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Thanks Buro Harro for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Buro Harro.
Buro Harro:该项目位于阿姆斯特丹市中心一座拥抱自然的建筑屋顶之上,供人在沙丘环绕之间畅游。这里常年大风,这激发了我们创造这个极致享受的景观项目——沙丘,防风松树和许多来自沙丘的稀有本土植物专为这种罕见又恶劣的环境而种植。
Buro Harro:On the roof of this nature- inclusive building block in the heart of Amsterdam, you can swim in between the dunes. No matter what, the wind blows high up in the sky. That inspired us to bring in the ultimate landscape to enjoy with stormy weather: the dunes. With wind-blown pine trees and lots of indigenous (and sometimes rare!) plants from the dunes that are made for these rare and harsh circumstances.

In the middle of this water-absorbing dune landscape lies a swimming pool, a bamboo – wooden terrace, and a beach pavilion, from where you can enjoy this surrealistic roof landscape under all conditions. Take the stairs or elevator and end up in a completely different word. On top of the the roof, in the middle of the city. Here, bees buzz, seagulls cry and the background noise of the city is like the rustling of the sea. Holidays, every day.
▽海滩凉亭 Beach pavilion

▽游泳池 Swimming pool

▽竹木露台 Bamboo – wooden terrace

In this building people and the other nature live together. The former city floor is lifted and turned into a small patch of nature, the facades that are inhabited by plants, birds, insects ánd humans are extra. A piece urban landscape where both people ánd birds, bees, bats, butterflies live side by side. That way by building the world doesn’t become smaller, but bigger. We multiply landscapes!

▽总平面 Master plan

▽花园平面 Garden plan

项目名称:Dune roof
景观/建筑公司:Buro Harro
首席建筑师:Buro Harro, Ronald Janssen Architecten, Bastiaan Jongerius Architecten
设计团队:Harro de Jong, Jan Eiting, René van Seumeren
客户:HBB Group, Edwin Oostmeijer Projectontwikkeling BV
合作方:De Dakdokters
图片来源:Jeroen Musch
Project name: Dune roof
Completion Year: 2021
Project location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Buro Harro
Website: buroharro.nl
Contact e-mail: mail@buroharro.nl, jui@buroharro.nl
Lead Architects: Buro Harro, Ronald Janssen Architecten, Bastiaan Jongerius Architecten
Design Team: Harro de Jong, Jan Eiting, René van Seumeren
Clients: HBB Group, Edwin Oostmeijer Projectontwikkeling BV
Collaborators: De Dakdokters
Photo credits: Jeroen Musch
Photographer’s website: http://www.jeroenmusch.nl
“ 结合自然特征的屋顶泳池,给人亲近自然的体验。”
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
更多 Read more about: Buro Harro