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Faulkner Architects:对设计而言,场地条件是一项十分重要的考虑因素。该项目所在的地理位置对建筑本身的设计而言同样也有着重要的影响。
Faulkner Architects: The building site had a significant influence on the design for this house.

项目场地位于一片有着 300 万年历史的火山地质区域的斜坡上,平均海拔近 2000 米,既是一处避护之所,也是一处观赏远景的绝佳之地。场地由火山沉积物组成,散布着直径达 15 英尺的巨石,位于一片开阔的松林与白冷杉次生林中。常年的积雪将树干变得光秃秃的,垂直向天上延伸,梳引着光线。树干直立,与斜坡形成一定角度,为远处垂直的地平线提供了恒定的参照。严冬时节,地面上铺着一层稀稀疏疏的松针和松果。大片齐腰高的芒草聚集在一起,以一种有机的、机会主义的模式攀爬在斜坡上。
Layered with intense geologic history at the base of a three-million-year-old volcano, the site is a north-facing 20-degree slope with equal parts refuge and prospect at 6,300 feet above mean sea level. Consisting of volcanic sediment from ancient flows and strewn with boulders up to 15 feet in diameter, the site is in an open stand of second-growth Jeffrey pine and white fir trees. The vertical, plumb lines of the tree trunks, stripped bare from years of deep snow fall, reach for the light. Standing upright at an angle to the slope, they provide a constant reference to the perpendicular horizon in the distance. The harsh winters leave the ground sparse yet partially covered with a mat of pine needles and cones. Large waist-high clusters of manzanita group together and climb the slope in an organic, opportunistic pattern.

The singular form of the main space recalls the feeling of a smaller ski cabin with a single space for living and cooking. Bedrooms are concealed behind an acoustically detailed California walnut screen. The earth covered entry level houses the garage, playroom, craft room, and ski locker. A vertical access cuts up through the plan and arrives at grade to the south. Concrete walls extend into the slope and provide skier access.

由当地砂石骨料砌成的 20 英寸厚的隔热混凝土墙形成了一个延伸至屋顶的造型,将空间围合起来。带有结构性玻璃推拉门的全高开口面向西南风盛行的方向敞开。混凝土墙壁延伸至温暖的室内环境之外,在两端形成外部领地。延伸的墙体与建筑外墙构成一定角度,一直延伸到斜坡上,几乎要合拢并连接起来,只留出了一个10 英尺宽的缺口,让倾斜的地势可以倾泻到建筑外形中。
Insulated 20-inch-thick concrete walls made from local sand and aggregate build a ground form that extends to roofs to enclose space. Full-height openings with structurally glazed sliding doors open the space to the prevailing southwesterly breezes. The concrete walls extend beyond the warm interior environment to create exterior territories at each end. Angled to conform to the building envelope, the extended walls continue into the slope, nearly closing and connecting, but stopping short to leave a gap. The ten-foot-wide opening allows the sloped grade to pour into the building form.

Red-orange glass suggests the color of cooling magma, referencing the site’s geology and offering a warm approach. The glow extends to the interior, bathing the entry and central stair in light. To the east, a cleared ski access adjoining the site informed the way the plan is built into the slope: a narrow slot within the house’s massing mirrors the continuous space of the ski run. This slot connects independently zoned territories with various levels of privacy within the house as a whole.

整座建筑采用了极简主义风格,用材简约,包括混凝土、玻璃和胡桃木。采用玄武岩整铺的地面有助于将房屋与散落在周围景观中的火山玄武岩巨石联系在一起。增强的 R80 隔热屋顶、辐射加热地板和高效机械设备降低了住宅的能源消耗。此外,建筑外墙采用了混凝土和钢材,既能防火,又能减少维护。
The material palette is minimal, including concrete, glass, and walnut. Basalt, used for floors throughout, helps to tie the house to the volcanic basalt boulders strewn throughout the surrounding landscape. Enhanced insulation levels (R80 roof) coupled with radiantly heated floors and high efficiency mechanical equipment mitigate energy usage. In response to recent California wildfires danger, the concrete and steel exterior of the built form is resistant to fire and low maintenance. Sustainability design integration here is focused on retention of energy.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Lookout House
地点:加利福尼亚州 Truckee
建筑:Faulkner Architects
社交媒体:@faulknerarchitects @ cmpk_
福克纳建筑师项目团队:Gregory Faulkner, Christian Carpenter, Jenna Shropshire, Gordon Magnin, Darrell Linscott, Breanne Penrod, Garrett Faulkner
室内和照明设计:CLL Concept Lighting Lab, LLC
土木工程:Shaw Engineering
结构工程:CFBR Structural Group
机械、管道和电气工程:MSA Engineering Consultants
能源建模:MSA Engineering Consultants
承包商:Rickenbach Development and Construction, Inc.
摄影:Joe Fletcher Photography
Project Name: Lookout House
Location: Truckee, California
Architecture: Faulkner Architects
Website: www.faulknerarchitects.com
Social media: @faulknerarchitects @ cmpk_
Faulkner Architects project team: Gregory Faulkner, Christian Carpenter, Jenna Shropshire, Gordon Magnin, Darrell Linscott, Breanne Penrod, Garrett Faulkner
Interior and Lighting Design: CLL Concept Lighting Lab, LLC
Civil Engineering: Shaw Engineering
Structural Engineering: CFBR Structural Group
Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical Engineering: MSA Engineering Consultants
Energy Modeling: MSA Engineering Consultants
Contractor: Rickenbach Development and Construction, Inc.
Photography: Joe Fletcher Photography
Social media: @joefletcherphoto
“ 设计师利用特殊的场地环境打造了一座简约的现代丛林别墅。”
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