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Thanks WEDO Landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by WEDO Landscape.


域道设计:创造随着时间变化、成长和演变的空间,反映了生命本身的本质——流动的、动态的和不断展开的。——彼得·沃克(Peter Walker)

WEDO Landscape: “Creating spaces that change with time, that grow and evolve, mirrors the nature of life itself-fluid, dynamic and ever-unfolding.”


▽项目视频 Video


一顿美餐,不只是满足味觉的盛宴,更是一种对美好生活的创造。— Alain Ducasse

“A delicious meal is not just a feast to satisfy the taste buds, but also a creation of a better life.”



01 肆时两极——{院},游离在深邃的幻象里


Wandering in a profound illusion, seeking peace and reconciliation with nature

Heshi Restaurant is located on Huazhou Road in Haizhu District, Guangzhou, nestled between the lush greenery of the park and the bustling commercial hub. The designer draws inspiration from nature, distilling the essence of traditional Chinese courtyards and incorporating natural elements into the compact space, creating a dining and lifestyle venue where food and nature resonate in harmony.




“Light creates ambience and feel of a place, as well as the expression of a structure.”




In the entrance corridor, one side of the wall is adorned with materials featuring natural textures, as if the earth’s surface has been frozen in place.




The texture of the wall becomes more vivid with the shifting light and shadows, with every detail exuding the essence of nature. Walking through the corridor, you can feel the tranquility and vitality of the space with each step.





Searching for the most natural version of oneself in the realm of nature, following the new flavors of time in retrospect

The overlapping shadows of the trees cast dappled light on the ground, as if time has slowed down in this place.




As day turns to night and the scenery shifts, the mind flows with the subtle rhythm of changing light and shadow, sensing nature’s ever-evolving forms with the passing of the seasons.




The deep, textured grains of the old wood bear the marks of time, exuding a unique charm. They playfully complement the surrounding tree shadows and vines, skillfully blending the tranquility of nature with the richness of human culture.



03 禾莳可掇——{间},瓦解岁月片刻的冲击


Dissolve the fleeting impact of time, find solace, and enjoy the beauty of the present moment

“Return to the most authentic state Days flow leisurely and contentedly. The little moments of life are no longer rushed by, But to savor and cherish in every slow breath.”




In the evening, the setting sun bathes the sky in hues of red, as you share a moment of tranquility with the person beside you. Without the need for words, you both can feel a deep sense of contentment and peace within.




The essence of a slow life lies in the tranquility and naturalness that evolve with time, finding the truth and meaning of life in every ordinary moment.



项目名称:广州 · 禾莳餐厅
项目地点:广东 · 广州

Project Name: Guangzhou Heshi Restaurant
Landscape Design: WEDO DESIGN
Project location: Guangzhou, Guangdong
Interior design: KENMOTO Architectural Concepts
Construction time: May 2024
Photography: Chaoyue Vision



审稿编辑: Maggie

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