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Thanks Planorama Landschaftsarchitektur for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Planorama Landschaftsarchitektur.
Planorama Landschaftsarchitektur:2022 年夏天,位于 Kraichgau 地区的田园小镇埃平根举办了巴登-符腾堡州花园展(the Baden-Württemberg Garden Show)。在此之前,由花园展方发起,Planorama 景观设计事务所为市民和游客建造了一个靠近城市中心的现代公园,它有着丰富的内容与多功能的使用空间,适合所有年龄段的人群。公园设计所秉持的可持续发展理念创造了众多持久的元素,为埃平根小镇的生活品质、社会环境、基础设施和城市气候都带来了积极的影响。
Planorama Landschaftsarchitektur:Over the summer of 2022, the idyllic half-timbered town of Eppingen in the Kraichgau region hosted the Baden-Württemberg Garden Show. Initiated by the garden show, a contemporary park close to the center was created for the citizens and visitors, which is characterized by a high diversity of design and use for all age groups. The sustainable concept created lasting elements that provide positive impulses for the quality of life, the social environment, the infrastructure and the urban climate in Eppingen.

该项目占地约 5 公顷,沿原城墙而建,与其历史背景相呼应:位于老城前的洪泛区和菜园等绿色结构曾是埃平根的典型特征,通过设计,这些绿色结构重新变得清晰可见。Planorama 通过巧妙地将这些分散的区域连接起来,沿老城设计了一条连续的绿色公园带,并不断向外延伸至重新自然化的 Elsenz 河畔。除了宽敞的休闲空间外,设计还创造了人们渴望已久的直达水域的通道。此外,设计还通过将 Elsenz 河与 Hilsbach 河从其狭窄、笔直的硬质束缚中解放出来并使其重新自然化,恢复了河道与其洪泛平原之间失去的关系,并创造了具有生态价值的休养地。重新设计的开放空间通过融入历史背景而更加突出,而气候与可持续发展的诉求也理所当然地融入了设计理念之中。永续性设施可大致分为三个区域:西部的“Bachwegle”、位于中心的 Weiherpark 以及东部的 Hilsbach 河与Elsenz 河口区域。这些设计风格迥异的分区通过新的老城长廊无障碍地连接起来。
The approximately 5-hectare site already refers to the historical context through its course along the former city wall: the green structures of floodplain areas and kitchen gardens that were once so typical for Eppingen and located in front of the old city become visible and tangible again through the design. By cleverly connecting the sprawling areas, a continuous green park band was designed along the old town, which repeatedly widens out to the renaturalized streambed of the Elsenz. In addition to generous recreational spaces, this also created the long-desired, direct access to the water. By freeing the Elsenz and Hilsbach from their narrow, straightened corset and renaturalizing them, the lost relationship of the stream courses to their floodplains is restored and ecologically valuable retreats are created. The redesigned open space is accentuated by taking historical references into account, while climate and sustainability requirements are integrated into the concept as a matter of course. The permanent facility can be roughly divided into three areas: the so-called “Bachwegle” in the west, the centrally located Weiherpark and the estuary area of the Hilsbach and Elsenz rivers in the east. These very differently designed sub-areas are connected barrier-free by the new old town promenade.

在“Bachwegle”区域,沿着老城墙修复的菜园结构见证了昔日在城市附近供应水果与蔬菜的重要历史。宽敞的公园草地一直延伸到 Elsenz 河,河岸现在平坦而绿意盎然。在 Weiherpark 中,Gründerzeit 火车站大楼脚下的新池塘和喷泉成为了该区域的中心。池塘两侧的大型木质露台为埃平根宏伟的半木结构全景提供了一个展示的舞台。
In the “Bachwegle” area, restored allotment garden structures along the old city wall bear witness to the former importance of supplying fruit and vegetables close to the city. Spacious park meadows extend to the Elsenz River with its now flat, green banks. In the “Weiherpark” (pond park), the heart of the area was created at the foot of the Gründerzeit station building with the new town pond including fountain. The large wooden terrace flanking the pond provides an appropriate stage for the magnificent half-timbered panorama of Epingen.

Planorama 在磨坊运河的旧址上还设计了一个特别的细节,这条运河从 Elsenz 河中引水,为镇上的磨坊提供动力。在长约 290 米的老城长廊上,14 个由葡萄牙花岗岩砌成的造型各异的喷泉让人回想起这一历史元素。这些喷泉时而水花飞溅,时而平静如镜,展现出了不同的形态。
A special detail was created at the site of the former mill canal, which diverted water from the Elsenz to power the town mill. For about 290 meters, 14 individually shaped fountains made of Portuguese granite line the old town promenade, recalling this historic element. Sometimes splashing, sometimes calmly reflecting, each of the fountains displays a different water feature.

老城边上的大型水上游乐场也为人们提供了凉爽的活动场所。在“Weiherpark”东面,Hilsbach 河与 Elsenz 河的交汇处也通过拓宽河口而形成了独有的水景。
The large water playground on the edge of the old town also provides cooling and action. To the east of the “Weiherpark”, the confluence of the Hilsbach and Elsenz rivers has been given its own water feature by widening the estuary.

▽平面图 Plan

项目名称:Weiherpark Eppingen
项目地点:德国 埃平根
景观/建筑事务所:Planorama Landschaftsarchitektur
首席建筑师:Maik Böhmer
设计团队:Katja Erke, Fabian Karle, Mareen Leek, Halina Hoppe, Pamela Ackermann, Franziska Hofmann, Marion Guichard, Alexander Michl, Dana Synnatschke, Melanie Schlottau, Leon Fell, Franziska Albrecht, Eckhard Siegert, Matteo Basta, Giulia Guerrini, Maria Collender
客户:埃平根市,Eigenbetrieb Gartenschau 2021
水利工程:Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure, Koblenz
生态建设监理:GÖG Gruppe für Ökologische Gutachten, Stuttgart
考古建设监理:Bauforschung Klefenz, Rauenberg
勘测:Hettmannsperger Spezialtiefbau, Karlsruhe
土壤专家:Töniges GmbH Beratende Geologen, Sinsheim
喷泉技术:TH Planungsbüro
结构工程:柏林 SFB Bauingenieure
防洪:Wald + Corbe, Hügelsheim
图片来源:Nikolai Benner
Project name: Weiherpark Eppingen
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 50.000qm
Project location: Eppingen, Germany
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Planorama Landschaftsarchitektur
Website: planorama.eu
Contact e-mail: pr@planorama.eu
Lead Architects: Maik Böhmer
Design Team: Katja Erke, Fabian Karle, Mareen Leek, Halina Hoppe, Pamela Ackermann, Franziska Hofmann, Marion Guichard, Alexander Michl, Dana Synnatschke, Melanie Schlottau, Leon Fell, Franziska Albrecht, Eckhard Siegert, Matteo Basta, Giulia Guerrini, Maria Collender
Clients: Stadt Eppingen, Eigenbetrieb Gartenschau 2021
Collaborators: Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure, Koblenz (hydraulic engineering),
GÖG Gruppe für Ökologische Gutachten, Stuttgart (ecological construction supervision),
Bauforschung Klefenz, Rauenberg (archaeological construction supervision),
Hettmannsperger Spezialtiefbau, Karlsruhe (explosive ordnance/probing),
Töniges GmbH Beratende Geologen, Sinsheim (soil expertise)
TH Planungsbüro (fountain technology),
SFB Bauingenieure, Berlin (structural engineering),
Wald + Corbe, Hügelsheim (flood protection)
Photo credits: Nikolai Benner
Photographer’s website: nikolaibenner.de
“ 将花园展作为城市发展的一部分,打造为永久性的城市公园,同时恢复河流的自然化状态,为居民提供娱乐、休闲的舒适健康环境,并倡导人们欣赏位于家门口的自然。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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