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HOPE DESIGN:The Xili Lake Greenway is situated within the Xili Lake International Science and Education City, which stands as one of the prospective core development area in Nanshan District, and also serves as a pivotal domain for harboring the national comprehensive scientific center in Shenzhen. Functioning as a vital infrastructure and ecological corridor within the Science and Education City, Xili Lake Greenway assumes a significant role in the regional development as well as scientific and educational endeavors.
▽问山段问山叠水鸟瞰 Inquire the Peaks- Aerial view

▽问山段问山叠水 Inquire the Peaks-the station

环西丽湖绿道连接了大沙河生态长廊和省立 2 号绿道并已被纳入广东省万里碧道体系,实现了不同绿道系统的衔接,促进了区域生态绿地保护和生态网络体系的建设。该绿道沿线环绕西丽湖并穿越大沙河,为自然保护地、森林公园、郊野公园和湖泊水库等自然要素提供了连接,形成了一个容纳近万种野生动植物栖居的生态家园,促进人和自然和谐共生。
Interlinking the Dasha River Ecological Corridor and the No. 2 Provincial Greenway, Xili Lake Greenway has integrated itself into the network of Guangdong Province‘s “Ten-Thousand-Kilometer Blueway” system. This achievement orchestrates the convergence of diverse greenway systems, catalyzing the protection of regional ecological green spaces and the establishment of an ecological network. The Greenway traces its course around Xili Lake and traverses the expanse of Dasha River, establishing connections between nature reserves, forest parks, country parks and lake reservoirs, and thus forges a holistic haven that accommodates nearly ten thousand species of wild flora and fauna whilst encouraging the harmonious coexistence of humankind and the natural world.
示范段长度约 3.7 公里,主要建设内容:水闸建筑改造、排洪渠河岸景观提升、西丽湖路及沁园路改造提升、燕清溪河岸景观提升、栈桥 / 驿站建筑建设等。团队打造一条集安全、生态、休闲、城市和文化等多要素于一体的清溪漫径,以五大主题:「循水」、「穿林」、「见湖」、「溯溪」、「问山」贯通西丽湖东侧,成为片区发展的主轴线。
The demonstration section spans approximately 3.7 kilometers and encompasses key developmental aspects including the renovation of watergate structures, the enhancement of riverbank landscape along the flood drainage channel, the upgrade of Xilihu Road and Qinyuan Road, the upgrade of Yanqing River riverbank landscape, and the construction of pier and post house structures. The HOPE Design team aims to craft a tranquil brookside path that comprises security, ecology, leisure, city-industry integration and culture. Organized around five overarching themes — “Follow the Waters”, “Traverse the Woods”, “Observe the Lake”, “Chase the Streams” and “Inquire the Peaks”, this Greenway threads the eastern periphery of Xili Lake, assuming the role of a central axis in the area’s development.
▽见湖段城市鸟瞰 Observe the Lake-Aerial view

▽见湖段古榕树入口 Observe the Lake-banyan tree square entrance

【翠岸流泉,涓涓透底】—— 保护西丽水源之净的环湖绿道 【Emerald banks and trickling springs, clear to the depths】 — a lakeside greenway that sustains the pristine source of Xili Lake
为了保证西丽水库的重要的水资源以及为居民营造宜人的休闲空间,全面提升水库排洪渠和 2 公里燕清溪的景观环境,并对其进行精细化分质处理。同时,借助燕清溪明渠段营造了独具特色的亲水景观,让居民在享受优美风景的同时,也能更加放心地游玩。
To preserve the vital water resources of Xili Reservoir and create a delightful leisure environment for the residents, an extensive 2-kilometer Yanqing River have been developed with refined treatments respectively. Meanwhile, the open channel section of Yanqing River has been transformed into a distinctive waterside landscape, offering the inhabitants not only the pleasures of scenic beauty but also the reassurance to partake in recreational activities with ease.
▽循水段看台 Follow the Waters -the stand

▽夕阳平台 Observe the Lake-Sunset stand

【山水相依,生态共荣】—— 连接山海湖城之绿的生态绿核 【Mountains and Waters in Harmony, Ecology in Prosperity】 — a green heart that unites the city, the lake, the mountains and the sea
Enveloped by a picturesque natural environment and endowed with bounteous forest resources, the ecological system of diversity and abundance stands as an indispensable asset within the urban framework. To mitigate the destructive impacts and potential threats brought forth by urban development, the design team employs various approaches, including low-impact development techniques and ecological restoration measures, in a concerted effort to conserve and rehabilitate the ecosystem, striving to preserve the natural surroundings and tailor a long-lasting sustainable habitat for both flora and fauna to thrive in. While minimizing the intrusion upon nature caused by human activities, the project concurrently offers citizens an essential avenue to reconnect with the natural world. Also, the project harnesses the function of the Greenway as an ecological core to link mountains and waters, foster ecological outlooks and facilitate ecological circulation, and it thereby lays a robust ecological foundation for sustainable urban development.
▽问山段鸟瞰 Inquire the Peaks-Aerial view

▽问山段生态池塘鸟瞰 Inquire the Peaks-Aerial view of the fish pond

【踏青自在,一步一景】—— 饱览岭南山水之美的休闲漫道 【Strolling Amidst Tranquility, Each Step a New Vista】 — a leisure pathway that reveals the beauty of Lingnan landscapes
The slow-traffic system not only represents an integral facet to interconnect the ecological environment, but also serves as a leisure passage weaving through forests, rivers, history and culture for the citizens. Intertwined with No. 2 Provincial Greenway and Dasha River Ecological Corridor, this demonstration section undertakes the role beyond a mere connection between north and south greenways as a crucial link within the greenway network system. Here, visitors are not only treated to the enchanting panoramas of the surrounding locales, such as Xili Mountain Villa and Kylin Villa, but are also invited to savor the distinctive charm of Lingnan’s sceneries whilst immersing themselves in the essence of history and culture. Along this meandering leisure trail, humankind merges into nature, allowing the values of ecology, culture, and humanities to be fully reflected.
▽见湖段登山步道 Observe the Lake-Mountain trail

▽溯溪段树木栈道 Chase the Streams -plank road

▽穿林段 Traverse the Woods

【绿色共融,城市蝶变】—— 共促城乡活力之心的联动环带 【Synthesis of Green Ecology , Metamorphosis of Urban Environment】 — a collaborative circumference that fuels both urban and rural vibrancy
The development of Xili Lake Greenway and urban revitalization are inextricably linked. While the project’s northern periphery embraces ecological suburban towns including Makan Village and Dakan Village, its eastern side neighbors campus towns composed of villages like Pingshan Village, alongside various science and education establishments. The construction of the interlinked green belt through the creation of Xili Lake Greenway can bring in more people and commercial opportunities for the surrounding towns, invigorating their inherent economic vitality. Simultaneously, the fabrication of slow-traffic system will ameliorate the transportation conditions and urban environment of the adjacent towns, hence elevating their overall quality and appeal. This will, in turn, facilitate the sustainable progression of urban renewal and urban development, cultivating an ecosystem of sustainable development for organic urban renewal and the shared dynamism of urban and rural regions.
▽问山段步道 Inquire the Peaks-the footpath

▽溯溪段逐水蝶溪 Chase the Streams- butterfly stream

▽溯溪段逐水蝶溪夜景 Chase the Streams -butterfly stream night view

【感知自然,知识共享】—— 集聚科教创意之源的文化驿道 【Sense Nature, Share the Knowledge】 — a cultural thoroughfare that gathers the wellspring of scientific and educational Creativity
As a shared green leisure belt fostering north-south interaction within the Yanqing River area, the project will serve as a cultural thoroughfare for intellectual exploration and exchange among higher education institutions and laboratory facilities within the future 8 development. By linking the surrounding natural, historical and cultural resources, it will kindle cultural innovation and exchange, nurture interdisciplinary and cross-domain cooperation and development, and thus infuse fresh cultural vigor into the forthcoming science and education city and innovative community. In the meantime, the greenway will provide the citizens with a place to comprehend science, appreciate nature, and delve into culture, which is able to further stimulate cultural exchange and heritage preservation in the urban setting
▽循水段叠院织廊 Follow the Waters-Stacked Courtyard and Woven Corridor

▽循水段观雨亭 Follow the Waters-Rain-Viewing Pavilion

▽问山段生态池塘 Inquire the Peaks-the fish pond

▽问山段生态池塘 Inquire the Peaks-Partial landscape

The Xili Lake Greenway is poised to arrive as a significant landmark within the Xili Lake area and an integral facet of community life.
It makes a profound contribution to the city’s sustainable development and the formation of an ecological community, which serves as a crucial reference for future urban planning and construction endeavors.
▽见湖段绿道 Observe the Lake-the greenway

项目地点:中国 深圳
项目规模:3.7 ㎞
图片摄影:鲁冰、HOPE 翰博设计 刘克华、HOPE 翰博设计 刘维佳、HOPE 翰博设计 黄思瑶
Project name: Xili Lake Greenway (Phase I) Demonstration Section,Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Project location: Shenzhen, China
Project scale: 3.7 ㎞
Construction unit: Construction and Public Works Department of Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Construction agency: China Resources (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Design General Contract: Shenzhen Hope Design Co., Ltd.
Design collaborators: Original Design Studio/TJAD、AECOM
Sign Consultant: Shenzhen Updesign Co.,Ltd
Lighting Consultant: Leyard Intel&Tech Group Co., Ltd.
Photography: Bing Lu、Hope Design-Weijia Liu、Hope Design-Kehua Liu、Hope Design-Siyao Huang
“ 环湖绿道为市民提供了一个重要的回归自然的途径,以促进人和自然和谐共生。”
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