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WOHA:由新加坡城市重建局和新加坡土地利用规划和保护机构领导的2020年迪拜世博会的新加坡馆,已指定由新加坡建筑公司WOHA设计,由Radius experience International建设。展馆位于世博园区的可持续发展区,其设计灵感来自本次世博会的“自然、培养、未来”主题,展示了新加坡的创新精神以及作为一个有活力、宜居的自然城市的抱负。该展馆完全依靠太阳能和太阳能海水淡化系统运作,在为期6个月的世博会期间,其能源消耗净值为零。
WOHA: Singapore-based architecture firm WOHA has been appointed to design the Singapore Pavilion for the 2020 World Expo, held in Dubai. The Singapore Pavilion is led by the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore’s land use planning and conservation agency and produced by Radius Experiential International. Located in the Expo’s Sustainability District, the Pavilion is inspired by its theme of ‘Nature. Nurture. Future.’, showcasing Singapore’s innovations and aspirations as a resilient, livable city in nature. It operates entirely on solar energy and solar desalination systems and is net-zero in energy over the 6-month World Expo period.
▼新加坡馆前视图 Singapore Pavilion-Front View
“我们很荣幸被选为2020年迪拜世博会新加坡馆的设计师。我们的目标是:通过我们的设计证明在世界上的任何一个地方,甚至是在沙漠中,都有可能建立一个自给自足的绿洲;以及立即采取行动种植更多的树木和创造更多的绿色空间才是应对气候变化的最佳方式——最近的研究表明,这是对抗全球变暖最有效、最划算、最广泛可用的解决方案,而且在任何地方都可以实施。新加坡一直在探索多种成为世界上拥有最多绿色的地方之一的方式方法,我们希望在世博会上分享这些知识和创新。”WOHA联合创始人兼董事Wong Mun Summ表示。
“We are honoured to have been chosen as the designers of the Singapore Pavilion for the 2020 World EXPO in Dubai. With our design, we aim to show that it is possible to build a self-sufficient green oasis anywhere in the world, even in the desert. Planting more trees and creating more green spaces is the best way to take immediate action against climate change – recent studies show it to be the most effective, cost-efficient and broadly available solution to combat global warming and it can be done now, anywhere. Singapore has been exploring many ways to become one of the greenest places in the world and we hope to share this knowledge and innovation at the World EXPO.” says Wong Mun Summ, co-founding director of WOHA.
The key idea is to create an oasis in the Arabian desert. The pavilion’s usable areas are maximized and multiplied through stacked layers to form a voluminous, 3-dimensional green space. The ground plane is a lush oasis of tropical trees, verdant shrubs and vibrant orchids, capped with a spectacular hanging garden and anchored by three cones draped in vertical greenery.
▼从展馆建筑图中可以清晰看出这三个被太阳能林冠遮挡的圆锥体。当游客在这些元素之间穿梭时,他们会体验到许多有趣的空间内容 The pavilion has a clear architectural diagram of three cones sheltered by a solar canopy. Visitors experience a multitude of interesting spaces and content as they weave through and between these elements
The landscaped Garden Cones are thematic volumes with sensory and multimedia displays that engulf the visitors in a refreshing and memorable experience. A meandering canopy walk brings visitors around and through the cones and emerges to an open sky market platform. Sheltered by the solar canopy and cooled with fine mist fans, visitors learn more about Singapore’s DNA from the array of exhibits and programmes. The experience concludes at the Ground Galleria with a display of Singapore’s design stories and a retail space. Despite the heat of the desert, the visitors’ journey is made comfortable and enjoyable by the combination of shade, evapo-transpiration cooling of the vegetation and fine mist fans that cool the air by 5-10 degrees Celsius.
▼空中花园正上方是参与集会的露天商场平台,游客也可以在这里品尝新加坡的丰富美食。顶部的太阳能顶篷可同时发电,为露天市场提供阴凉和庇护 Right above the hanging gardens is the open sky market platform, a place for congregation and engagement, where visitors can also get a taste of Singapore’s rich food heritage. It is topped by a solar canopy which simultaneously generates electricity and provides shade and shelter to the sky market
The uniqueness of the Singapore Pavilion is that, despite its location in the desert, it is green, soft and alive, demonstrating the great potential of the respectful, seamless integration and co- existence of nature and architecture. It represents a captivating and forward-looking Singapore, one that is sociable, sustainable and livable, and shows a way architecture can make a meaningful contribution to the fight against the effects of climate change.
▼2020年迪拜世博会新加坡馆侧面效果 Singapore Pavilion Side Render
更多 Read more about: WOHA、Singapore 2020 Expo