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Thanks Schønherr for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Schønherr.
Schønherr:Filsø游客中心项目是“Places in the Landscape”和“The Place Counts”活动的一部分,该项目在Realdania、丹麦自然环境署和Aage V. Jensen自然基金会的通力合作下得以落地建成,Aage V. Jensen自然基金会还为附近的学校建筑提供了额外的资金支持。该游客中心是当地多条自然线路的中心点,对于前来此地的游客来说,它也是最具识别度的一个场所。
Schønherr: The visitor’s center at Filsø is a part of the campaign “Places in the Landscape”, initiated by Realdania, as part of the campaign “The Place Counts”. The visitor’s center was realised in a collaboration between Realdania, The Danish Nature Agency and Aage V. Jensen’s Nature Foundation, who additionally also financed the school building. The visitor’s center at Filsø is to become the center point for the many nature routes within the area as well as easily recognisable to the visitors to Filsø.

位置 The Location
“亨纳”位于丹麦西海岸,其附近的Filsø曾经是丹麦最大的湖泊之一,但由于当地沿海地区经济贫困,这里的水在1852年至1951年间被排空,之后便用于地区的农业发展。2011年,Aage V. Jensen自然基金会为了恢复这个区域原本的风貌而买下了这片土地,以造福当地的居民和游客。
Located near Henne on the Danish west coast, Filsø was originally one of Denmark’s largest lakes, however, between the years 1852 and 1951 the area was drained and used for agricultural purposes along the impoverished coastal area. In 2011, Aage V. Jensen’s Nature Foundation bought the area for the purpose of restoring it to its original state for the benefit of local residents and tourists.
▼鸟瞰 Aerial

景观解决方案 The Solution
The visitor’s center consists of an access road, educational facilities, a landscape bridge and a parking lot for visitors. The access road winds its way through a spectacular and protected landscape towards the parking lot and the large ellipse shape, which in a single gesture anchors the building and unfolds the large horizon created by the reflection in the water. From the bridge one can experience Filsø and the spacious landscape. In a single movement, one can come close to the water surface as well as be presented with the unique nature of the area. The ellipse shape accentuates the continuous movement through the area from arrival to departure. It is designed with a seating edge, which offers the possibility of a rest and a moment to enjoy the view.

▼平面图 Plan

工程:Fuldendt A/S
客户:丹麦自然环境署、Realdania、Aage V. Jensen自然基金会;学校建筑:Aage V. Jensen自然基金会
承包商:Otto Christensen A/S
其他合作伙伴:Naturrådgivningen, v. Niels Riis, Cubo architects
成本:3.6 mill. DKK. 学校建筑:12 mill. DKK
Landscape Architecture: Schønherr
Architect: Schønherr
Engineer: Fuldendt A/S
Client: The Danish Nature Agency, Realdania, Aage V. Jensen’s Nature Foundation. The School building: Aage V. Jensen’s Nature Foundation
Client consultant: Niras
Contractor: Otto Christensen A/S
Further partners: Naturrådgivningen, v. Niels Riis, Cubo architects
Service: Design proposal, main project, tender, construction management and supervision
Status: Filsø completed 2012-2017. Filsø School building completed 2016-2018
Area: 4300 M². The School building 480 m², the building area 180 m²
Costs: 3.6 mill. DKK. The School building: 12 mill. DKK
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