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ROXin Design:How to create a park-like commercial life area in a bustling old city? Build a dream destination like Altay with natural relaxation and greenery. A quiet oasis that makes the soul travel far.




The challenge before us is how to block out the noise from the outside while fully displaying the urban architectural interface, and create an immersive feeling in the short 150-meter path from the city road to the sales office within a limited area of 10,000 square meters.


▽设计轴测图 Design axonometric maps


拥抱自然 檐悦绿岛 Embrace  nature


The first impression we hope the project brings to you is “Let nature give you a hug”. Therefore, we built a natural green island with rolling grassy slopes called “Yanyue Green Island”. It is not only a green barrier to isolate the noisy city, but also the most attractive natural sign of the project. The surrounding driveway is decorated with plant-themed cartoon, which makes people feel relaxed and evoking interests when they enter the project.


▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽城市界面日与夜 City interface day and night



The core of the island is a native chinaberry tree, which has graceful posture like a big hand that wants to give you a hug. We retained and recombined it with the project logo to create a distinctive identifier for the entrance. Under the tree, Japanese holly, palm lily, and wrapped plants are planted to showcase a sense of refinement.


▽入口LOGO Entry LOGO

▽夜色下保留的苦楝 Neem kept at night



The island is based on a naturally rolling grass slope with rosemary clusters. Small Beech trees are planted on the pedestrian as street trees. The entrance of the driveway is about 5.5m, and the exit is about 3.5m, which accommodates different traffic relationships. The edge of the pedestrian is planted with turtle-back shrubs, which allows you to experience exquisiteness of nature and feel the rituals in relaxation.


▽自然包裹的绿色步道 Nature wrapped green walk

▽傍晚来散步的居民 Residents who come for an evening stroll


林间探索 木木潮店 Trend quest



Trends and commerce are the source of vitality for the project. Hiding the trendy wooden shops amidst the forest and grassland. Different buildings have different activities under their eaves. From near and far, they are the future bookstore of the community – Yan·Yuewu, the plant garden that Internet celebrities love most – Yan·Zhi, and the best barbecue restaurant for friends to gather – Yan·Laoshi.

The landscape adopts a relaxed and natural design approach to continue the natural wooden style of the building. A 1.5m wide garden trail, mainly made of adhesive stones with black as the base and gold jumping points, connecting the front spaces of different buildings. Some of the building front spaces continues the adhesive stone material, and are partially embellished with naturally interspersed sesame white stone strips. Some are mainly of wooden platforms with outdoor seating to form a rest and interactive space.



▽在檐下慢尝人间烟火 Under the eaves slowly taste human fireworks



The two sides of the trail are dominated by grassland and muhly grass, with space density changes and scenery in all seasons. The square in front of the wooden house is planted with white birch, which brings a northwest style to the entire site and allows visitors to truly feel the landscape imprint of Altay.



轴线漫游 清泉翠石 Walking Axis


Entering the drop-off area, a tall 10-meter-wide clusters of hackberry trees stands in the middle of the roundabout. Under the tree, sesame-gray stone and black mountain stone form a tree pool. The turtleback planting technique is used in the tree pond to form a highly undulating sculptural planting area.





When turning right and entering the landscape axis, umbrella-shaped Beech trees are planted on both sides of the axis as shade trees. Black mountain stone strips are arranged on both sides of the road, interlaced with the road on the left and right to form a rhythmic array. Flower borders enhance the exquisiteness and overall atmosphere of the demonstration area.

The overall tone of the flower border is freshness and elegance, highlighting the quality of the project. The spherical potting is used as the skeleton, and the middle layer is added with Japanese water iris, leopard plant, rosemary, soft rush, sage of the diviners, sliver mound, panicle hydrangeas, boulevard cypress…, allowing people to feel the fragrance of flowers and discover sustainability of the plant world.


▽自然精致的场景氛围 Natural and delicate scene atmosphere

▽夜幕降临,生活才刚开始 Night falls and life begins


编织生活 邻里广场 Woven life


Going forward along the axis, you will enter the core area of the project – the neighborhood plaza. The square is divided into two areas, one is the activity plaza, and the other is the ceremonial axis for entering the future residential entrance. The activity plaza has a large area of open space, which provides space for community activities and is also the main entrance to the sales office.



▽邻里广场 Neighborhood square



The south side of the plaza is a ceremonial axis that leads directly to the community lobby. The axis uses a landscape wall and three steps to divide the plaza. A welcoming water feature is set in the axis, and a row of nuttall oak are planted on both sides of the road. The entire axis gives people a sense of dignity and a sense of home. The neighborhood plaza is paved with gray and black as the base, taking “weaving life” as the concept, integrating horizontal and vertical weaving elements into the design and configuring breathing lights to increase the night effect and activity.


▽广场铺装的概念来源及设计演绎 The concept source and design interpretation of square paving


▽邻里广场“编织工艺”铺装样式 Neighborhood square “weaving craft” paving style

▽大堂入口“编织工艺”铺装样式 Lobby entrance “Braided craft” paving style

▽施工过程 Construction process


檐下聚会 沙生植物园 Succulent Garden


The Succulent Garden, located next to the neighborhood square, is an extension of the “YanCha” of the sales office. It is divided into two areas: the booth negotiation area and the children’s fantasy adventure island. The booth negotiation area is mainly composed of “L”-shaped sofa seats, with the back against the building. Sit down and enjoy the succulent garden up close; overlooking the undulating grass slopes and woods in the distance.



卡座周围种植以黄色砾石打底,采用娜塔栎做为骨架,再配合中层常绿的油橄榄作为沙生植物园基调,沙生植物园采用凤尾兰、仙人掌、仙人球、皮球柏,蓝湖柏…等形成独特的场景风格, 打造徐州少有的户外沙生植物景观。


The surrounding area of ​​the booth is planted with yellow gravel as the base, with nuttall oak as the skeleton, and the middle layer of olive as the tone of the desert botanical garden. The succulent garden uses palm lily, cactus, easter lily cactus, juniperus chinensis, boulevard cypress… etc. to form a unique scenic style, creating a rare outdoor desert plant landscape in Xuzhou.

The children’s fantasy adventure island is themed on all-age activities and parent-child companionship. In the activity area, there are not only “islands” that can be climbed up and down, but also convenient facilities such as seats and direct drinking water. The ground of the activity area is mainly of yellow and brown resin, combined with interesting lines, echoing the desert theme. Planting is natural and relaxed, continuing the style of succulent plants and placing plant species labels to facilitate parent-child education and other activities.


▽屋檐下的生活延展空间 Living extension space under the eaves

▽光影中静谧的花园 A quiet garden in light and shadow

▽沙生植物园的油橄榄 Olives from the Sand Garden

▽留一些场地给孩子自由探索 Leave some space for children to explore freely


放肆玩耍 晴坡剧场 Sunny theatre


The Sunny Theater is dominated by an undulating open lawn with a patch of metasequoia trees planted in the background. In the center of the lawn are three clustered camphor trees that serves as the main landscape trees. Under the camphor trees, terrazzo and wooden benches are used to enclose the small theater. Camping and yoga can be done on the lawn, which is also the favorite activity place for children. It is a scenic preview of what future life will be, where they can find a natural habitat deep in their hearts in the noisy city.


▽晴坡剧场的多元化情景演绎 The diverse scene interpretation of Qingpo Theater


▌ 植物场景  ▌Plant scene


The plant design of the project is relatively relaxed and slightly wild, giving people a sense of sparse forests and grassy slopes as a whole, as if they were in the wilderness. At the same time, the creation of characteristic flower spaces at key nodes as a check-in point is also the ingenuity of the project. The flower space mainly includes two parts, one is the succulent garden combined with the educational attributes; the other is the entrance axis reception area, which depicts a new scene of future life with rich plant changes.




The Succulent Garden simulates tropical desert style, plant desert succulents such as cactus, and create a comfortable and relaxed outdoor seating space.


▽沙生植物园 Sandy Botanical Garden

▽植物种类 Plant species



The welcoming axis garden, with its fresh and elegant multiple flower landscapes, creates a landscape walking axis that has both a sense of ceremony and elegance, allowing you to wander among the birds singing and fragrant flowers of the forest.


▽轴线花园 Axis garden

▽植物种类 Plant species


▌ 设计的温情  ▌The warm design


In the garden and the model courtyard, you can see “Wooded Artworks” everywhere. These “Wooded Artworks” are all made by Vanke Designer Team. They integrated the warmth of humanity into the design, which is also a guarantee and emphasis on the quality of the project. In addition, regular children’s plant classes are organized in the garden, hoping to integrate the love of landscape plants into children’s lives, create a richer life experience for the future community, and enrich children’s future lives.


▽随处可见木头制作的“原木艺术品” You can see “log art” made of wood everywhere


▌ 后记  ▌Postscript 




The process of designing the plan was very long. From the pure park enclosed lawn wooden house, to the city square dominated by hardscape, to the traditional demonstration area with exquisite ceremony, ROXin Design and Vanke team have been looking for the most beautiful balance point. This process is hard but exciting. Through multiple co-creations and explorations with Vanke, we have broken through the model logic of the traditional demonstration area and perfectly integrating the main axis of business, sales building, future community lobby and the park.

Before the project opened, citizens have already taken their children for a walk and play, immersing themselves in it. This also inspired us and the Vanke team to explore the original intention and innovation of breakthrough products in the new market environment.

I hope that Vanke Yanyujian will bring more satisfaction and happiness in the daily lives of everyone, and we sincerely look forward to having it inject more vitality into the city of Xuzhou.


▽夜景鸟瞰 Aerial view


▽施工过程 Construction process




项目名称:徐州万科檐语间  公园商业生活体验区
建筑设计:方纵建筑 | a9a rchitect | 天华建筑
摄影单位 : IAM岸木摄影
图文制作 : 陈君燕

Project name: Xuzhou Vanke Yanyujian Park Commercial Life Experience Area
Project location: Intersection of Tianjin Road and Liaohe Road, Xuzhou
Landscape area: about 14,000 square meters
Landscape design: ROXin Design
Design team: Gao Min, Kang Kai, Li Junxue, Chen Junyan, Nie Chong, Yang Lijuan
Owner: Xuzhou Vanke
Architectural design: M.FZ Architecture | a9a rchitect | Tianhua Architecture
Interior design: Super ordinary
Flower landscape design: Pufan Gardening
Architectural floodlight design: MoA
Logo design: BOXISIGN
Meichen Commercial Design: Zhantuo Design
Landscape construction: Hangzhou Tianqin
Completion time: July 2024
Photography unit: IAM Photography
Graphic production: Chen Junyan
For business consultation, please contact: info@roxinstudio.com




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