环境中,树木得到的空间越来越少。生态平衡处于危险状态。树木本是我们社会的保护元素。”(Enzo Enea, Enea 景观建筑公司首席执行官)
Enzo Enea’s nature installation, “Use/Abuse“ deals with a key issue of our time: the ecological consequences of our current way of life. It questions the relationships between ecology, humans and nature.
In Hall 1, where the area Unlimited is found, Enea Landscape Architecture creates a place of reflection in the restaurant and their own lounge with up to 800-year-old olive trees. It is here where social issues can be artistically negotiated and staged. These natural works of art symbolize the power of trees and illustrate their important role in the design of natural and urban spaces today. “In our cities and in our living environments, trees are given less and less space. The ecological balance is in danger. Trees are protective elements of our society.” (Enzo Enea, CEO Enea Landscape Architecture)

2010年,Enzo Enea曾在苏黎世湖上游的Rapperswil-Jona创建了一个独特的树木博物馆。凭借这个露天博物馆,Enea根据树木独特的历史、美学和重要功能,实现了向树木致敬的愿景。
In Rapperswil-Jona, on the upper side of Lake Zurich, a unique tree museum was created by Enzo Enea in 2010. With this open-air museum, Enea has achieved its vision of paying tribute to trees according to their unique history, aesthetics and vital functions.
▼2010树木博物馆 Baummuseum 2010

2019年巴塞尔艺术展,属于我们时代的雕塑 Sculptures of Our Time, Art Basel in Basel 2019
该装置的成功要归功于Enzo Enea数十年的树木护理经验及其精湛的根系切割技术。在今年举办的巴塞尔艺术展上,Enea采用了一种特殊的传统日本束缚艺术——“Shibari”。橄榄树的根球因此被绑在一起,放在钢板上,这些钢板象征着当今人们对树木的粗暴态度,绳子则象征着树木为我们提供的安全保护,而束缚式系带的紧密性显示出我们今天给予这些高贵生命实体的有限空间。
This installation is made possible thanks to Enzo Enea’s decades of experience in tree care and carefully engineered root cutting technique. For Art Basel in Basel, Enea employs a special, traditional Japanese bondage art called “Shibari”. To achieve this, the root balls of the olive trees are tied together and placed on steel plates. The steel plates represent the harsh way that trees are handled by people today. The ropes symbolize the safety that trees provide us, while the tightness of the bondage-style lacing demonstrates the limited space we grant these noble, living entities today.

“Use/Abuse” addresses the current imbalance between man and nature. Trees are our most important CO2 storage; they clean the air, cool the earth, counteract the climate crisis and nourish us. Sadly, our human race today largely disregards the life-giving properties of trees and displays little respect for them.

Enea休息室 The Enea Lounge
在休息室里,Enea 景观公司使用精选的项目来展示该公司如何将自然、艺术和人之间的对话转化为一种体验,此次展览由意大利艺术家马西莫·米兰诺(Massimo Milano)的一幅完整的墙壁插画和马可·伊齐(Marco Iezzi)的视频装置作品作为补充,壁画中描绘的是一种封闭的自然环境,而后面的投影则是用树木博物馆的照片来展现自然之美。
In the lounge, Enea Landscape Architecture uses selected projects to show how the company turns the dialogue between nature, art and people into an experience. This exhibition is complemented by a complete wall illustration by Italian artist Massimo Milano, and a video installation by Marco Iezzi. The drawings address the confined nature whereas the rear projection is dedicated to the beauty of nature with photos from the tree museum.

项目名称:2019巴塞尔艺术展 – 使用/滥用
设计公司:Enea landscape architecture
Project name: USE/ABUSE – Art Basel 2019
Year of completion: 2019 (USE/ABUSE); 2010 (tree museum)
Project address: Basel (USE/ABUSE); Rapperswil-Jona (tree museum)
Design company: Enea landscape architecture
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