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Thanks Paradigma Ariadné for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Paradigma Ariadné.


Paradigma Ariadné:沼泽地是一种复杂的自然湿地生态系统。它们就像沼泽和湿地,但其生存环境和土壤更为复杂,因此也更为脆弱。数百年前,由于靠近多瑙河,布达佩斯被沼泽地所包围。但几个世纪以来,人类抽干了沼泽地的水,现在只剩下了极少公顷的沼泽地。

在布达佩斯郊区一个最大的购物中心和 M0 高速公路之间,有一片完全未被开发的沼泽地。这是一片神奇的土地,大量物种栖息在这里,在完全不友好的城市环境中为物种提供了一处庇护之所。在匈牙利栖息的 265 种鸟类中,有 50 种可以在这片相对较小的土地上找到。

Paradigma Ariadné:Boglands are complex natural wetland ecosystems. They are like swamps and marshes, but their living environment and their soil is more complex, therefor they are more fragile. Hundreds of years ago Budapest was surrounded by boglands due to the proximity of the Danube River. But trough centuries we drained them and now a very few hectares exist only.

One of them is completely untouched and is between one of the biggest shopping centre, and the M0 highway in the suburbs of Budapest. It is a magical land where large amount of species find their shelter surrounded by a completely not welcoming urban environment. Out of the 265 bird species that settle in Hungary you can find 50 there, on a relatively small portion of land.



负责管理这块土地的 NHOOD 服务有限公司决定在这里开发一条教育步道,向更多的人展示这一丰富的自然环境并介绍其重要性。我们受邀参与这条教育步道的设计和建造投标,并于 2022 年中标。

NHOOD Services Hungary Ltd. who handles the land decided to develop an Educational trail here, to show the richness of this natural environment and introduce its importance to the wider audience. They invited us for a tender to design and build the architecture of the trail, and we won the tender in 2022.



一年半后,这条小径完工,任何人都可以前往参观。该项目系列由 4 个展亭和一条长 850 米的小径组成,介绍并解释了与这片沼泽地相关的知识。在设计过程中,我们基于一个特定的形状开发了四个亭子,这一通用的阶梯形结构有时作为一个小型展览空间,用于展示有关沼泽地地质历史的信息内容,有时是一个体验沼泽地土壤物理特性的场所,有时则是一个瞭望点或儿童攀爬设施。

After one and a half year the trail is finished and can be visited by anyone. The series of 4 pavilions and an 850 meters long trail introducing and interpreting the knowledge that are related to this bogland. During the design process we have developed only one specific shape that finally become the shape of the four pavilions. This generic stepped shaped structure is sometimes a small exhibition space for infographic content about the geological history of the bogland, sometimes a place for experiencing the physical qualities of the soil that you can find at the place, and sometimes a lookout point or a climber for children.




We wanted to place structures here that are not related to usual architectural elements in a way as house shaped buildings are related. Otherwise, we also wanted to avoid creating false feeling of naiv naturality. We wanted to highlight that everything on this trail was not originally here and is an intruder structure. This is important, even in the case if these structures can interpret knowledge that could help the protection of this land, and could help the visitors to be more environmentally engaged.





Therefor we applied and constructed shapes here which reminds us more like to an ancient monolith, or to an object with unknown roots. About these blue pavilions it is obvious from the distance that they are artificial, but their functionality is not clear for the first glance. According to the concept with this feature we aimed to create sacral environment which is, together with the exact knowledge of the interpretation, giving a complete emotional and intellectual experience for the visitors.

With this feature our work connects to those ideas which is rooted in the contemporary observations, that edifices no longer can be attached to big cultural or societal narratives anymore but only can be compositions of forms and spaces of sense-making.




植物将会在未来几年里生长并轻松占据这些木结构,根据我们的初步设想,未来,展亭与小径的外观将更接近勒内·马格里特(René Magritte)的油画作品《The Blank Signature》中的视觉特征。在这幅画中,一个骑马的女子形象超现实地消隐在树木之间,就像我们希望在自然环境中隐藏和突出这些阶梯形的结构一样。

The significant blue colour of the structures comes from the fact that blue and violet colours are the rarest colours in the nature. Hence this basic colour also connects the structures to the concept of highlighting the inevitable human touch. If something is blue in a natural environment than it is probable that it was made by human.

On the timber frameworks of the pavilions plants can easily run up in the upcoming years and according to our early idea, the future look of the pavilions and the trail will be closer to the visual feature of the paint of René Magritte The Blank Signature. On that picture the figure of a woman on a horse is surrealistically faded between trees, just as we wanted to hide and highlight our stepped shaped structures at the same time within the natural environment.



从建筑师的角度来看,该项目最大的挑战是在沼泽地上建造小径和亭子。为了克服这一困难,整条小径由一系列长度为 6 米的相对较短的桥梁组成。因此,我们减少了接地螺丝的数量,最终我们只使用了 240 个,每个螺丝都被拧到 6 米深的坚实地基上。

整个工程耗费 10000 米木梁和 60000 个木螺钉,历时四个月。其中最大的一个结构是一座 15 米长的桥梁,它可以通往沼泽地。

From a constructor point of view the biggest challenge was to founding the trail and the pavilions on a marsh. Because of this difficulty the whole trail is a series of relatively short bridges with 6 meters length. With this we were able to reduce the number of ground screws from which finally we used 240 pieces and each of them were screwed down to the depth of 6 meters, where the first solid layer of the ground lays onto which it was possible to found the groundscrews.

The whole construction needed 10.000 meters timber beam and 60.000 woodscrews and was realised if four months. The biggest structure that was deployed to the place is the 15 meters long bridge that make possible to reach the bogland. By the way, this is the first bridge that was designed by Paradigma Ariadné.



▽设计图纸 Design drawings




项目名称:Blue Signature
竣工年份:2023 年
尺寸:600 平方米
项目地点:匈牙利 Dunakeszi
景观/建筑公司:Paradigma Ariadné
首席建筑师:Attila Róbert Csóka、Szabolcs Molnár、Dávid Smiló、Lilla Árkovics
客户:NHOOD Services Hungary Kft.
平面设计:Virág Kiss
说明设计:Árpád Bõczén,Zsuzsa Berecz

Project name: Blue Signature
Completion Year: 2023
Size: 600 m2
Project location: Dunakeszi, Hungary
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Paradigma Ariadné
Website: https://paradigmaariadne.com/
Contact e-mail: hello@paradigmaariadne.com
Lead Architects: Attila Róbert Csóka, Szabolcs Molnár, Dávid Smiló, Lilla Árkovics
Clients: NHOOD Services Hungary Kft.
Graphic design: Virág Kiss
Interpretation design: Árpád Bőczén, Zsuzsa Berecz




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