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Sotero Arquitetos:鉴于邦芬教堂作为国家文化遗产的特殊性质,以及其在集体记忆中的物质和非物质层面的历史认同感,该更新项目力求保护和突出这一地区。其现代化的城市和建筑设计考虑了场地的景观属性,增强了吸引力和影响力,提高了市民对公共空间的使用率。项目的主要意图之一是在城市环境中,减少可能影响景观的使用冲突,建筑区域的可见性,保护和维护受保护的场地。首先是取代车辆专用区,以优先考虑行人规模,提升普遍的可达性和步行性。此外,该设计还创造了基础设施空间,鼓励人们持续在公共空间中停留并实现与场地的共生关系,以及通向布景中的兴趣点的新路线。该提案包括重新组织交通,建立新的停车场以容纳旅游巴士和自行车。一些被认为在邦芬教堂内部和周围不合适的活动被转移到公共空间中,以抵消它们对保护建筑及其文物带来的负面影响。最后,设计着眼于保护遗址的历史元素(喷泉、殖民时期的灯柱、原生植被等),同时引入新的结构以适应宗教活动并表达象征性的文化内涵。
Sotero Arquitetos:Given its peculiar nature as National Cultural Heritage site, as well as the historic acknowledgment of its material and immaterial dimensions in collective memory, the Bonfim Renewal project sought to preserve and highlight this area. Its contemporary urban and architectural design took into reference the site’s landscape attributes, bolstering its attractiveness and influence, the usage of public spaces by citizens and, consequently, the sustainability of the site itself. One of the main intentions was to reduce, within the urban environment, usage conflicts that might affect the landscape, the visibility of the constructed areas, the conservation and maintenance of the protected site, starting with the replacement of areas dedicated to vehicles in order to prioritize the pedestrian scale and promote universal access and walkability. In addition, the design enabled the creation of spaces with infrastructure, encouraging sustained human presence and fruition of the public space in a symbiotic relationship with the site, as well as new routes leading to points of interest amongst the set. The proposal included reorganizing traffic, the creation of new parking, in order to accomodate tourist buses and bicycles. Some activities considered inadequate within and around Senhor do Bonfim were transferred to the public space, in order to neutralize the negative impact they brought upon the conservation of the building and its artifacts. Last, the design looked to preserve the historical elements of the site (fountain, colonial lamp posts, native vegetation, etc.), all whilst introducing new stuctures to accommodate religious events and express the symbolic cultural reference.

邦芬圣山对巴伊亚首府萨尔瓦多市具有重要的宗教、历史、文化和社会意义,也有利于各种宗教信仰(天主教/坎东布雷教)的共存。该遗址讲述了269年前由Irmandade da Devoção Senhor do Bonfim创立的异教的信徒们的生活。这座山构成了一种鲜活的记忆,通过它所包含的文化表现形式来重现,如Lavagem do Bonfim所表现的那样,由于其丰富的象征意义,其在2013年被列为国家非物质遗产。
The Senhor do Bonfim Sacred Hill is of fundamental religious, historical, cultural and social importance to the city of Salvador, capital of Bahia, and for embracing a coexistence of religious beliefs (Catholicism/Candomblé). The site recounts the life of devotees in the preachings of the cult founded by the Irmandade da Devoção do Senhor do Bonfim 269 years ago. Said hill constitutes a living memory, recreated via cultural manifestations it encompasses, as repesented by the Lavagem do Bonfim, which has been listed as national intangible heritage in 2013 due to its wealth of symbolism.
In the urban context prior to the intervention, the religious building was degrading rapidly due to the concentration and diversity of public activities held within, in addition to the conflicting uses that took place along its extended surroundings, whose infrastucture was of a disordered and precarious nature. Said setting compromised the preservation and appraisal of the heritage site, which lacked a general reform initiative.

该项目占地面积3.6万平方米。所展示的元素与圣山上无处不在的融合意象有关:基督教对Senhor do Bonfim的崇拜和Candomblé信徒对OXAá orixá的崇拜,Bonfim丝带和Opaxorô de Oxalá被风格化并融入路面设计。45厘米长的丝带与Senhor do Bonfim图像上的特征相同——在项目中被当作模数,在新的城市家具和其他建筑元素中有所体现。
The project covered an area of 36,000 m2. On display, the elements related to the ubiquitous syncretic imagery found on the Sacred Hill – the Christian worship of Senhor do Bonfim and devotion to Oxalá orixá by Candomblé practioners –, the Bonfim ribbon and the Opaxorô de Oxalá are stylized and integrated into the pavement design. The ribbon length, 45cm – the dimension of the arm on the Senhor do Bonfim image –, was adopted as modulation in the project, featured in the dimensions of the new urban furniture and other architectural elements.

▽特色符号提取及应用 Assimilations

The church became the prominent element on site, thanks to the expansion of the square over part of the old road system, ensuring the spatial and hierarchical visual unity of the historic set. The inclusion of a contemporary building to shelter candles and holy water, a place of great importance to the Catholics, valued and preserved the formal and volumetric composition of the neighboring residential area to which it aligns perspective wise. From design to construction, the solutions adopted took on a complementary character from functional to symbolic. Together, the enlargement of the promenade pavement resulting from the exclusion of roads and its artistic redesign brings out the aspects of the landscape and the built elements; these confer a clear directional reading and address the walkability issue.

This outline constitutes an example of gain of guided perception which is fundamental to the appreciation of the site by visitors. This corroborates the qualification of the public space, a mandatory aspect in contemporary city conceptualization. The target community showed great acceptance of the space – a factor that influenced the success of the new uses. Residents, devotees and tourists extended their stay in the space and incremented their use of it.

The Bonfim Festival, held yearly with an attendance of one million people, not only demonstrated the performance of the intervention, sans damage to property, but also showcased the potential uses with regards to the masses and a permanent public presence.

▽城市肌理 Urban-context

▽项目平面图 Project plan

▽城市家具 Urban furniture

项目地点:巴西 巴伊亚州 萨尔瓦多
景观/建筑公司:Sotero Arquitetos
主创设计师:Adriano Mascarenhas
设计团队:Helder da Rocha、Eric Cabussu、Kaline Kalil、Técio Martins、George Almeida
客户:Mario Leal Ferreira Fundation 和 Salvador City Hall
施工:NM Construtora
城市基础设施:Trento Engenharia
混凝土结构:Jonilton Francisco dos Santos
钢结构:Cereno Muniz
预算:Rosimeire Amorim Conceição
园林绿化:Parnaso Jardim
装置:Doto Engenharia
地形:West Engineering
修复者:Mário Mendonça
造型艺术家:Bel Borba
图片来源:Leonardo Finotti 和 Tarso Figueira
摄影师网站:www.leonardofinotti.com 和 www.tarsofigueira.com.br
Project name: Bonfim sacred hill urban renewal
Completion Year: October 2019
Size: 36.000m2
Project location: Salvador, Bahia – Brazil
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Sotero Arquitetos
Website: www.soteroarquitetos.com.br
Contact e-mail: contato@soteroarquitetos.com.br
Lead Architects: Adriano Mascarenhas
Design Team: Helder da Rocha, Eric Cabussu, Kaline Kalil, Técio Martins, George Almeida
Clients: Mario Leal Ferreira Fundation and Salvador City Hall
Construction: NM Construtora
Urban Infrastructure: Trento Engenharia
Concrete Structure: Jonilton Francisco dos Santos
Steel Structure: Cereno Muniz
Budget: Rosimeire Amorim Conceição
Landscaping: Parnaso Jardim
Building Installations: Doto Engenharia
Waterproofing: SVA
Topography: West Engineering
Urban Lighting: Quality
Locksmiths: Fabrimetal
Restorer: Mário Mendonça
Plastic Artist: Bel Borba
Photo credits: Leonardo Finotti and Tarso Figueira
Photographer’s website: www.leonardofinotti.com and www.tarsofigueira.com.br
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