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力场建筑:Meet11花漾餐厅位于江苏省常州市青果巷二期,Meet 是遇见,表达时间,11是十一种风味菜品的可能性尝试。
Linkchance Architects: The Meet11 Huayang Restaurant is located in Phase II of Qingguo Lane, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Meet 11 is a place to eat, meet friends, and pass the time in a refined, contemporary interior.
▽项目视频 Video
场力 Design Principles
一、对话力:场地西侧仅隔三米是一座两层独栋建筑,室内是用来经营传统常州融合私房菜,主理人是Meet 11餐厅主理人的长辈。一巷两店,一中一西、年青一代与年长一代 、室内空间风格及理念不同,形成一种无形的对话力。
二,秩序力:场地虽然柱子多,但整体空间方正规整,有潜力被整合、梳理成具有秩序感的结构空间。整体空间概念是由Arabesque演化而来,不管是阿拉伯图案的无限之美、芭蕾舞舞姿的柔美、还是音乐里Arabesque美妙旋律,它们的美都来自”秩序”,是秩序感在不同时间和空间中经过精心编而排形成的特定韵律平衡之美。Meet 11主要针对常州本地年轻、独立的现代女性,柔美的力量、温和、曲线这些语汇与Arabesque美的内核是一致的,我们在此空间设计上努力追寻Arabesque这种秩序与平衡,让人在这样的氛围空间中体验“韵律”之美。
An Architectural Dialogue: Only three meters away from the west side of the site is a two-storey detached building, the interior of which is a traditional Changzhou private dining space, and is managed by the elders of the owner of Meet 11 restaurant. The two restaurants, one Chinese and one Western, coexist in one lane, bringing old and young generations – with their contrasting styles and concepts of interior space, an unspoken aesthetic dialogue takes place between them.
Spatial Order: Although the project’s interior has many structural columns, their overall layout is regular and neat, and there is the potential to integrate them into a space with a unique sense of order. The overall design concept of the interior takes its inspiration from traditional Arab culture, whether it is the infinite beauty of Arabesque architectural patterns and decoration, the delicacy of Middle Eastern dance, or the refined melodies of the Arab world’s music. Their timeless aesthetic beauty is derived from a balance between flowing rhythms and a refined sense of order. Meet 11’s intended clientele are young and independent modern women in Changzhou, and the interior’s conceptual cues of subtle strength and gentle curves are consistent with the core principles of Arabesque beauty – imbuing a sense of its order, balance, and beauty to everyone who comes here.
▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽中央卡座就餐区 Central booth dining area

挑战 Challenges
如何化解场地柱子过多的问题,如何解决现场自然光线不足的问题;技术上如何实现实现“蛋壳”小屋 (包间)“轻”的现代性;如何营造出可以凸显Meet11的辨识度的氛围空间。
The space presented multiple issues for the designers: how to deal with numerous existing columns, an insufficient amount of natural light on the site, and the technical question of how to realize the thin, eggshell-style surfaces surrounding the restaurant’s booths; all required creative solutions to shape the unique atmosphere of Meet11.
▽客区通道 Passenger area

▽廊道Arabesque结构 Corridor Arabesque structure

力场 Atmosphere
Meet 11主体空间围绕Arabesque展开,其中最大的特点是“Arabesque拱形”,我们将Arabesque拱形进行模块化设计,整个空间的结构由这些拱形搭建而成,从而形成表达张力。
The main space of Meet 11 unfolds around a Middle Eastern aesthetic, with the principal feature being the Arabesque arch employed in a modular design, which allows for greater ease and efficiency of construction, and provides a strong visual structure and tension.
▽Arabesque结构柱 Arabesque Structural Columns

▽Arabesque墙面 Arabesque wall

The main entrance is positioned on the left side of the bar, allowing the bar staff to face and serve all customers in the space. The most prominent feature of the bar is the custom-designed light fixture composed of a series of illuminated 1.5cm thick oval-shaped ‘shelves’, which seems to float overhead. Four circular booths are located opposite the bar, with clusters of tropical plants placed between them to create a relaxing, convivial atmosphere. The designers have also created two spaces semi-enclosed by coverings reminiscent of eggshell – several openings allow their inner space to flow into the rest of the restaurant, providing a strong visual connection with the main space while also allowing customers seated there a feeling of privacy. The designers faced a challenge in implementing these eggshell-inspired enclosures, as they are a mere 1cm thick but ultimately have more than ample structural strength to serve their purpose. Their overall shapes are in some ways a contrast to the remainder of the space, yet they adhere to a similar aesthetic and provide a different nuance to the atmosphere of the restaurant.
▽吧台及导光板层架 Bar counter and light guide plate shelf

▽蛋壳小屋轮廓 Eggshell hut silhouette

▽蛋壳小屋用餐区 Eggshell hut dining area

▽1CM壁厚蛋壳小屋 1CM wall thickness eggshell hut

▽蛋壳小屋卡座 Eggshell cabin deck

▽圆形卡座区 Circular seat area
The interior walls are simply and elegantly decorated with light, provided indirectly by strips of LED hidden behind arch and oval-shaped openings in thin partitions built 8cm away from the main walls. For the floors, high-strength decorative concrete has been used to achieve a color palette and pattern which seamlessly matches the other elements of the space. Custom-made chandeliers of translucent acrylic provide pleasantly focused light throughout the restaurant, and present sculptural qualities which seem to shift and change as visitors walk through the interior. In accord with the local climate of Changzhou, the space is decorated with tropical green plants to create a natural atmosphere of lightness and leisure.
▽Arabesque造型柱 Arabesque Columns

▽装饰混凝土地面 Decorative concrete floor

▽波浪墙面 Wavy wall

▽墙体Arabesque结构 Wall Arabesque structure

▽吊灯 Chandelier

结语 Conclusion
时光流动,岁月更迭,由Arabesque元素构造的Meet11 “韵律”空间,形成了秩序、流动、力、时间、自然、柔美的”场“,在这里人们可以与Meet 11相遇,与十一种人生美味相遇。
The Meet 11 Restaurant is an interior design inspired by and composed of timeless Arabesque elements, brought together to create an experience of order and flow, strength of form, and recollections of time, nature, and beauty. It is a place where people can meet, feel at ease, and enjoy the “11 delicacies” of life.
▽餐厅平面图 Plan

项目名称:Meet 11 花漾餐厅
设计单位:力场(北京)建筑设计 Linkchance Architects
项目摄影:金伟琦、Linkchance Architects
工程施工:杭州唐耀装饰工程有限公司/成昌弘致建材(北京)有限责任公司/ PanDOMO Studio (北京) / 江苏常州恒丰伟业玻璃钢有限公司
设计撰文:Linkchance Architects
Project name: M11 Huayang Restaurant
Project location: Qing Guo Xiang, Changzhou, China
Project owner: Changzhou Dacheng Xiaoai Catering Management Co., Ltd
Project period: July 2022-October 2022
Project area: 450 m2
Design firm: Linkchance Architects
Chief designer: An Zhaoxue
Design team: Yan Xinxiu, Wei Zetong, Chang Mengya, Li Jiaqi, Du Fangfang
Lighting consulting: Owen
Materials: PanDOMO, micro cement, perforated aluminum plate, light guide plate, teak, mirror stainless steel plate, etc
Construction team: Hangzhou Tangyao Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd/ Chengchang Hongzhi Building Materials (Beijing) Co., Ltd. PanDOMO Studio(Beijing)/Jiangsu Changzhou Hengfeng Weiye FRP Co., Ltd
Design copywriting: Linkchance Architects
Photography: Jin Weiqi, Linkchance Architects
Video: Souvisua
“ 充满艺术气息的场地空间,营造出自然、阳光、休闲的惬意氛围。”
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