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Thanks TRIOSTUDIO  for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided byTRIOSTUDIO.



TRIOSTUDIO :As the third store of NIAOYAN in Nanjing, this case is mainly based on the tavern unit, integrating the breath of life into the space. At the same time, the style is inspired by the structure of the torii and the paper umbrella, which continues the novel Japanese ritual sense in the color and interior decoration.


▽空间概览 Space overview


从场地突围,构建别样日料酒场 Construct a different kind of Japanese cooking wine field


Faced with the problems of insufficient lighting, poor landscape and passenger flow, how to break through the disadvantage of the site has become the primary problem faced by the design team.


▽店外立面与沿街建筑的关系 The relationship between the store facade and the buildings along the street



The design team used “vermilion” in the torii structure as the main color. From the exterior facade to the interior environment of the restaurant, the “sense of order” creates the continuity of the space and has a strong visual effect. Guests pass through the outside area and enter the indoor space, and they are greeted by the central bar in the core area.


▽吧台设计bar design

▽包间设计细节 Private room design details


景观的呼吸感 Breath of the Landscape


In the design of the façade of the space, the arc wall and local landscaping are used to reproduce a barrier-like visual cover with overlapping materials. Blur the boundary and make the space have a sense of transparent breathing. The Japanese-style landscaping under the extension of the semi-circular “umbrella surface”, the boundary of feeling in the space penetrates the material partition wall, guiding the guests’ eyes to meet the space.


▽外立面细节facade details

▽从户外透过玻璃立面望向室内 Looking into the interior from the outside through the glass façade


▽门头立面设计 door facade design

▽室外造景细部Outdoor landscaping details



Inside the restaurant, the design team used the top-level decorative structure of the core bar area to connect with the “Japanese-style paper umbrella”. The scattered look and feel of the scattered public area and the separate private rooms are connected in the multi-dimensional space refracted by the wooden structure and the top mirror. The restaurant space interacts with guests and brands.


▽伞形顶部设计细节 Umbrella top design details


仪式,不止于鸟居 Ceremony, more than torii


In terms of construction ideas, the fit between NIAOYAN and Japanese material culture is highlighted through structure and material selection, and a unique scene experience is created. That is, “when entering the space, all guest behaviors require special attention”. This is the spatial signal: stepping into Toyoya means stepping into a journey that is distinct from the real world. In this way, more spiritual and cultural feelings and experiences can be conveyed to diners.


▽餐桌细节 dining table details


▽私密包间动图 A GIF of a private room

▽用餐环境 Dining environment

▽包间开合效果 Private room opening and closing effect



In addition to paying tribute to the structure, the story of the place is also inseparable from the interpretation of light and shadow. The design team carefully polished many intriguing spatial details to describe the spatial interest of gradually entering the secret environment for the guests who are in it.


▽空间细部 Spatial detail

▽平面图 Plan

▽外立面动效图 Dynamic rendering of the facade




主要材料:瓷砖 石材 木饰面 不锈钢

Project name: Yan and Yan
Project type: Catering space
Design time: 2022.02-04
Construction time: 2022.05-06
Design team: triostudio
Project address: Nanjing, Jiangsu
Project status: Completed
Floor area: 142 square meters
Main material: ceramic tile stone wood veneer stainless steel
Official account: TRIOSTUDIO Sanli Club
Customer: Yan and Yan
Photography is by ingallery
Design consultation: lx@triostudio.cn
Media connection: media@triostudio.cn



审稿编辑:  Maggie

更多 Read more about: TRIOSTUDIO三厘社