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Thanks QIDI Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by QIDI Design.
QIDI Design: Wuxi is located in the south of the Yangtze River, characterized by an intricate network of waterways. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal traverses the city from north to south, with the Jiangnan Ancient Grand Canal as its eastern branch. Since the inception of these canals, the early inhabitants of Wuxi settled along the water, and the city’s life and culture became closely intertwined with its rivers. The canals became the lifeblood of the city, giving rise to the unique culture of the Jiangnan Grand Canal. As the birthplace of modern Chinese national industry and commerce, Wuxi is also known as the “City of Centennial Industry and Commerce.” Over a century of industrial development has left behind various industrial structures, including old factories and factory buildings. These industrial relics collectively nurture Wuxi’s enduring industrial spirit.
▽项目视频 Video ©黑像素
The Wuxi Steel Factory (Xigang Group) traces its origins to the Wuxi Iron and Steel Factory, established in June 1958 at 124 Tangnan Road, just outside Wuxi’s South Gate. Its primary focus was the production of special steel. Until its relocation to Jingjiang, it remained a pivotal landmark enterprise in Wuxi. For local residents of Wuxi, especially those born in the 1970s and 1980s, Xigang on the banks of the ancient Grand Canal holds significant memories of the city’s development.
In November 2007, Xigang signed an agreement for its complete relocation to the north bank of the Yangtze River in the Jingjiang Development Zone of Taizhou City. In photos taken in 2019, the remaining factory structures stood tall amidst a desolate landscape next to the ancient Grand Canal. These structures faintly outlined the scale and volume of the factory as it was in its heyday.
▽锡钢当年的生产场景,自行制造的40顿精炼炉。The historical scene of Self-Manufactured 40-Ton Refining Furnace.

▽2019年的锡钢旧址。The Industrial Relic of Xigang Steel Factory in 2019

潮涌—运河汇 Tidal surge— CANAL HUB ©2023
Starting from 2020, Wuxi Overseas Chinese City officially initiated the transformation of the Xigang industrial heritage. With the ancient Grand Canal as its axis and the Qingming Bridge Historical and Cultural District at its center, the main parts of the original Factory Building 1 and Factory Building 3 were preserved, transforming these old industrial landmarks into a new cultural and tourism landmark known as “Wuxi Canal Hub.”
Wuxi Canal Hub, positioned at the intersection of the old and the new, tradition and modernity, the past and the future, has created a unique cultural and lifestyle experience. It has become a city’s cultural living room, integrating culture, business, retail, dining, and leisure.
The Supercloud Design team was responsible for the interior space design of parts of Factory Building 1 and Factory Building 3, providing multidimensional and interdisciplinary spatial proposals. These proposals breathed new life into the disused industrial heritage, unlocking its potential for more open and versatile uses. Within this “cultural valley” in urban level, they have created an urban theater that belongs to everyone.
▽运河汇鸟瞰视角。Aerial View of Canal Hub Photo

▽一号厂房(钢铁发动器—发布中心)及三号厂房(城市剧场–商业体)Factory Building 1 (Steel Engine – Launch Centre) & Factory Building 3 (City Theater – Commercial Complex)

▽傍晚时刻的“黑金版”运河汇 Night View of Canal Hub

一号厂房 —“钢铁发动器”中流淌的“电子运河” Factory Building 1 – The “Steel Engine” powered by an “Electronic Canal”
Factory Building 1 serves as the “Steel Engine” of the Wuxi Canal Hub, hosting functions for project announcements, receptions, investment discussions, exhibitions, product launches, and art exhibitions. It serves as a dynamic platform for the city and the arts, continuously generating creativity and energy.
# SUPERCLOUD STUDIO and #Network Party take series of techniques such as interior design, installations, and multimedia to deconstruct and redefine the final presentation of Factory Building 1.
# SUPERCLOUD STUDIO team focused on optimizing the interior traffic flow within the factory building. They introduced a spiraling steel staircase that traverses different levels and connects various sections of the building. At the end of the crane tracks, a “double-layered skin” LED screen with 360-degree rotation capability was installed. This allows for seamless transitions between dynamic and static content and scenes, adding versatility and expressiveness to the space. Additionally, a series of floor tile screens were incorporated to establish a connection from the pedestrian entrance to the central axis by the waterfront. These screens are synchronized with the vertical screens within the staircase, creating a dynamic and adaptable spatial medium.
▽空间与屏幕的关系。The Connection of Screen and Space.

跨媒体创作团队#协作派对#,负责了一号厂房的空间装置及多媒体内容设计。因为整个建筑有“运河”这个母题,#协作派对#取了运河和水流的意向去构建室内的多媒体装置,似徐徐引入运河之水,开凿出一条建筑内部的“电子河流”。—— 两个分别在水平和竖直方向上贯穿整个钢厂天、地和中轴线的屏幕就此诞生。它们一个呈倒T型,一个为长方形;一个贯穿了建筑地面的首尾,一个则是从地板升向天花板。虚拟的河水在地上流淌,又同时从地面逆流而上,在超现实感中流向天上。
The cross-media creative team, #Network Party#, was responsible for the spatial installations and multimedia content design of Factory Building 1. Given the overarching theme of the “Grand Canal” throughout the entire structure, #Network Party# drew inspiration from the Grand Canal and the flow of water to construct multimedia installations within the interior, creating an “electronic river” flowing gently within the building. ——Two screens were conceived, one running horizontally and the other vertically, both spanning the entire length of the steel factory’s floors, ceilings, and central axis. One screen took the form of an inverted T-shape, while the other was rectangular. These screens created a surreal representation of a river. Virtual water flowed on the ground, while simultaneously, it flowed upward from the floor, creating an otherworldly sensation as it moved towards the ceiling.
▽一号厂房内原有的龙门起重架一直延伸到外围的锡钢浜内,电子运河点亮了整个空间。The Original Gantry Crane Inside Factory Building 1 Extends to Xigang Riverside, illuminated by the Electronic Canal Spanning the Entire Space.

▽桁车的尽头是虚拟激流的电子运河。The Electronic Canal of Virtual Rapids at the End of the Crane Tracks.

▽电子运河在物理空间中的打穿和延展。The Electrical Canal penetrates in physical world.

▽#协作派对#的多媒体内容呈现。 Content of Multimedia Presentation by #Network Party.

▽一号厂房洗手间。 Washroom of Building 1
三号厂房 — 工业巨构中的“城市剧场” Factory Building 3 – The “City Theater” within an Industrial Behemoth
Factory Building 3 spans over 200 meters in length and serves as a hub for a diverse range of commercial and public activities. Visitors often find themselves enchanted by the intricately layered spatial variations. The horizontal concrete sunshades create a captivating play of light and shadow in an arrayed pattern, enveloping visitors in an extraordinary sensory experience. It stands as the most distinctive element among the buildings at the Wuxi Canal Hub.
Wuxi Canal Hub embodies the concept of a diversified “cultural valley” in urban renewal. We view Factory Building 3 as a carrier of urban culture, a “city theater.” In this city theater, the space, props, installations, and characters all play a role, unfolding a unique urban theater journey that encompasses the public, the city, art, and dreams.
The path for the audience is an open and exploratory process. As visitors roam through the “valley,” they simultaneously embark on a journey to different theaters. This approach encourages an immersive and interactive experience where the audience becomes an integral part of the unfolding urban theater narrative.
We have further enhanced the flow of pedestrian traffic within the factory building, reinforcing the immersive experience for the audience as they wander between the “mini theaters.”
The grand steps at the entrance to the “city theater,” the urban pathways that traverse the “valley,” and the staircases weaving through the theaters all contribute to the seamless integration of the city and the theater. This blending of culture and life creates a dynamic and interconnected environment where the two elements coexist harmoniously.
▽“城市剧场”轴侧图 Axis side analysis diagram of “City Theater”

▽“城市剧场”呈现出的“城市舞台”。The “City Stage” Presented by the “City Theater”

▽“城市剧场“的入口大台阶。The Steps of Entrance to the “City Theatre”.

▽横向水泥遮阳板洒下的阵列式光影。 Arrayed Shadows Cast by Horizontal Concrete Sunshades.

▽“城市剧场”之间的沟壑和阴翳。Gullies and Shadow between “City Theatre”.

▽“城市剧场”的赏剧平台 “City Theater” opera viewing platform

▽“十字光标”,商业公共空间的穿透和连接。The ‘Illuminated Cross’: Penetrating and Connecting Commercial Public Spaces.

▽橙色通透的楼梯,交通流线的加强和导入。Translucent Orange Stairs: Enhancing Circulation Stream.

We have further enhanced the flow of pedestrian traffic within the factory building, reinforcing the immersive experience for the audience as they wander between the “mini theaters.”
The grand steps at the entrance to the “city theater,” the urban pathways that traverse the “valley,” and the staircases weaving through the theaters all contribute to the seamless integration of the city and the theater. This blending of culture and life creates a dynamic and interconnected environment where the two elements coexist harmoniously.
▽天光洒下来,光标驶过去。The sky shines down,’Illuminated Cross’ drive out.

▽“十字光标”,商业公共空间的穿透和连接。“Illuminated Cross” connects the commercial public space.

▽空间暗下去,光和内容浮现。The Atrium in the Factory Building 3 Photo

▽三号厂房洗手间。Washroom of Building 3

细部 Details
On the basis of the overall spatial form script, the lighting design team # Lumi Lighting # starts from the details of industrial elements and uses a series of linear and array combination strategies to connect the atmosphere fluctuations of different spaces.
▽照明设计细部 Details of Lighting design Photo

“这是你的城市” “This is your city”
CANAL HUB, with its wandering, gathering, and buzzing sound, conveys the speed and vitality of the city, “This is your city”.
▽夜晚的运河汇和人群 Night and crowd of CANAL HUB Photo

项目图纸 Drawings





设计公司: 蘑菇云设计工作室
类型: 工业遗存改造 城市更新 商业公共空间
项目年份:2021年1月 – 2023年2月
照明设计(Lumia Lab照明):庞磊,郑嘉豪
景观设计:Lab D+H上海事务所
材料: 水泥漆 金属板 金属网 软膜天花 无机磨石 再生水泥板 亚克力板 耐候钢板 夹胶玻璃
摄影:刘明希 张超 IAM 岸木摄影 一亩片场(阿森)
Type: Industrial Heritage Transformation, Urban Renewal, Commercial Public Space
Location: 120 Tangnan Road, Liangxi District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China
Client: Wuxi Overseas Chinese City Industrial Development Co., Ltd.; Wuxi Metro Property; Jiangsu Ancient Grand Canal Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Construction Area:Building 3 (3000m2), Building 1 (2400m2)
Year: January 2021 – February 2023
Interior design (SUPERCLOUD STUDIO): Xu Xunjun, Zhang Xudong, Layla Xu, Zhang Zhibin, Shao Li, Yang Shenghui
Lighting Design (LUMIA Lab): Lei Pang,Zheng Jiahao
Factory Building 1 Space Installation + Multimedia Content: Network Party
Planning and Architectural Design: Shenzhen Huahui Design Co., Ltd.
Landscape Design: Lab D+H Shanghai Office
Floodlighting Design: China United Engineering Co., Ltd.
Architectural and Interior Signage Design: Liangxiang Design
Materials: Cement Paint, Metal Panels, Metal Mesh, Soft Membrane Ceiling, Inorganic Terrazzo, Recycled Cement Board, Acrylic Board, Weathering Steel Plate, Laminated Glass
Photography: Liu Mingxi, Zhang Chao,IAM Phtography,ONE MU FILM LOCATION(SEN)
Video: Blackstationpixel
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