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Thanks Victor Marquez arquitectos for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Victor Marquez arquitectos.
Victor Marquez arquitectos:该项目的城市设计理念是为城市恢复一片绿色空间,曾经由于历史原因,这片空间最终被遗弃、变得贫瘠、不适宜居住。现在,新的改造计划将使卡门教堂或旧美术博物馆等历史建筑与复兴风格的现代建筑或主题建筑(如 Cosmovitral 或覆盖着红色柚木的政府公共建筑)融为一体。
Victor Marquez arquitectos:The project’s urban design concept is to restore a green space to the city that due to historical circumstances ended up in abandonment, aridity and uninhabitability. Said replacement will now make it possible to articulate historic buildings such as the Church of Carmen or the old Museum of Fine Arts, with contemporary constructions in a revival style or themed but well integrated such as the Cosmovitral or the government public buildings covered in red tezontle.

In order to comply with the premise of spatial integration in the horizontal plane, it has been decided to take advantage of the unevenness resulting from the demolition of the current parking lot (damaged in its structural integrity) and take advantage of this condition to bury the buildings imposed by the program.
This is how the idea of burying the central garden and isolating it from the outside was born, forming a huge garden patio, rectangular and essentially classical, which geometrically will occupy approximately half of the land. This decision allows the buildings of the program to be hidden, turning them into more landscape than architectural elements.

另一方面,这一解决策略在人行道上形成了两条林荫散步道——Alamedas(传统的树木排列方式,在城市中形成一条人行道),其中一条主要排列在 Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada 上,另一条则排列在 Santos Degollado 上。这两条人行道都将种植常绿橡树,以期在将来成为具有纪念意义的百年大树。所有橡树都将种植在植被土壤的堤岸上,而不是屋顶上。
On the other hand, this strategy allows at the sidewalk level to form two Alamedas (traditional alignment of trees to form a walkway within the city) a main one aligned on Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada and another on Santos Degollado. Both will be formed with evergreen oaks so that in the future they will become centenary trees. All the oaks will be planted on banks of vegetal soil and not on roofs.

在城市关系方面,我们决定通过开辟两条独立的通道来强调东西轴线;在西面的 Primo de Verdad 上,我们设置了一个之字形坡道,邀请人们以一种悠闲而富有诗意的方式慢慢探索这座花园,因为它也是一座费迪南德-巴克(Ferdinand Bac)风格的嗅觉花园。
In terms of its urban relations, it has been decided to emphasize the east-west axiality by creating two independent accesses; To the west, on Primo de Verdad, a zigzag ramp has been placed that invites you to slowly discover the garden, in a leisurely and poetic way, thanks to the fact that it is also a smelling garden in the style of Ferdinand Bac.

在东端,我们设计了一座宏伟的楼梯,强调了Cosmovitral 空间的公共重要性,这里还有一个美丽的枫香园。新的林荫散步道不但没有改变该方向的人行道,反而使其更加庄重,给人一种全新的放松体验。
At the eastern end, a monumental staircase has been designed that emphasizes the public importance of the Cosmovitral, which also has a beautiful grove of Liquidámbares. Las Alamedas allow the pedestrian traffic in that direction not to be modified but, on the contrary, they dignify it and turn it into a fresh and relaxing experience.

项目名称:Parque Ciencia Fundadores I
项目地点:墨西哥 托卢卡
设计公司:Victor Marquez arquitectos
摄影师:Jaime Navarro
Project Name: PParque Ciencia Fundadores I
Project location: Toluca, Mexico
Design company: Victor Marquez arquitectos
Company website: http://www.victormarquez.com/
Photographer: Jaime Navarro
“ 该项目通过整合废弃的历史建筑,利用现有的不平整场地创建了一个新的斜坡公园,重新激活了托卢卡最早的历史街区之一。”
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