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Snøhetta:​Čoarvemátta 这个名字来自萨米语,意为“角”和“根”,取自驯鹿鹿角最核心和最坚固的部分。Čoarvemátta 象征着不同的品质和力量,同时也代表着团结,它将成为凝聚 Beaivváš 萨米国家剧院、萨米高中以及驯鹿放牧学校的共享建筑设施。

Snøhetta:The name Čoarvemátta comes from the Sámi words for horn and root, after the innermost and strongest part of the reindeer antlers. This symbolizes different qualities and strengths and represents elements that unite, as Čoarvemátta will be a unifying force for the institutions that share the building: the Sami National Theatre Beaivváš and the Sami High School and Reindeer Herding School.



Snøhetta 公司创始合伙人 Kjetil Trædal Thorsen 表示:“能为这座备受期待的重要建筑做出贡献,我们深感自豪。对于建筑师来说,剧院和驯鹿放牧学校的结合是一个有趣的项目。能够成功地将两个互不相通的机构连接起来,是对优秀建筑的最好证明。该项目还很好地利用了资源,这些资源在萨米人的传统手工艺品 duodji 中也发挥着至关重要的作用。

驯鹿角最里面的部分也象征着不同的品质和力量,代表着团结,我们希望 Čoarvemátta 将成为共享该建筑的机构和整个萨米社区的团结力量。”

“We are proud to have contributed to putting this long-awaited and important building in its place. A combined theater and reindeer herding school is a fun program to work with for an architect. It is a testament to good architecture that two really non-interoperable institutions are successfully connected. The project also provides exceptionally good use of resources, which also play a vital role in traditional Sami handicrafts, duodji, where it’s an important principle that everything from the animal can be used for something – the skin, the nostril – and the horn,” says Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, Snøhetta Founding Partner. ​ ​

“The innermost part of the reindeer horn also symbolizes different qualities and strengths and represents elements that unite, as we hope Čoarvemátta will be a unifying force for the institutions that share the building, and the Sami community at large.”



设计与建筑 Design and Architecture

这座​新的建筑位于挪威最大、最北端的高原—— Finnmarksvidda 中部的 Kautokeino 地区。建筑的四个立面都以不同的方式与周围的各种景观空间产生联系。


The new building is located in Kautokeino in the middle of Finnmarksvidda, Norway’s largest and northernmost plateau. All four of the building’s facades relate to the various landscape spaces that surround it in different ways.

The building sits low in the landscape and has proportions that harmonize with the surrounding hills and heights with no sharp angles breaking with the organic forms. The sloping roof on two sides (north, south) minimizes the project’s height effect seen from a distance, and at the same time creates an entrance situation towards the access from the southwest.




The new shared space has a branching shape, with a main entrance and vestibule located at its center, creating a gathering place for both the school’s and the theater’s users. From here, the building body stretches in three directions – with one wing each for the theatre, workshops and teaching rooms, and the school’s administration. The curved lines, the vestibule with skylights as from a reahpen, smoke hole, and the visible load-bearing timber structure in wood, are inspired by wooden structures typical of reindeer herding Sámi areas, such as the lávvu.



“建筑的外形源于为剧院和学校创造一个统一体量的想法,同时希望将各种功能集中在一个作为聚会场所的连接点周围。前庭的天窗、可见的支撑结构,以及具有柔和形状并向入口处开放的统一屋顶,这些元素也都来自萨米建筑传统。”Snøhetta 高级建筑师兼 Čoarvemátta 项目负责人 Bård Vaag Stangnes 说道。

“The shape of the building springs from the idea of creating a unified volume for the theatre and the school, and of gathering the functions around a connection point – the meeting place. Elements have also been taken from Sami building traditions – the skylight in the vestibule, the visible supporting structure, and the unifying roof with its soft shape that opens towards the entrance,” says Bård Vaag Stangnes, Senior Architect in Snøhetta and Project Leader of Čoarvemátta.



材料与色彩 Materials and color

建筑的外墙由矿石松木包覆的立木制成。巨大的屋顶面积达 4930 平方米,铺设了 34000 米长的木条板。剧院檐壁上则采用了从已拆除的村镇小学中回收的Alta 板岩。

The façade of the building is made of standing wood clad in ore pine. The massive roof measures 4930 m2 and is clad with 34,000 meters of kebony. The Alta slate stone on the theatre’s gable wall has been reused from the village’s old primary school, which has been demolished.





Inside the vestibule and corridors, the polished concrete floors mimic the ground outside the building, with elements of locally mined stone, including slate and masi quartzite, in various shades of grey and green.

The center of the building, around the foyer, vestibule and theater halls, is painted in warm, red shades. Then the color scheme becomes cooler the further away from the source you get, with bluish tones at each end of the building’s wings. Contrasts between door, wall and floor within the different color schemes have clear references to Sami use of color. This makes a strong contrast to the building’s exterior, which is clad in white for the most part of the year.



景观 Landscape

建筑的分支形状自然形成了三个室外空间。朝南的是主入口和入口前院,前院是一个私密的环形空间,设有栅栏、火坑、坐石和露天剧场。坐石取自附近的高原,这个灵活的户外空间既服务于学校,也可用于剧院。这里使用 Alta 板岩来自项目场地附近的采石场。

The branching shape of the building naturally forms three outdoor spaces. The one facing south constitutes the main entrance and a space in front of it. The forecourt is an intimate and circular space with arrán, a fire pit, sitting stones and an amphitheater. The sitting stones are taken from the plateau just outside, and this flexible room can be used by both school and theatre. The Alta slate used here comes from a quarry near the construction site.



剧院翼楼另一侧的室外区域用于学校的建筑贸易车间,既能遮挡视线,又能避开 Finnmarksvidda 高原的盛行风向和恶劣天气。


The outdoor area on the other side of the theatre wing is intended for the school’s building trade workshops and is shielded both visually and from the prevailing wind direction and harsh weather at Finnmarksvidda.

North of the building, large areas have been set aside for reindeer fences, which are directly linked to the reindeer herding department inside the building and have been built by local experts. On the east side, the plateau meets the building in a natural way, and the terrain and vegetation have been preserved as close as possible to the building.



自然地暖 Natural ground heating

Čoarvemátta 符合被动式建筑标准的要求,这意味着建筑质量非常高,室内气候良好,能耗极低。

​由于在地下约 250 米处钻了 40 个地井,大楼的供暖和制冷能源自给自足率达到了 90%。地井为两台热泵提供加热与制冷的能源,而能源井的交换器则将多余的热量倒回。到了最寒冷的冬天,该系统还会配备电锅炉。

Čoarvemátta meets the requirements of the Passive house standard, which means that the building is of very high quality, with a good indoor climate and extremely low energy requirements.

The building is 90% self-sufficient in energy to heating and cooling thanks to 40 geowells drilled about 250 meters into the ground. The wells supply two heat pumps that both heat and cool the building, while exchangers for the energy wells dump surplus heat back again. On the coldest winter days, the system is supplemented with an electric boiler.



在整个建筑工地上,必须移除的土壤都被保留下来,表层土壤被暂时储存起来,并在建筑落成后重新铺在场地上,如此一来,土壤中的种子种群得以完好无损。​由于新植物的生长与扎根会阻止原来的种子发芽,因此恢复高原景观需要时间。在前院,NIBIO 还播撒了少量从芬马克高原收集的草籽,以让前院更快地恢复绿色与生机。

高级景观设计师 Thea Kvamme Hartmann 表示:“萨米人的文化中没有将景观培育成公园和城市空间的传统。因为一旦你走出室内,你就直接置身于大自然,置身于景观中。因此,该项目的大部分工作都是为施工结束后如何重新绿化该区域以及如何让高原重新环绕建筑而制定战略。​”

Over the entire construction site, soil that has had to be removed has been preserved, the top layer has been temporarily stored, and subsequently returned to all surfaces around the building, so that the seed stocks are intact. Restoring the plateau landscape takes time but is allowed as new plants with new roots prevent the original seeds from germinating. On the forecourt, a small amount of grass seeds has been sown that NIBIO has collected in Finnmark, this has been done exceptionally to allow forecourt to turn green faster.

“The Sami culture has no tradition of cultivating landscapes into parks and urban spaces. When you step out of the lavvu, you are directly in nature – in the landscape,” says Thea Kvamme Hartmann, Senior Landscape Architect. “Much of the project has, therefore, been about creating a strategy for how the area can be revegetated and the plateau return to encircling the building after the construction period has ended.”



标识和导览 Signage and wayfinding

Snøhetta 还根据项目的视觉效果制作了标识和导览程序,与建筑、室内和景观设计相辅相成。它以功能性为主,但与建筑一样,也有对传统工艺和材料的致敬。

标牌由粉末涂层钢和松木制成,图形元素,包括排版和象形文字,都与建筑的排列相呼应。标识的设计还满足多语种(北方语、南方语、Lule Sámi 语和 Bokmål 语)的阅读要求​。

Snøhetta has also also made the signage and wayfinding program that follows the project’s visuality and works complementary to architecture, interior, and landscape design. It is primarily functional, but like the building, it also has subtle references to traditional craftsmanship and use of materials.

The signs are made of powder-coated steel and pine, and the graphic elements, including typography and pictograms, mirror the building’s alignment. Iconography is used extensively for readability at a distance to meet the requirements for multilingualism (Northern, Southern, Lule Sámi, and Bokmål).



委托艺术作品 Commissioned artworks

挪威国家公共空间艺术专业机构 KORO 负责 Čoarvemátta 的艺术采购工作,共为新建筑创作了六件新艺术作品。经过内部竞赛,Máret Ánne Sara(出生于 1983 年)受邀设计了剧院的舞台幕布。Sápmi 最著名的当代艺术家之一 Britta Marakatt-Labba(出生于 1951 年)为大楼的休息室创作了刺绣作品《Miin Duoddarat / Our Plains》,该作品灵感来源于剧院的历史。​

除了这些新作品之外,Sápmi 当地两位最著名、最具影响力的艺术家 Aage Gaup(1943-2021 年)和 Iver Jåks(1932-2007 年)的两件大型现有艺术作品也从旧教学楼搬到了新的教学楼。

KORO, the Norwegian state’s professional body for art in public spaces, has been responsible for the art procurement of Čoarvemátta. A total of six new works of art have been created for the new building. After a closed competition, Máret Ánne Sara (b. 1983) was invited to design the theatre’s stage curtain. Britta Marakatt-Labba (b. 1951) is one of Sápmi’s most renowned contemporary artists, and has created the embroidery Miin Duoddarat / Our Plains, with direct references to the history of the theatre for the building’s common room.

In addition to the new works, two larger, existing works of art by two of Sápmi’s most famous and influential artists, Aage Gaup (1943–2021) and Iver Jåks (1932–2007), have been moved from the old school building to the new building.





项目名称:Čoarvemátta Cultural and Educational Hub
项目地点:挪威 Kautokeino
照片:Lars Petter Pettersen
建筑师:70°N Arkitektur、Joar Nango、Snøhetta
建筑工程师:Norconsult AS
声学:Brekke & Strand Akustikk
暖通空调工程师:AFRY Norway
合作建筑师和艺术家:JJoar Nango
艺术策展人:Monica Milch Gebhardt
艺术家:Máret Ánne Sara, Laila Mari Brandsfjell, Fredrik Prost Ellen Berit Dalbakk/Rámavuol Elle Bigge, Merethe Ella Márjá Kuhmunen, Elle Valkeapää, Britta Marakatt-Labba, Iver Jåks, Aage Gaup
合作建筑师: 70°N arkitektur
消防工程师:Norconsult AS
预制工程:AB consult
管道工程师:Sweco Norge AS
道路工程师:Asplan Viak

Name: Čoarvemátta Cultural and Educational Hub
City: Kautokeino
Country: Norway
Area: 7200 m²
Year: 2024
Photographs: Lars Petter Pettersen
Architects: 70°N Arkitektur, Joar Nango, Snøhetta
Building Engineer: Norconsult AS
Acoustics: Brekke & Strand Akustikk
HVAC Engineer: AFRY Norway
Electrical Engineer: Rambøll
Design Team: Snøhetta
Collaborating Architect And Artist: Joar Nango
Art Acquisition: KORO
Art Curator: Monica Milch Gebhardt
Artists: Máret Ánne Sara, Laila Mari Brandsfjell, Fredrik Prost ​Ellen Berit Dalbakk/Rámavuol Elle Bigge, Merethe Ella Márjá Kuhmunen, Elle Valkeapää, Britta Marakatt-Labba, Iver Jåks, Aage Gaup
Client: Statsbygg
Entrepreneur: Econor
Collaborating Architect: 70°N arkitektur
Fire Engineer: Norconsult AS
Prefab Engineering: AB consult
Pipeline Engineer: Sweco Norge AS
Road Engineer: Asplan Viak




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