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Ground Inc.:塔夫茨大学协作学习与创新中心以创新、协作和可持续为使命,融合校园学术部门和学习实验室,激发了一种新的教育模式。同样,其景观设计也以一种新的可持续发展策略为特色,为用户创造了多种户外社交空间。
Ground Inc.:With a mission of innovation, collaboration and sustainability, the Collaborative Learning and Innovation Center at Tufts University mixes academic departments and learning labs to inspire new models of education. Correspondently the landscape was designed to feature sustainable strategies that were new to Tufts and to provide a variety of outdoor social spaces.

Formerly an asphalt parking lot and warehouse building on a prominent site, the initial sustainable strategy was to promote pedestrians and bicycles over vehicles. Through a highly inclusive and interactive charrette, the site program was shifted away from the original plan of a new parking lot. Large scale physical models were used in a workshop to test options that ranged from all parking to only bicycle parking, resulting in enthusiastic support for the transformation of the parking lot into a gateway pocket plaza.

The landscape design provides for a range of activities, from casual seating to informal outdoor classrooms, while showcasing best management practices in an artful and functional way.

A tiered rain garden at the center of the corner plaza collects run off from the roof showcasing the filtering and movement of the water; thus highlighting the natural systems to create a learning landscape. Each bay of the rain garden is planted with a different mix that includes species tolerant to both inundation and drought.
Textural and varied planting provides seasonal interest and a buffer from the surrounding traffic. The planting uses a mix of native and adapted species with natural competition in mind. Within the smaller courtyard four “test gardens” were planted with four different mixes of native groundcovers to try out their performance in this setting. The client understood that the dynamic nature of these communities meant that some species will eventually dominant while others may give way.

Permeable brick pavers in two tones are used throughout the design. The requirement of two wide fire lanes threatened to change the character of the spaces, but a strategy was found to incorporate the fire lanes within the plaza areas using a special structural subbase, while on the surface having a continuous pedestrian character.

Sculptural seatwalls and custom leaf shaped benches offer areas where students can gather before class or relax with a book, their material giving a unified character to the overall design. Skateboarding deterrents are subtly cast into the walls, in one location in the form of a Tufts logo. At either end of the building two covered bicycle parking areas flank the entries, signaling Tuft’s strong commitment to bicycle use for transportation.

A smaller courtyard connects the Tufts Innovation Centre to an adjacent carriage house building that has been transformed into a local restaurant. String lights and moveable tables provide for lively outdoor seasonal use and help knit the university building into the adjacent residential fabric.

景观设计:Ground Inc.
文字说明:Cesare Cascella
地点:美国 马萨诸塞州 梅德福
建筑:ADD Inc.
项目图片:Trent Bell, Chuck Choi
Landscape design: Ground Inc.
Text description: Cesare Cascella
Location: Medford, MA
Client: Tufts University
Architect: ADD Inc.
Year: 2015
Photo Credits: Trent Bell, Chuck Choi
Awards: 2019 BSLA (Boston Society of Landscape Architects) Merit Award in Design
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