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Atelier Scale:In the project practice of “The Urban Carpet”, Atelier Scale’s design achievements are diverse and rich. It not only participated in the park’s landscape design but also deeply engaged in some installation design, signage design, and the design of a nature education curriculum system. The entire design process unfolds accompanied by thinking, reasoning, research, and collisions, being three-dimensional and interesting. In the design process, there are both perceptual intuitions and creative ideas as well as rational analyses and speculations. As the project progresses and construction commences, there will also be various compromises, corrections, and improvisations. No project can be completed by simply proposing a design concept. Designers hope to restore various crucial moments and decisions in the design process through real records and present this work from a more multi-dimensional perspective.


▽绿毯公园夏日特辑 Green Carpet Park Summer Special ©南西影像




项目背景 Project Background


The project is located in Vanke Center Xuhui, Shanghai. This is a “Hub” project that has been in development for twelve years based on the concept of POD (TODxPARK) for an “integrated station and city.” It is also China’s first urban core area demonstration zone for urban renewal centered around a transportation hub. The population in this area is very dense. Within a three-kilometer radius, there are approximately 600,000 permanent residents, and the estimated office population is up to 450,000. Over the past twelve years, Vanke Center Xuhui has continuously developed and upgraded. Starting from the office buildings and green axis in Phases I and II to the current Phase III POD with intertwined commerce, offices, transportation, and life. The renovation of the southern section of the green axis park we are involved in will become the last piece of the puzzle in stitching together the various business formats of each phase and the surrounding communities, possessing extremely strong attributes of urban public space renewal.


▽国内首个以交通枢纽为核心的城市更新示范区 China’s first urban renewal demonstration zone centered around a transportation hub 




Therefore, the design of the new park is not conceived out of thin air on a “blank sheet” but is carried out under the limitations and challenges of the existing site. The existing park has been completed for many years. Designers need to analyze and handle the replacement calculation of subway shield loads, retain and transplant original trees, and closely integrate with the businesses at both ends and the surrounding communities to address various pain points of functional deficiencies in residents’ lives. The entire design work permeates respect for the site and care for the community.


▽有机链接周边城市界面的绿毯公园 The The Urban Carpet that organically links the surrounding urban interfaces 



场地的声音 Voices of the Site


In early summer 2023, the temperature in Shanghai was already very hot. The project team members met this park that had been completed for nearly ten years for the first time amid the noisy chirping of cicadas. The long and narrow site runs from north to south. It is divided into north and south areas by a transverse municipal road. The area requiring renovation is mainly concentrated in the southern area. The plot is 60 meters wide and 400 meters long. It is sandwiched by the complex developed by Vanke. On one side of the site is the completed Phase I office park, and on the other side is the Phase III commercial complex under construction. At the construction site on one side of the park, the building towers have been capped. The height of the building is approximately in a 1:1 relationship with the width of the park. Moreover, there is no roadway between the complex and the park. Standing in the park, the urban atmosphere rushes towards you. The commercial complex has many new openings that occasionally conflict with the park’s circulation.


▽现状公园与在建三期商业的关系急需得到改善  The relationship between the existing park and the under-construction Phase III commercial area urgently needs to be improved 



公园里人不多,蝉鸣声衬托的这里愈发宁静,七年前种下的大树早已绿影悠长。一条蜿蜒的多功能跑道两侧,是起伏的地形以及被跑道串联而成的一系列面积相差无几的空间:有的是草坪、有的是林地、有的是丘陵绿岛或绿阶剧场。公园的现状景观结构非常清晰:多功能跑道一直延伸至马路对面的北段,进一步串联起更多的功能空间。起伏的地形带来了“风景如画”(picturesque)的观感,像一座现代的游园(strolling garden),以观赏为主。

There are not many people in the park. The cicada chirping makes it even more serene here. The big trees planted seven years ago already have long green shadows. On both sides of a meandering multi-functional runway are undulating terrain and a series of spaces of similar sizes connected in series by the runway: some are lawns, some are woodlands, some are hilly green islands or green stepped theaters. The current landscape structure of the park is very clear: the multi-functional runway extends all the way to the northern section across the road, further connecting more functional spaces. The undulating terrain brings a “picturesque” view, like a modern strolling garden, mainly for viewing.


▽多功能跑道旁的风景,以游赏为主 The scenery beside the multi-functional runway, mainly for sightseeing




What impressed the designers the most is a green stepped theater with low usage rate. There are several tall stone pillar arrays (designed by Japanese architect Tashin Shiozaki). Four of them are located on a wetland pool. During the on-site investigation, it was learned that the entire park is located above the subway shield. This means that the load of the park cannot be increased but can only be reduced or maintained in a dynamic balance. At the same time, it was also learned that the residential density of the surrounding communities is increasing day by day, and the demands for exercise, parent-child play, and pet socializing are constantly rising. However, the existing park cannot meet these new neighborhood usage needs. On the other hand, the connection relationship between the new commercial complex and the park also needs to be further sorted out.


▽使用率不高的户外剧场、观赏为主的湿地水池以及艺术石柱 The outdoor theater with low usage rate, the wetland pool mainly for viewing, and the artistic stone pillars 



设计策略 Design Strategies




The intuitive feelings on the site formed the basis for diagnosing site problems. On that day, the designers discussed and determined the design strategies. These strategies run through from the conceptual design stage to the scheme deepening stage and are important guiding principles for project advancement:

“Preserve Nature”

After seven years of natural growth, the ecological environment of the park has tended to be balanced. This balance should not be硬生生 broken. All the already shady big trees will be maximally retained (this means that the site elevation near the big trees needs to be preserved). Even in unavoidable situations, the trees will be transplanted nearby. Under the premise of ensuring the existing natural base, the green volume and biodiversity of the park will be further enhanced, making it a small city forest friendly to all things and providing more support and protection for the healthy development of the ecosystem. And this piece of nature also provides more service possibilities for the surrounding high-density communities – from a child-friendly natural science popularization system to a pet-friendly convenience pocket to a nature-friendly habitat for animals and plants.


▽保留、移植与融入 Retention, transplantation, and integration





“Diversify Scales”

Renovating a park is far more complex than building a new one. The design not only needs to meet the new usage needs of users (such as the demands for exercise, parent-child play, and pet socializing generated by the increasing density of surrounding communities), but also needs to coordinate the constraints of the park’s current situation (such as shady big trees, shield loads, elements that can be retained and utilized on site, etc.). It even needs to link the relationship between the renovated park and the city (such as the contradiction between the new commercial openings and the park, and the connection relationship between the park and the completed office area). Can such a complex and fragmented set of limitations be coordinated through a clever strategy? Designers decided to make the originally homogeneous spaces on both sides of the park’s original multi-functional runway more diverse based on this “spine” – that is, “make the big ones bigger and the small ones smaller.” This is undoubtedly an efficient and economical renovation strategy.


▽归置场地,大的更大,小的更小 Rearranging the site, making the big ones bigger and the small ones smaller 




公园原有许多微微起伏的现状地形,仿佛一座风景如画(picturesque)的现代游园,但大部分场地只可远观,无法进入且无使用功能。实际情况是,使用者对不同地形的使用比想象中更加大胆而富有创意。设计师完全可以更开放的将地形设计成一种基于体验与社交的、动态的三维空间。通过改造而被重塑后的地形,不仅能强化原有的视觉景象,更重要的是将地形改造成为了可使用的社交场所(social space)。

“Participatory Landform”

The original park has many slightly undulating existing terrains, like a picturesque modern strolling garden. However, most of the sites can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be entered and have no usage function. In fact, users are more bold and creative in using different terrains than imagined. Designers can completely design the terrain more openly as a dynamic three-dimensional space based on experience and social interaction. The terrain reshaped through renovation can not only strengthen the original visual scene, but more importantly, transform the terrain into a usable social space.


▽创造供人舒适使用的竖向空间 Creating a vertical space for people to use comfortably



关于“边界”的艺术 The Art of “Boundary”

在这个项目中,还有许多关于“边界”的设计思考。学者Edward S. Casey曾经对“边界”做过许多论述,他跳脱出人们对边界物理性的常规理解,关注“边界”的非物质性。这个项目中对“边界”的又是如何处理的?


Casey提出,许多因素(如:人们的日常经验、社会认知、多重边界的交织等)都会对“物理”边界产生影响,使得原本明确清晰的“界线”(borders)变得暧昧不明,并可能在其他因素的作用下朝着更开放的“界限”(boundaries)发展。通过设计,可以将感知度高的、明确的显著边界(Salient Edge)变成暧昧的、低辨识度的微妙边界(Subtle Edge)。“躺平公园”并不是一座孤岛,它的四边(总长度将近1公里)与不同的城市界面相邻。在目标层面,设计希望让这条硬朗的边界消失,使公园融入城市的肌理中;在实操层面,是通过设计降低边界的感知度。例如,公园与三期商业的边界,原本是一条宽约20米的通道,设计通过将公园的铺装肌理延伸至商业区内的多条通廊,并在这些通廊的端头给与不同的节点回应,模糊了公园与商业之间的边界。

In this project, there are also many design considerations about “boundary”. Scholar Edward S. Casey has made many discussions on “boundary”. He goes beyond people’s conventional understanding of the physical nature of boundaries and focuses on the immateriality of “boundary”. How is the “boundary” handled in this project?

“From Salient Edge to Subtle Edge”

Casey proposed that many factors (such as people’s daily experience, social cognition, the interweaving of multiple boundaries, etc.) will have an impact on the “physical” boundary, making the originally clear and distinct “borders” ambiguous and may develop towards a more open “boundary” under the influence of other factors. Through design, the highly perceptible and clear salient edge can be turned into an ambiguous and low-recognizability subtle edge. “Lie Flat Park” is not an island. Its four sides (with a total length of nearly 1 kilometer) are adjacent to different urban interfaces. At the goal level, the design hopes to make this hard boundary disappear and integrate the park into the urban fabric. At the operational level, it is to reduce the perception of the boundary through design. For example, at the boundary between the park and Phase III commercial area, it was originally a passage about 20 meters wide. The design extends the paving texture of the park to multiple corridors in the commercial area and gives different node responses at the ends of these corridors, blurring the boundary between the park and the commercial area.


▽从显著边界(Salient Edge)到微妙边界(Subtle Edge From salient edge to subtle edge 


▽公园与商业之间的边界处理策略 Boundary treatment strategy between park and commerce 




Casey认为,人们的眼睛会本能地移向物体的边界,主动寻找它们的外延。因此,边界是蕴含潜能的(“every edge has power”),通过设计,赋予边界更多的能量,可使一条被动的边界(Passive Edge)变成一条策略的边界(Tactic Edge)。通常,公园里的软硬边界由植物和硬景的区分而产生,形成一条被动的边界。为了满足场地盾构荷载平衡的要求以及坚持保留原有乔木的原则,很难对绿地内的原有地形进行过多干预,但对绿地的边缘却大有可为。因此,设计将边界的处理作为一种主动策略,用于调整软硬空间与氛围之间的关系。例如:抬升的边界(提升人的视野),加宽的边界(让人驻足停留),架空的边界(保证下层生境的连通性),翻卷的边界(暗示着“地毯”的形态),起翘的边界(鼓励与身体的强烈互动)。

“From Passive Edge to Tactic Edge”

Casey believes that people’s eyes will instinctively move to the boundaries of objects and actively seek their extensions. Therefore, boundaries are potential-laden (“every edge has power”). By endowing boundaries with more energy through design, a passive edge can be turned into a tactical edge. Usually, the hard and soft boundaries in a park are generated by the distinction between plants and hardscapes, forming a passive boundary. In order to meet the requirements of shield load balance in the site and adhere to the principle of retaining the original trees, it is difficult to overly interfere with the original terrain within the green space, but there is much that can be done to the edge of the green space. Therefore, the design treats boundary processing as an active strategy for adjusting the relationship between hard and soft spaces and atmospheres. For example: elevated boundaries (raising people’s field of vision), widened boundaries (allowing people to stop and stay), overhead boundaries (ensuring the connectivity of the lower habitat), curling boundaries (suggesting the form of a “carpet”), and upturned boundaries (encouraging strong interaction with the body).


▽从被动边界(Passive Edge)到策略边界(Tactic Edge)From passive edge to tactical edge 


▽策略边界:“一条不断起伏的城市绿毯” Tactical boundary: “A constantly undulating urban green carpet” 



空间布局 Spatial Layout


From north to south, the park is divided into five major themed spaces: Forest Spirit Green Valley, Sprouting Settlement, Forest Living Grass Carpet, Forest Breathing Happy Hill, and Green Dynamic Camp. The contrast and switching between different themed spaces are very obvious, presenting a grand and expansive trend.


▽主题功能空间 Themed functional spaces 


▽总平面图 General layout 





Forest Spirit Green Valley

The Forest Spirit Green Valley is located at the northernmost side of the park and is the main entrance for citizens to enter the park from Ding’an Road. This area has not been overly modified. Only the original park road has been removed and an elevated wooden plank road has been erected. On the one hand, this reduces the height difference between the road and the original terrain, thereby improving the sight experience of pedestrians. On the other hand, the green space originally occupied by the park road is merged with the surrounding green space into a whole, making the planting more fluid and penetrating, and the space of the green valley more immersive.


▽定安路一侧公园入口 The park entrance on one side of Ding’an Road


▽被园路分割的绿岛 The green island divided by the park road 


▽整合后的绿地,用漂浮的栈道相连接 The integrated green space is connected by a floating plank road 


▽漂浮在山丘间的森林栈道 The forest plank road floating among the hills 


▽森林躺网通过飞桥连接萌芽乐园 The forest lying net is connected to the Sprouting Paradise through a flying bridge




Along the wooden plank road, multiple sets of rest pockets are arranged. We call them “forest lying islands” – there is a huge “lying net” in the forest, floating above a patch of aromatic plants, providing a natural fragrance with healing effects for “you who are lying flat”, soothing the nerves and relaxing the body and mind.


▽绿荫环绕的森林躺网 The forest lying net surrounded by green shade


▽翻卷的地毯 The curling carpet


▽翻卷地毯上的滑板少年 The skateboarding teenager on the curling carpet


▽在森林躺岛上肆意躺 Lying freely on the forest lying island


▽设计师返场体验躺岛 The designer returns to experience the lying island 





Sprouting Settlement

As it is adjacent to the east entrance of Phase III commercial area, the Sprouting Settlement has become the area with the highest design concentration. This was once an outdoor theater and ecological pool, surrounded by towering hills on both sides. With the opening of Phase III commercial area, the original hills have become a barrier between the commercial area and the park. The hills are split from the middle to form a canyon leading from the commercial area to the park. At the end of the canyon, a natural living room with an overhead design is created, which can both shelter from wind and rain and can also become a flexible pop-up venue in the future. The back of the living room is wrapped by a lush grass carpet. Whether viewed from the commercial area or the forest lawn, this is a relaxed and natural visual focus.


▽改造前的生态剧场 The ecological theater before renovation


▽萌芽聚落鸟瞰 Aerial view of the Sprouting Settlement


▽绿毯峡谷 The green carpet canyon


▽视线通廊 Sight corridor 


▽最自然的视角焦点-绿毯 The most natural visual focus – the green carpet 




On another towering hill, a floating “Sprouting Paradise” is designed. Inspired by the sprouts germinating on the “urban green carpet”, it symbolizes the vigorous vitality of nature. There are rich play facilities here, such as climbing frames, slides, swinging balls, etc., and there is also a fun “flower bud blooming” interactive installation, attracting children to explore the mysteries of nature and feel the wonders of life.


▽漂浮在山丘树林间的萌芽乐园 The Sprouting Paradise floating among the hills and woods


▽在树梢的绽放装置 The blooming installation on the treetops 



顺着“萌芽乐园”向下,是“萌芽石滩”,由原本的下沉生态水池改造而来。由于受到地铁盾构荷载和防水要求的限制,改造只能在原水景范围内进行。 设计以大自然中的河滩为原型,创造了一片褶皱起伏的微地形。水池上原有四根大石柱我们悉数保留,散置的河滩的大石块与其呼应,相得益彰。这片石滩为炎热的夏日带来丝丝清凉,给人们一个可赏、可玩的城市中的野石滩。漂浮在石滩上的木平台和散落林荫下的坐凳,让家长们得以轻松地观望着玩水的小孩,同时相互闲聊。

Down from the “Sprouting Paradise” is the “Sprouting Stone Beach”, which is transformed from the original sunken ecological pool. Due to the limitations of subway shield loads and waterproof requirements, the renovation can only be carried out within the scope of the original waterscape. Taking the river beach in nature as the prototype, the design creates a micro-terrain with wrinkled undulations. The original four large stone pillars on the pool are all retained, and the scattered large stones on the river beach echo and complement each other. This stone beach brings a hint of coolness on a hot summer day, giving people a wild stone beach in the city that can be enjoyed and played on. The wooden platform floating on the stone beach and the benches scattered under the shade of the trees allow parents to easily watch the children playing in the water while chatting with each other.


▽午后阳光下的自然石块与石柱交相辉映 The natural stones and stone pillars under the afternoon sun complement each other


▽对保留石柱上的某块“卵石”做不锈钢外包覆处理,以示对建筑师雕塑创意的敬意 A certain “pebble” on the retained stone pillar is covered with stainless steel to show respect for the architect’s sculpture creativity


▽树荫下自由嬉戏的孩子们与悠闲的家长们 Children playing freely under the shade of the trees and leisurely parents  


▽褶皱的微地形增添了乐趣但不影响孩子们的奔跑跳跃 The wrinkled micro-terrain adds fun without affecting the children’s running and jumping


▽夏日傍晚的石滩人潮涌动 The stone beach is crowded in the summer evening




The original outdoor theater steps are transformed into a gentle grass slope. Above the grass slope, a fun zip line is carefully designed for children. Some native plants are dotted on the lawn, hoping to evoke the childhood memories of visiting adults. The stones on the stone beach spread into the plants, as if they were fruits growing on the plants. People can sit or lie down here at will, or run and play in nature by stepping on stones. The designers try to retain the scattered stone pillars of the theater as much as possible, allowing them to blend with the new plants and continue to tell the story of the original site.


▽阳光下的丛林滑索 The jungle zip line under the sun 


▽树影斑驳的眺望平台,也是滑索的起点 The tree-shaded lookout platform is also the starting point of the zip line 


▽散落在乡土植物中的自然石块 Natural stones scattered among native plants





Forest Living Grass Carpet

From the Sprouting Settlement to the south is a large blank space in the park – the “Forest Living Grass Carpet”. This blank space sandwiched by the commercial areas on both sides makes people feel the more vivid urban atmosphere and also makes people completely relax and stretch out visually. A space for holding various festival activities is reserved in the center of the lawn. In the early stage of the park’s opening, a large handicraft market has been held here, attracting a large number of people. And its potential is far more than that. In the future, it will also carry more usage scenarios, such as outdoor music festivals, large product launches, and natural science popularization and education activities. The design team has also held an interesting “pop-up lawn” activity here, hoping to inspire more possibilities for park usage from the perspective of young people.


▽多变灵活的城市草毯 The changeable and flexible urban grass carpet 


▽开放初期承载的大型市集活动 The large market activity held in the early stage of opening 


▽三维立体的草坪 The three-dimensional lawn


▽草坪边界之林荫草坡剧场轴测——家具使用手册 Axonometric view of the grassy slope theater on the lawn boundary – Furniture usage manual 


▽草坪边界之极具雕塑感草坡剧场 The highly sculptural grassy slope theater on the lawn boundary


▽草坪边界之林荫叠级口袋空间轴测——家具使用手册 Axonometric view of the shaded stepped pocket space on the lawn boundary – Furniture usage manual 


▽草坪边界之林荫叠级口袋空间 The shaded stepped pocket space on the lawn boundary


▽草坪边界之林荫沙发轴测——家具使用手册 Axonometric view of the shaded sofa on the lawn boundary – Furniture usage manual 


▽草坪边界之林荫沙发 The shaded sofa on the lawn boundary 





Forest Breathing Happy Hill

Continuing south from the open Forest Living Grass Carpet, one enters the “Forest Breathing Happy Hill”. Here was originally a rarely visited messy dense forest. The plant designer hopes to retain every tree in the site as much as possible. Even the withered and fallen dead wood will be tried to be given a new life in another form. With this thought in mind, the designers try to create an “art forest”. In a low-intervention way, floating multi-layer platforms are arranged under the retained forest. Combined with the natural environment, various interesting bars are cleverly inlaid to provide people with good places to stay and rest. In the center of the platform, people can lean against the trunk of a tree, sit, lie down, or even take a nap. The far end of the platform is seamlessly connected to the steps extended from the second floor of the building, making it convenient for people to quickly enter this art forest from the second floor of the commercial area and also introducing people flow for future pop-up activities. Under the shade of the trees, a large number of ferns are planted. Between the “Forest Breathing Happy Hill” and the “Forest Living Grass Carpet” is a small-scale camping lawn. This lawn is comfortable and free. People can run and play freely here, or just lie leisurely on the grass and let the sunlight fall beside them.


▽改造前的杂乱密林 The messy dense forest before renovation


▽森息乐丘鸟瞰 Aerial view of the Forest Breathing Happy Hill


▽为小型活动预留的露营草坪 The camping lawn reserved for small activities


▽艺术森林轴测——家具使用手册 Axonometric view of the art forest – Furniture usage manual


▽艺术森林——曾经的密林焕发生机 The art forest – the once dense forest is full of vitality


▽低干预的方式创造多层漂浮平台 Creating multi-layer floating platforms in a low-intervention way


▽最大化保留原生乔木同时赋予它有趣的灵魂 Maximally retaining the native trees while giving them an interesting soul


▽哪怕枯老的树木也以另一种方式继续它的生命 Even the withered and old trees continue their lives in another way 



森息乐丘里还藏着一座“嗨宠乐园”:这里远离儿童活动区和商业空间,是为有宠物的主人提供的一片能与爱宠共享的专属乐园。 乐园由一圈有机的趣味坐凳围合而成。坐凳的设计随着空间的大小灵活伸缩。乐园内保留着的两株老榔榆,像守护者一样为这里提供清凉的庇护。将拆除下来的原有水池区域的模块材料,被重新利用在萌宠乐园的土地上,任土地自由呼吸、植物自由生长,狗狗们可以在这里尽情地休息,感受大地的温暖与自然的柔软。乐园外围,种植了一圈狗狗喜爱的植物,小巧的“绿包”如同天然的迷宫,让狗狗们可以欢快地来回穿梭。南侧,则是朝向运动场的翻起构筑,背面爬满了各种绿色植物,形成了斑驳分明的绿色草毯,成为乐园的视觉焦点。

In the Forest Breathing Happy Hill, there is also a “Pet Paradise”: This area is far away from the children’s activity area and commercial space. It is an exclusive paradise for pet owners to share with their beloved pets. The paradise is enclosed by a circle of organic and interesting benches. The design of the benches can flexibly expand and contract according to the size of the space. There are two old Ulmus parvifolia trees retained in the paradise, which, like guardians, provide cool shade here. The modular materials removed from the original pool area are reused on the land of the pet paradise, allowing the land to breathe freely and plants to grow freely. Dogs can rest here to their heart’s content and feel the warmth of the earth and the softness of nature. On the periphery of the paradise, a circle of plants loved by dogs is planted. The small “green packages” are like a natural maze, allowing dogs to shuttle back and forth cheerfully. On the south side, there is a turned-up structure facing the sports field. The back is covered with various green plants, forming a mottled green carpet and becoming the visual focus of the paradise.


▽被绿色包裹的“嗨宠乐园” The “Pet Paradise” wrapped in green


▽乐园的边界由伴随空间大小灵活变化的坐凳围合而成 The boundary of the paradise is enclosed by benches that flexibly change with the size of the space


▽萌宠们在老榔榆的树荫下欢乐的玩耍 Pets are happily playing under the shade of the old Ulmus parvifolia trees


▽嗨宠乐园休憩区轴测——家具使用手册 Axonometric view of the rest area of the Pet Paradise – Furniture usage manual


▽散置回收的材料让大地自由呼吸焕发绿意 Scattered recycled materials allow the earth to breathe freely and rejuvenate with greenery 





Green Dynamic Camp

The Green Dynamic Camp is located at the southernmost end of the park. Here is a sports field in the forest. Tall trees are planted between the courts to provide shade, hoping to let people enjoy the natural coolness after sweating. The court surface uses a cyan-blue color scheme as the main tone, which is similar to the park’s signage system. There is a shaded corridor outside the stadium for waiting and resting before and after sports. Beside the fence on the periphery of the stadium, there is a shaded viewing pocket designed for people who are walking to stop and watch the game, and perhaps find a reason for themselves to join in sports. The park’s runway has also been redesigned with a meandering flow, winding on both sides of the park east and west, connecting the commercial spaces on both sides while allowing runners to fully feel the changing nature.


▽落日下的森林运动场 The forest sports field under the sunset


▽林荫的观赛口袋 The shaded viewing pocket


▽树林下的运动充能站 The sports energy station under the trees


▽运动场的城市界面 The urban interface of the sports field 





Maple Forest Market Street

The Maple Forest Market Street is a transitional space between the park and Phase III commercial area. At the same time, it also connects the two main entrances of the park (the south subway entrance and the north Ding’an Road entrance). In order to make the park and commerce blend more naturally and organically, we have put a lot of ingenuity into the pavement design. The pavement of the commercial space emphasizes two directions – parallel to the building curtain wall and at a 45° angle to the building curtain wall. This not only improves the comfort of the traveling direction but also emphasizes the guidance for entering commerce. The paving in two directions is realized in a zigzag staggered way. At the same time, modular dark wave beating gradients are used to distinguish different functional areas: passage space, transition space, outdoor display space, central axis and emphasized space.


▽公园与商业模糊的边界 The blurred boundary between the park and commerce


▽公园与商业铺装衔接策略 Pavement connection strategy between park and commerce


▽绿意盎然的枫林街市 The lush Maple Forest Market Street


▽夜幕下的枫林街市 The Maple Forest Market Street at night 




There are interesting small nodes scattered along the market street. Most of these nodes are located at the intersections of commercial corridors and the park, forming two-way visual focal points. For example, the willow platform is a floating platform set under two retained old willow trees. The slightly raised corner provides more security for people resting and also adds a visual focus to the entrance on Ding’an Road. Another example is the “White Island” – a white corridor hidden in the woods. The inclined top of the corridor meets the needs of visual display. The densely arranged hollow grilles form a unique light and shadow effect, providing a fashionable atmosphere for commercial pop-up activities.


▽柳树平台轴测——家具使用手册 Axonometric view of the willow platform – Furniture usage manual


▽老柳树的新生 The new life of old willow trees


▽柳树平台——公园与商业交汇处的视觉焦点 The willow platform – a visual focus at the intersection of the park and commerce


▽白白岛轴测——家具使用手册 Axonometric view of the White Island – Furniture usage manual





▽白白岛——树林里漂浮在人防出入口的白色廊架 The White Island – a white corridor floating above the civil air defense entrance and exit in the woods


▽多层的漂浮平台可供人流休憩停留,未来可灵活快闪 The multi-layer floating platform can be used for people to rest and stay, and can be flexibly used for pop-up activities in the future


▽不同角度倾斜的组合格栅可以带来趣味的光影变化 The combined grilles inclined at different angles can bring interesting light and shadow changes 



寻找森林:城市里黏贴一片自然 Looking for the Forest: Pasting a Piece of Nature in the City



The Trees on Site

The planting strategy unfolds on the basis of the “urban carpet”: the city is in the forest and people are under the forest. On this constantly undulating landscape carpet, everyone can find their own piece of forest. There are many existing trees on the site. Retaining or reusing is an important principle in plant design. Some seemingly messy small trees and shrubs are also fully utilized when creating plant community relationships. An old camphor tree with a newly sprouted stump is carefully retained and has become an important witness to the evolution of the site. When revisiting after the project is completed, it is surprised to find that mushrooms have grown in the old tree trunk and new shoots are also sprouting. This vigorous vitality continues the memory of the site.


▽断头新生的老樟树 The old camphor tree with a newly sprouted stump 





Presentation of the Native Forest

The design strives to keep the plants on the site in an untamed natural state and minimize artificial traces. Instead of deliberately pursuing the dignified and full shape of a single tree, it hopes to copy a complete forest into the site and present the most original community relationship in a natural state. During the tree selection process, the owner often takes a fancy to some wild trees and “conveniently” brings them into the site. Combined with some miscellaneous trees originally on the site, they are appropriately matched and utilized, making the site present a sense of native forest.


▽号苗过程中看上的一片杂木林子 A patch of miscellaneous woods that caught the eye during the tree selection process


▽整片林子被迁回场地中,在城市建筑的映衬下显得格外珍贵,哪怕只是刚刚种下 The whole forest is moved back to the site and appears extremely precious against the backdrop of urban buildings, even if it has just been planted


▽林子与周边群落关系建立起来了,但这只是开始,更期待它们与这片新土地的联结 The relationship between the forest and the surrounding communities has been established, but this is just the beginning. Looking forward to their connection with this new land even more




For the understory planting, there is not too much elaborate matching, and the traditional dense planting that overly pursues immediate effects is abandoned. Instead, plants with similar habits are “randomly” mixed to present a more relaxed and natural effect. This mixed planting method not only conforms to the design concept but also simulates the process of natural ecological succession of plants. Although there may be exposed soil and insufficiently full plants in the initial stage, this leaves enough space for the future growth of plants and greatly reduces the later maintenance cost. In addition, in order to create different forest feelings, different “mixed planting” methods are adopted. For example, under the Bauhinia forest, the undulating “bags” use perennial evergreen herbs to create an elegant flower meadow effect; at the rest wooden platform under the dense camphor forest, shade-loving plants mainly ferns are selected to create a quiet atmosphere; in the children’s play area, some native plants are selected, hoping to evoke a certain memory of childhood.


▽阴生地被混种 Mixed planting of shade-tolerant ground cover


▽花甸地被混种 Mixed planting of flower meadow ground cover





Challenges in the Construction Process

Whether it is the “overall transplantation” of native trees or the “random mixed planting” of understory plants, this seemingly “casual” planting method is not easy in the construction process. Planting workers are already accustomed to standardized planting methods. For them, “random” planting seems to mean not meeting the standards. In order to ensure that the final effect not only conforms to the original design intention but also allows plants to grow naturally, designers need to continuously guide workers and make timely adjustments during the construction process.


▽花甸混种调整前,种植均匀,边界过于整齐 Before the adjustment of flower meadow mixed planting, the planting is even and the boundary is too neat


▽花甸混种调整后,模糊边界,种植更加随机 After the adjustment of flower meadow mixed planting, the boundary is blurred and the planting is more random



自然教育与萌芽乐园 Nature Education and Sprouting Paradise


Atelier Scale believes that nature is not only a place for children to play and explore but also an important carrier for them to learn, grow and form a world view. In nature, children can experience and understand the surrounding world in a more direct and perceptual way. Therefore, the original intention of design is not only to provide children with a place to play outdoors in the park but also to think about providing children with more opportunities to connect with nature and increase their contact with nature and outdoor space.


▽树林掩映下的萌芽树屋 The sprouting tree house under the shade of trees




Here, the design language and spatial form of the landscape, extracting the most site-memorable natural substances and elements such as stones, water, trees, and flowers, and integrating them into the children’s play design of the site. On this constantly undulating green carpet of the landscape, a play area that interacts with nature – Sprouting Paradise is created. According to children’s physical abilities and corresponding physical development needs, the site’s play is divided into easy exploration play (3-6 years old) and challenging exploration play (6-12 years old and above), so that children of all ages and abilities can run, jump, play, learn and discover the wild fun here in such an immersive natural landscape. Play with nature and stimulate children’s interest in exploring nature!


▽萌芽乐园游乐类型 Types of play in Sprouting Paradise



为了让孩子们重回自然,重建与大自然的链接。大小景观从场地的趣味性、专属性、艺术性、儿童友好四个维度进行切入。趣味性:在设计中突出游乐的趣味性,让小朋友自己发现、寻找发挥不同的视角看世界,同时抓住小朋友最基本的玩乐方式——滑、爬、钻、跳等,在自然中玩耍。利用各种设施搭建小朋友和自然接触的桥梁。专属性:从生态教育角度的思维出发,将场地的游乐与植物设计有机结合 打造乐园专属的自然教育主题场地,让孩子们去认识自然生态,在探索中唤起起孩子对自然的好奇。艺术性:充满艺术氛围的游乐场地可以让孩子们更具有创造性和想象力, 有益于儿童们的智力发展。儿童友好:以儿童友好视角出发,合理的游乐分区,满足孩子的多人互动游戏需求,游戏设施的尺度可以多个孩子共同使用,引导孩子们的交流与合作。

In order to bring children back to nature and rebuild the connection with nature. Atelier Scale cuts in from four dimensions of interest, exclusiveness, artistry and child-friendliness of the site. Interest: Highlight the fun of play in the design, let children discover and find their own ways to see the world from different perspectives. At the same time, grasp the most basic ways of children’s play – sliding, climbing, drilling, jumping, etc., and play in nature. Use various facilities to build a bridge for children to contact nature. Exclusiveness: Starting from the thinking of ecological education, organically combine the play on the site with plant design to create an exclusive natural education-themed site for the paradise, so that children can understand the natural ecology and arouse children’s curiosity about nature in exploration. Artistry: A play area full of artistic atmosphere can make children more creative and imaginative, which is beneficial to the intellectual development of children. Child-friendliness: Starting from a child-friendly perspective, reasonable play zoning meets the needs of children’s multi-person interactive games. The scale of game facilities can be used by multiple children at the same time to guide children’s communication and cooperation.


▽萌芽乐园可以做的30件事情 Things that can be done in Sprouting Paradise


▽结合场地搭建的自然教育课程 Natural education courses combined with the site 



小结 Summary




The Green Valley in Xuhui Central City is a huge “urban green carpet”, bringing colorful life experiences to high-density urban areas. Atelier Scale’s natural and relaxed space design makes this “green carpet” more connected to the daily lives of surrounding citizens, making the park an indispensable part of their lives. From parent-child paradise, natural classroom, to sports life and cycling tour, and then to easy lying flat, the new park provides a vibrant green space for citizens of all ages.

As a city forest friendly to all things, the Green Valley in Xuhui Central City provides a rare oasis for the bustling city. From a child-friendly natural science popularization system, to a pet-friendly convenience pocket, and then to a nature-friendly habitat for animals and plants. The park has become a place where various living things coexist symbiotically, providing a good sample for the restoration of the regional micro-ecosystem.

As a case of the renovation of a large community park, during the design and construction process of the Green Valley in Xuhui Central City, various limitations of the original site are fully considered. From the replacement calculation of subway shield loads, to the retention and transplantation of original trees, and then to the reconnection with the surrounding community, all of these reflect respect and care for the community environment and radiate a richer and warmer community spirit from it, providing ideas for the renovation of high-density urban parks in the future.


▽城市绿毯鸟瞰 Aerial view of the urban green carpet 


▽设计师返场活动——逃离城市一小时,设计师和大小的朋友们 Designer Encore event – Escape from the city for an hour, designers and friends of size ©周洲




Design Name: The Urban Carpet
Project Name: Shanghai Vanke Midtown Green Valley
Project Location: Shanghai, China
Landscape Design: Atelier Scale
Design Team: Huicheng Zhong, Shilong Zhou, Qin Yan, Qingnan Li, Hao Lan, Yibin Zhang, Yaoyao Liu, Bingxing Lin, Zhihua Chen, Jiaqi Hu, Xiang Chen
Client:  Shanghai Vanke
Client Team: Haitao Zhang, Haifeng Fang, Ming Lu, Jiaying Wang, Xufeng Wang, Ruiqi Zhou, Yubin Zhao
Landscape Construction Documentation: Shanghai Jixiang Landscape Design LTD
Landscape Contractor: Shanghai Yuanlin Group
Playground and Workout Facility Construction: Atelier Scale Fabrication Lab
Structural Engineering Consultant: iSturcture
Steel Structure Design: Shanghai Architectural Design LTD, Steel Structure Institute
Herbaceous Design Consultant: Endless Summer
Water Feature Consultant: Shanghai Sushui Design
Signage Art Constultant: Jiayi Sun
Signage Design: Shanghai Zhantuo Architectural Design Engineering LTD
Nature Education and Playground Signage Design: Atelier Scale Fabrication Lab
Signage Contractor: Bujing Signage
Lighting Consultant: BPI
Pet’s Pocket Installation and Art Consultant: Wallpaper、Nendo
Architect (Phase III): Nikken Sekkei
Photographer: Bing Lu, Nancy Studio



审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about: 大小景观 Atelier Scale