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KCAP + Felixx:KCAP + FELIXX赢得深圳东部海堤重建的国际竞赛。这条长达130公里的岸线沿着位于香港和深圳之间海湾的天然绿色半岛——大鹏延展。2018年9月,台风山竹不同程度地破坏了半岛的基础设施。借此契机大鹏启动了重塑海岸安全的国际竞赛,提出高标准保护,预防频发极端天气事件的负面影响。
KCAP + Felixx:KCAP + FELIXX have won the international competition for the redevelopment of the 130-kilometer coastline of Dapeng, a green peninsula in the bay between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. In September 2018, the typhoon Mangkhut damaged the infrastructure of the peninsula to various degrees. An international competition was launched to develop a plan to restore the coastline and raise protection standards against the more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events.
▼日落官湖 Guanhu at sunset

KCAP + FELIXX联合体提出“三重海岸防线战略”。这是一个多层次、多功能的海堤防护系统,从全局层面实现应对多变海岸气候的适应性重组。水安全战略与全岛生态保育发展紧密相连,同时为社会和经济增长创造了弹性框架。6个场地覆盖32公里长的海岸区。目前KCAP + FELIXX从竞赛概念进入实施设计阶段,预计建设和实施将于2021年完成。
KCAP+FELIXX developed the ‘Triple dike strategy’, a multifaceted dike system that allows for an integrated approach towards the climate adaptive reorganization of the shore. Water safety strategies are connected to eco-development and nature restoration. This creates a resilient framework for social and economic growth. For 32 kilometers of coastline, KCAP + FELIXX is developing this concept into 6 strategic implementation projects. Realization starts this year, and is expected to be completed in 2021.
▼场地区位 Site

The triple dike moves away from a generic protection wall along the coast, towards the creation of three development zones, carefully embedded in current conditions and responding to the specific future needs of every single area. The 1st ‘outer’ dike zone increases the resiliency through wave attenuation, erosion reduction and the enhancement of sedimentation.
▼第一重“外堤”——月亮湾 The 1st ‘outer’ dike – Moon bay

▼第一重“外堤”——东山 The 1st ‘outer’ dike – Dongshan

The 2nd ‘middle’ dike is an elevated embankment, to stop the storm surge and the water pushed up by the waves. It’s not a big wall but a multifunctional zone: an exciting hilly park, an elevated waterfront with urban promenades, a tidal park or even a public building.
▼第二重“中堤”——杨梅坑 The 2nd ‘middle’ dike – Yangmeikeng

▼第二重“中堤”——鹏城 The 2nd ‘middle’ dike – Pengcheng

The 3rd ‘inner’ dike is a hybrid structure which manages the rainwater following the principle of a sponge city. All runoff from adjacent villages and mountains is buffered, delayed and temporarily stored in rain-parks, raingardens, wet forests, wetlands and green streets.
▼第三重“内堤”——官湖 The 3rd ‘inner’ dike – Guanhu

Dapeng is a mountainous peninsula with lush forests, intersected by riverbeds and creeks, connected to the sea with fantastic sand beaches and impressive rockeries. It offers an extraordinary lush and green environment in the direct proximity of Hongkong and Shenzhen. Along the shore, several small villages originate from fishing communities. Dapeng’s cultural resources and natural settings have fostered the development of tourism, within a vast expending metropolitan area with about 20 million inhabitants. The application of the triple-dike provides a framework to enhance these existing qualities while unlocking potentials for growth. The small-scale identity of the villages is protected by locating new developments within the existing boundaries. Each village’s specific character is strengthened to amplify the rich variation of recreational facilities. To minimize the infrastructural impact on the island, connectivity from the water is enhanced. An interconnected mountain and marine landscape boosts the ecological functioning of the peninsula.
▼风暴里的月亮湾 Moonbay during storm

▼三重海岸防线策略 Triple Dike Strategy

客户: 深圳市水务局
承建方: 华润(集团)有限公司
景观配合方: 翰博景观
工程配合方: 中交水运
岸线生态工法顾问: 三角洲实验室
时间:2019 – 持续推进中
Topic: Masterplan for a typhoon resilient landscape
Team: KCAP + Felixx
Location: Shenzhen, China
Client: Water Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
Contractor: China Resource Group
Landscape LDI: Hope Landscape & Architecture
Engineer LDI: China Water Transport Planning & Design Institute
Coastal defence and ecology consultant: Deltares
Year: 2019 – ongoing
Area: 130 km coastline
Status: tender won, preliminary and detailed design for 6 villages in progress