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Thanks Manuel Cervantes Estudio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Manuel Cervantes Estudio.
Manuel Cervantes Estudio:该项目位于墨西哥普埃布拉市的西部,毗邻一片几乎全是岩石的保护区。基于客户的设计愿景是将其日常生活与马术结合起来,我们在项目中设计了一个35 x 70米的跑道、一个马厩、包厢和一个小型私人住宅。
Manuel Cervantes Estudio:The project is located in the western part of the city of Puebla, adjacent to a reserve area where the land is completely rocky. The program included a 35 x 70 m track, stables, a box and a small private housing development. The purpose of the client was from the beginning to integrate people’s lives with equestrian life.

The topography of the site would mean a challenge when it comes to moving the track, since with the steep slope large contentions or cuts to the terrain were generated; that was how the positioning of this central element in equilibrium between the cut and the containment, would become the starting point.
The project can be clearly understood in section, where each program is placed on a level according to the topography of the land itself, avoiding the cutting down of trees and seeking to provide the ideal conditions for each typology. The outline of the stables accompanies the long side of the track, in a repetition of 4x4m modules under a wooden and steel deck with the same modulation, which allowed us during the design process to add stables according to the client’s request.

The 6 houses are in the highest part of the property, in modules of 2 with a frank orientation towards the track; The privacy of each home is achieved through the abundant vegetation in the back, towards which they open completely, contrary to what happens towards the track.

The materiality of the project responds directly to the nature of the land, where all the marble rock that was obtained when moving the track, was subsequently used in the basement of the stables and containment elements.
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