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Thanks RA! for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by RA!.
RA!:Hacienda Wabi 住宅项目坐落在墨西哥图卢姆的一片丛林之中,完美地融入了其所处的自然环境。
RA!:Hacienda Wabi is a residential complex nestled within the jungle, seamlessly blending into its natural surroundings.


▽项目视频 The video © Christian Velasco
该建筑由房地产开发商 Namus 开发、RA! 建筑事务所设计,整体结构由楼梯和露台组成,其向上延伸的姿态营造出一种建筑仿佛将随着时间逐渐退化并回归自然的感受。整座建筑的设计旨在以“废墟”美学的视角重新诠释时间的流逝。
Developed by real estate promoter Namus and designed by RA!, the structure, composed of stairways and terraces, rises to create spaces that, over time, seem to surrender back to nature. The building’s design seeks to reinterpret the passage of time through the lens of ruin aesthetics.


RA! 将 Hacienda Wabi 的建筑体量纵向错落排布,向曾经坐落于该地带的鳞次栉比的古代定居点致敬。这样的结构布局确保了每个建筑体量都有持续的光线和空气流通。露台被种满植物的种植槽环绕,绿色植物随着时间的流逝逐渐铺满立面,重新塑造着空间,给人一种大自然将重新占据空间的感觉。
The staggered volumes, which recede skyward, evoke the ancient settlements that once lined the area, generating a layout that ensures a consistent flow of light and air to each block. The terraces are framed by perimeter planters that drape the façade in greenery, giving the impression of nature reclaiming the space.



建筑内部是一个宽敞、不规则的庭院,形成了一个个私密的角落,方便人们进入分布在 3 个楼层的 15 套公寓。
Inside, a large, fragmented courtyard creates intimate corners that provide access to the 15 apartments spread across three levels.


Each level features terraces and winding pathways that lead to the semi-public areas, including the pool and recreational spaces.

Each floor offers distinct features: the ground level boasts expansive gardens and pools, the first level includes terraces and jacuzzis, while the second level features roof gardens with views extending to the treetops.

建筑的材料搭配参照当地风格,底层以石材为主,上层采用 Chukum 饰面。植被成为墙体不可分割的一部分,与建筑完美融合,建筑整体的中性色调也使之与周围的丛林环境更加和谐。
The building’s material palette draws from local textures, with stone anchoring the base and Chukum finishing the upper levels. Neutral tones allow the jungle to play a starring role, as vegetation becomes an integral part of the walls and slabs, blending seamlessly with the architecture.


▽项目模型 Model

▽设计草图 Sketch

▽鸟瞰图 Aerial view

▽草图与效果图 Sketch and Effect drawing

▽平面图 Plan © RA!
▽立面图 Elevation

▽剖面图 Section
▽结构详图 Detail

项目:Hacienda Wabi
地点:墨西哥 金塔纳罗奥州 图卢姆
室内设计:Namus + Casa Portal + RA!
摄影:Ariadna Polo
视频:Christian Velasco
工程:EMX Structural Engineering.
设计团队:RA! (Pedro Ramírez de Aguilar, Santiago Sierra, Cristóbal Ramírez de Aguilar, Alejandro Hernández, Lourdes Gamez y Mateo Vázquez del Mercado)
Project: Hacienda Wabi
Type: Residential Apartment Building
Date of completion: 10 Septiembre 2023
Area: 1,800m²
Location: Tulúm, Quintana Roo, México
Architecture: RA!
Developer: Namus
Interiors: Namus + Casa Portal + RA!
Photography: Ariadna Polo
Video: Christian Velasco
Engineering: EMX Structural Engineering.
Design team: RA! (Pedro Ramírez de Aguilar, Santiago Sierra, Cristóbal Ramírez de Aguilar, Alejandro Hernández, Lourdes Gamez y Mateo Vázquez del Mercado.)
“ 该项目实现了与自然的完美交融,不仅回应了当地的历史与环境,还通过错落有致的建筑设计表达了自然将随时间的流逝而回归。”
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