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ZAN Landscape: This garden tries to listen to the dialogue between mountains and water, heaven and earth by exploring the connection between space and form. The texture of plants, reflected water surface, light and shadow, these daily natural landscape elements converge and evolve into a unique consciousness here, reaching the top of the cloud and shadow under the loam.




The combination of these landscape elements gives Shenzhen a unique and creative urban personality, which is also the source of inspiration for this project. The designer abstracts it and integrates it into the design.


▼项目鸟瞰 Project bird’s eye view



The grand explores the connections between space and form and the interactions between woodland and water, land and sky.




Every day elements of landscape brought together as a unique composition of textural planting,reflective water, light and shadow and soar upwards to the heavens.




The surrounding colors and light are reflected in the water stream and merge into the dense woodland and the plants at the edge of the space.


▼水溪倒影着周边的环境 The water stream reflects the surrounding environment



Designer approach combines imaginative design concepts with a passion for planting, materials and craftsmanship,to deliver distinctive and memorable spaces that enhance the connection between people and nature.


▼自然烂漫的植物空间 Natural plant space

▼休憩小坐,感受独特的空间体验感 Sit back and feel the unique sense of space experience

▼精致的景观工艺细节展示 Exquisite landscape craft details display



The paved ground emerges from the plants and  Created a place to relax and meet people can sit here and have a chat.




He woodland edge backdrop softens into the wider landscape but lower planting mixes spill over, running through the entire garden. The connections between man and nature are represented here.


▼低矮的混种植物成为景观的自然延伸 Low mixed plants become a natural extension of the landscape

▼融入其中的置石坐凳 Stone benches integrated into it


随机分布的桅杆高至 10m,在微风中轻柔地摆动与摇曳,旨在赋予空间高度感和戏剧性。

Over laid by the random pattern of tall poles, some up to 10m high, designed to give height and drama to the space and to move or sway gently in the breeze.




Each mast carries either a small LED or a misting spray further animating this element and allowing the garden to be enjoyed as an installation space after darkness falls.


▼高低错落的桅杆装置 Staggered mast device

▼具有灯光和雾喷功能的桅杆,烘托空间氛围 Mast with light and fog spray function to enhance the atmosphere of the space

▼树林间的星星点点 Dots in the woods



The poles are grouped sometimes in dense clusters and sometimes as more solitary elements, reflecting the diversity of local communities and settlements out into Shenzhen.




抽象来看这个展园,就是这个城市⾃然和⼈紧密连接形成的有机⽣态系统,桅竿便是表达了⼀切可能性的集合体,通过满满的活⼒与外界连接, ⽤⼀个充满⼒量和张⼒的展园来表达深圳,感叹深圳的夯实发展基础和⻜速的发展速度,歌颂⼀座充满了⽆限的机会和可能性⼜富有细节的城市。

The cloudless sky was like jewelled with myriads of glittering stars with warmd and hope.

Looking at this garden in abstraction, it is an organic physical system formed by the close connection between the city itself and the people. The mast is a collection that expresses all possibilities. It connects with the outside world through full activity, and uses a full The large and open garden expresses Shenzhen, lamenting Shenzhen’s solid development foundation and rapid development speed, and praising a city full of limited opportunities and possibilities and full of details.


▼平面图 Plan



概念/方案设计:MC William studio

Project name:Between Heaven and Earth
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Design:MC William studio
Deepening design: ZAN LANDSCAPE
Construction unit:ZAN LANDSCAPE
Company website: www.zaaan.cn
Organizer:Shenzhen Greening Management Office
Undertaking unit:HONGYUE
Photography:Yi Shao
Design area: 200m²
Year completed: 2021



审稿编辑 王琪 –  Maggie

更多 Read more about: 至岸景观 ZAN Landscape