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Thanks Bower Studios for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Bower Studios.
Bower Studios:由于全球疫情的原因,Bower Studios的成员们都已封闭隔离数月之久,不过他们的想象力却在野蛮生长。在现实世界中做的越少,他们的想象力也就越丰富。该工作室与世界各地的工程、渲染、制造领域的合作伙伴进行远程协作,设计出了目前最大的家俱系列作品。
Bower Studios: As Bower Studios found themselves in a physical lock down for months due to the global pandemic, their imaginations couldn’t be contained or restrained. In fact, the less they could do in the real world the more their imaginations went wild. The Studio collaborated remotely with engineering, rendering and manufacturing partners with various specialties around the world, resulting in the design of their largest collection to date.

在系列作品的呈现上,Bower认为与其最大限度地模仿在正常情况下拍摄的照片效果,不如另辟蹊径,以他们在平时竞标中不会考虑的方式来开发数字领域。Bower Studios决定创造一个超现实的世界,展现过去几个月世界上大多数人都在经历的事情;是过去生活的湮灭……是一种令人害怕的孤寂。随着时间的流逝,大自然开始收回土地,空气中弥漫着沉思和反省的安静之感,这便是新的系列作品所处的环境。在这里,你可以见证这个系列的蜕变,碎片化的个体是如何融入最终的形式之中。
Bower decided that instead of presenting the collection to most closely emulate the photoshoot they would have done in normal times, they chose to go the other way and exploit the digital realm in ways they wouldn’t have considered in a traditional campaign. The Studio decided to create a world that is a surreal manifestation of the past few months much of the world has been experiencing; a sort of ruin of a past life… eerily isolated and lonesome. Yet, as time has passed and nature has started taking back the land, there is a calm sense of meditation and introspection in the air. This is the setting where the collection lives. This is where you can witness the metamorphoses of how the collection comes to be. How the pieces melt into their final forms.
▼书立设计 Melt Bookends

▼咖啡桌设计 Melt Coffee Table

▼桌案设计 Melt Console Table

▼躺椅设计 Melt Daybed

▼凳子设计 Melt Stool

“融化系列”(The Melt Collection)是关于一系列物品经历了转变的故事。桌面、椅子、镜子;轻轻地落在各自的位置上,找到属于它们的功能性休息场所。尽管这些板状元素由不同的材料制成,但它们都有着相同的“熔点”。米色软垫、石灰华桌面、玻璃镜子,全都耷拉下来,仿佛在体验某种自然的力量,或许是某种存在于它们自己维度中的沉闷或怠惰。
The Melt Collection captures the story of a series of objects that have undergone a transformation. Table tops, chair seats, wall mirrors; softly slumped over their respective rigid frames, supporting them into their final, functional resting place. Although these slab-like elements are made from different materials, they seem to share the same “melting point.” The creamy upholstered seat cushions, the travertine table tops, the glass mirrors, all drooping down as if experiencing some force of nature, some oppressive heat or laziness perhaps that exists in a dimension of their own.
▼餐椅设计 Melt Dining Chair

▼餐桌设计 Melt Dining Table

▼休闲椅设计 Melt Lounge Chair

▼小桌设计 Melt Side Table

▼台镜设计 Melt Table Mirror

融化系列是Bower Studios对现实与感知的一种延续式探索,有些自然法则是我们生来便能理解的,这些法则是如何被物质和形式扭曲和挑战的。本系列作品包含了Bower设计的基本要素,简约中透着带有些许魔力的优雅感。该系列发布于2020年10月28日。
The Melt Collection is a continued exploration of Bower Studios’ interest in reality vs. perception. That there are rules of nature that we all inherently understand, and how these rules can be perceptively twisted and challenged by material and form. This collection includes the essential ingredients of a Bower design, elegance through simplicity with a dash of magic. The Melt Collection was released on October 28, 2020.
▼镜子I Melt Mirror I

▼镜子II Melt Mirror II

▼镜子III Melt Mirror III

▼镜子IV Melt Mirror IV

设计:Bower Studios
工作室合伙人:Danny Giannella, Tammer Hijazi, Jeffrey Renz
Design: Bower Studios
Location: New York City
Released: October 28, 2020
Partners at Bower Studios: Danny Giannella, Tammer Hijazi and Jeffrey Renz
Website: bower-studios.com
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