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SUBARQUITECTURA:对 Padre Esplá 大道进行评估并重塑是本项目的核心所在,与此同时,Dr Nieto 和 Pintor Zuloaga 街之间还将新建一个广场,并改造相邻街道的人行道,将现有的 Olivera 广场扩建到项目范围内。
SUBARQUITECTURA: The purpose of this Project is to define and evaluate the redevelopment of Padre Esplá Avenue between Ingeniero Canales streets and the Clara Forner journalist roundabout. At the same time, a new square is created between Dr Nieto and Pintor Zuloaga streets and the current Olivera square is expanded by pedestrianizing the adjacent streets and extending it to the avenue.

This set of actions manages to convert the current Avenue into a future Promenade, promoting its pedestrian use, sustainable mobility and local commerce. This approach from social and environmental sustainability contemplates a series of actions aimed at connecting neighborhoods, promoting energy efficiency and pedestrian mobility, serving groups of vulnerable people, rehabilitating cultural and historical heritage and reactivating economic activity.

项目的重建包括Padre Esplá 大道,它位于Dr Nieto街和Clara Forner环岛之间,以及Olivera广场和连接大道北面两个三角形广场的Rio Serpis街道。
The project redevelops Padre Esplá avenue between Dr Nieto streets and the Clara Forner journalist roundabout. It also includes Plaza de la Olivera and Rio Serpis Street as a connection to the 2 triangular squares located to the north of the avenue.

▽改造前后对比 Before-After

当前 Padre Esplá 大道的现状条件在物质和环境方面都处于不断恶化的状态,其本身是一个非常适合行人步行的空间,尽管街道宽度相当大,但却没有为步行或骑自行车留出足够的空间。除此之外,大道还存在多种物理障碍,阻碍着行人的通行。
Currently the avenue is in a state of deterioration, both physically and environmentally. It is a very pedestrian-friendly space. Despite its considerable width, it does not offer adequate spaces for walking or cycling. It also presents multiple physical barriers that make its accessibility difficult.
▽Padre Esplá 大道现状 Current situation

由于大道沿线各区域高度和城市类型不同,使其缺乏自身特色,城市形象也不够统一和协调。Padre Esplá 大道重塑计划意在改变当前长廊主要供车辆通行和停放的现状,将其转化为友好的、有吸引力的公共空间。
It lacks its own identity and its urban image is very heterogeneous due to the different heights and urban typologies existing in its different areas. The aim is to adapt the current Padre Esplá avenue to turn it into a friendly and attractive public space, changing its current configuration practically intended for the passage and parking of vehicles on a promenade.

在横向上,Padre Esplá 大道不再是将 Plá 社区一分为二的障碍,车道被移除,人行道被拓宽,并种植了新的树木,同时还创建了小型住宅区。人行道和公路拟建在同一水平高度,从而符合无障碍通行的规定。此外,还新布置了更多的人行横道。这些改造手段意在增强大道的行人可穿越性,并将南北两侧的城市结构融为一体。
Transversally, it is intended that Padre Esplá Avenue stops being a barrier that divides the Plá neighborhood into 2. Lanes are removed, sidewalks are widened and given new trees, also creating small residential areas. The sidewalks and the road are proposed at the same level, thus complying with accessibility regulations. At the same time, new and larger pedestrian crossings appear. The sum of all these actions aims to make the avenue more permeable for pedestrians, with a clear goal of integrating the urban fabrics located to the north and south of the avenue.

通过对周边街道进行步行化改造,将 Olivera 广场与大道直接连接起来,为公共空间赋予连续性。在该广场旁边还新建了一个小广场,两个广场位于 Padre Esplá 大道两侧,为人们提供了可以休息活动的公共空间,供人们自由使用,同时通过运用大量植被营造出宜人的微气候。
Continuity is given to public spaces by directly linking Plaza de la Olivera to the Avenue through the pedestrianization of its surrounding streets. Next to this square, a new square is created in front of the first block of Padre Esplá Street, between Doctor Nieto and Pintor Zuloaga Streets. The presence of these 2 squares, one on each side of the avenue, serves to provide rest areas and public spaces for free use and climatically pleasant through profuse use of vegetation.
▽总平面图 Master Plan

▽两个广场成为行人的休憩空间 Two squares are the open spaces for pedestrians

在纵向上,由于缺乏明确和规则的路线,同时鉴于区域高度和建筑类型的多样性,设计决定清晰地标定出一条能够衔接大道的连续的参照轴。新路段可以最大限度地避免汽车与自行车、自行车与行人之间的干扰和交叉,路段两端是两个环形交叉路口,即Clara Forner环岛和新环岛,新环岛规模较小,但能够负荷城市公交车的转弯,甚至是铰接式公交车,这种往返配置能够尽量减少车辆左转,以免影响自行车道的连续性。
Longitudinally, in the absence of clear and regular alignments, as well as the diversity of heights and building typologies, it was decided to very clearly mark a continuous reference axis that is capable of articulating the avenue. The solution adopted arises from a new road section, the objective of which is to avoid maximum interference and crossings between cars and bicycles and between bicycles and pedestrians. At its ends, the new avenue is configured between 2 roundabouts, the Clara Forner journalist roundabout and a new roundabout that is small in size but capable of taking on the turns of urban buses, even those of the articulated type. Through this round trip configuration, the aim is to avoid as many left turns as possible, so as not to interrupt the continuity of the bike lane.

由于 Padre Esplá 大道对于连接阿里坎特市中心与周边大道(如 Pla 大道或 Gran Vía 大道)的自行车道网络至关重要,因此中央自行车道力求具有显著的象征性,以此倡议阿里坎特市推广自行车的使用。设计对位于圣家堂广场(Sagrada Familia square)旁的环路做了详细研究,以保证城市公交车的顺利转弯转向。为了使车辆转弯更加方便,中央岛没有设置路缘石,由此形成了一个大的平坦空间。
The central position of the bike lane seeks to become a clear symbolic element, with the aim of promoting the use of bicycles in the city of Alicante, since Padre Esplá avenue is vital for connecting the bike lane networks that connect the Alicante city center with its peripheral avenues, such as Boulevard del Pla or Gran Vía. A detailed study has been carried out on the roundabout located next to the Sagrada Familia square to allow buses to turn and change direction. To make turns even easier, the central island of the roundabout is made without curbs, creating a large flat space that allows the direct turn of special vehicles if there is a specific need.

环岛内部由 10x10x8 厘米的黑色花岗岩铺成,支持道路交通。环岛中央区域没有任何凸起或路边,也没有任何可能妨碍通行的纵向标志,因此如有特殊需要,特殊尺寸的车辆在特定时间可以在此直接转弯。
The interior of the roundabout is made using a paving of 10x10x8cm pieces of black granite that supports road traffic. There are no projections or curbs nor is there any type of vertical signage that could hinder passage in the central area of the roundabout. This will allow direct turns of vehicles of special dimensions at specific times.
▽渲染效果图 Renders

▽区域平面图 Area Plans

▽街道平剖面 Street Sections

项目名称:Padre Esplá大道提升项目
项目地点:西班牙 阿里坎特
首席建筑师:Andres Silanes, Fernando Valderrama, Carlos Bañon
设计团队:Julian Lemberg, Javier Llebrés
Scale: URBAN
Project Location: ALICANTE
Landscape/Architecture Firm: SUBARQUITECTURA
Lead Architects: Andres Silanes, Fernando Valderrama, Carlos Bañon
Design Team: Julian Lemberg, Javier Llebrés
Collaborators: INGEMED
“ 将街道还给行人,以低碳环保的出行方式为环境提升出一份力。”
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