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Thanks Original Design Studio, TJAD for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Original Design Studio, TJAD.



Original Design Studio, TJAD: The project site is located within the Talent Training Institute at 4589 Qinyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, adjacent to the Phase 1 demonstration section of the Bi Dao around Xili Lake. The institute’s architectural complex is surrounded by two small mountains at the front and back, with the foot of the mountains hosting two long-neglected pavilions in urgent need of renovation. Across Qinyuan Road, a new pedestrian overpass will connect the institute’s scenic walking paths with the Bi Dao loop, simultaneously ensuring an accessible experience for the overall leisure routes.


▽涌泉环山廊林间半鸟瞰 A half-bird ‘s-eye view of Yongquan mountain gallery and forest


慢行系统的整合 Integration of Slow Mobility Systems


Based on an analysis of the current slow mobility paths within the park, it is evident that there are several issues: The existing park paths have uneven elevation distribution within the system of road signs, with a diverse range of paving materials that are not uniform, and the ground smoothness is not high, all of which are not very suitable for the elderly to use as a way of health care research predominately


▽总图—改造前 General drawing – Before renovation

▽总图—改造后 General drawing – after renovation



Based on the analysis of the current location of the tree points, a reasonable plan is proposed to design an accessible pathway that traverses the mountain range. In areas with significant local height differences, the original steep steps will be removed and replaced with a “Z”-shaped elevated boardwalk. The overall paving will mainly utilize integrated cast terrazzo, permeable asphalt, and permeable concrete surfaces, which are both friendly for slow mobility and environmentally sustainable.


▽直磨水磨石无障碍通道 Straight ground terrazzo barrier-free access



Forest Canopy Bridge + Pathway Plaza — Light, Elegant, and Diversely Integrated Forest Pathways


▽穿林双翼桥总体半鸟瞰 Half-bird ‘s-eye view of Cross-forest Double-Wing Bridge



If you want to find a path in the dense forest, crossing Qin Yuan Road from the Academy, a natural clearing in the woods has quietly indicated the optimal location to access the Emerald Trail.


▽横跨沁园路的主桥 Main bridge across Qinyuan Road



Qin Yuan Road is narrow with significant elevation differences on both sides, making the scale of the connecting bridge surpass that of the main bridge. The east and west wings have thus become more prominent visual elements. Starting from the organization of paths, spaces, and structural framework, the holistic integration design of the double-winged bridge traversing through the forest marks the beginning of design intervention.


▽从蹊径广场看东翼连廊 View East Wing corridor from the Road Square



The design concept revolves around the triangular folding plate, imbued with multiple layers of meaning: the diverse dimensional variations of triangular panels facilitate flexible navigation around the trees when organizing pathways; the folded panels extend into walls, delineating spaces such as guard rooms, command centers, security posts, and resting areas, while also serving as vertical structures.


▽轴测爆炸图 axonometric explosion pattern

▽从碧道主线看主桥与西翼连廊 View of the main bridge and West wing corridor from the main line of Bee Road



After enhancing security measures, the Academy of Research retreats the walls adjacent to the eastern wing corridor, creating space for public areas such as resting zones and pedestrian walkways. Along the street-facing controlled interface, these areas merge into a three-dimensional roaming path, offering abundant opportunities for both internal and external visitors to observe and be observed.


▽立体交错的漫游路径与消隐的管控边界 Stereo-alternating roaming path and control boundary of blanking

▽沿街围墙退让后的公共空间 Public space after the retreat of the wall along the street



简约的形态 Minimalist form


The “Surging Spring Mountain Corridor” and “Banyan Gazebo Pavilion” together create a graceful and intricate pavilion corridor that is both rooted in history and infused with innovation.

The original pavilion combines the red and yellow color scheme typical of northern royal gardens with the delicate curved wooden roof structure found in Lingnan gardens. However, its style is somewhat mixed and chaotic, with parts of the wooden structure showing signs of damage and disrepair. Located at a high point on the mountain top, the large double-eaved roof structure in the center appears somewhat abrupt in scale. Therefore, while retaining the lower concrete framework, the pavilion has been stripped of its bright colors and restored to its original concrete hue. A warm wooden structure has been added on top, along with a horizontally continuous, lightweight gray metal roof, blending the entire pavilion harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment.


▽生成分析动画 Generative analysis animation

▽草坡上的榕间对望轩 The banyan tree on the grass slope faces the porch


有机的建构 Organic construction


On the existing concrete beam framework, a method involving hoop straps is employed to tightly integrate the glued-laminated timber roof structure. Weak points in local stress areas are reinforced using angle steel. To align the overall architectural style closer to the light and airy characteristics of Lingnan garden corridors, steel plates are embedded for structural connection at junctions of the glued-laminated timber frame. Additionally, the combination of top steel beams and steel purlins with vertically locked metal roofing minimizes the overall appearance dimensions of the integrated structure. This forms a framework of steel and wood combined under stress, fully utilizing the inherent load-bearing capabilities of the materials.


▽林荫下的涌泉环山廊 Yongquan Mountain Gallery under the shady forest

▽林荫下的榕间对望轩 The banyan tree in the shade faces the porch

▽建构拆解爆炸图1 Figure 1 of the construction and disassembly explosion

▽建构拆解爆炸图2 Figure 2 of the construction and disassembly explosion


▽穿林双翼桥技术图-1F平面 1F Plan

▽穿林双翼桥技术图-2F平面 2F Plan

▽穿林双翼桥技术图 立面 Elevation

▽穿林双翼桥技术图 剖面 Section

▽榕间对望轩技术图 一层平面图 1F Plan

▽榕间对望轩技术图 屋顶平面图 Roof plan

▽榕间对望轩技术图 立面 Elevation

▽榕间对望轩技术图 剖面 Section

▽涌泉环山廊技术图 一层平面图 1F Plan

▽涌泉环山廊技术图 屋顶平面图 Roof plan

▽涌泉环山廊技术图 立面 Elevation

▽涌泉环山廊技术图 剖面 Section




Project Name: Talent Training Institute Section of Phase I of the West Lihu Greenway in Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Architect: Original Design Studio/TJAD
Contact E-mail: zmz3388@126.com
Lead Architects: Zhang Ming, Zhang Zi, Qin Shu
Architecture Design Team: Yang Qingyuan, Wang Tianxiao,Li Xuefeng
Structural Design Consultant: Liang Feng,Guo Suyi(Shanghai Mubiao Tongyuan Engineering Technology Co., Ltd)

Location: 4589 Qinyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen – Talent Training Institute
Land area: 122000 square meters
Area of building: 1800 square meters

Construction unit: Construction and Public Works Department of Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Construction agency: China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Design Cooperation:
Shenzhen Hope Design Co., Ltd. (Qin Cao, Huang Junyong, Gan Haitao, Yao Yinghao, Di Hongliang, Xiao Yuling )(Design general contractor, landscape construction drawing design)
CMAD Design Group (Chen Guodong, Chen Jinger, Chang Yongxian, Wan Likun, Shang Shuangshuang, Liu Wentao)(Architectural construction drawing design)
Lin Tongyan International Engineering Consulting (China) Co., Ltd. (Zhou Tao, Xiao Lisha, Zhu Jun, Liao Yong, Tang Jianhua, Chen Jiaxin) (Bridge Design)
Suzhou Mushang Shengju Wood Structure Technology Co., Ltd. (Gu Jiafeng, Army, Wu Ruchun, Yang Caicai, Zhou Liji, Cheng Linlin, Qian Li (Wood Structure Deepening Design)
Leyard Intelligent Technology Group Co., Ltd. (Luo Huisheng, Jiao Yunlei, Zhang Ze)(Lighting Consultant)

Photographer: Zhang Chao




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