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Thanks Z+T Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Z+T Studio.
Z+T Studio: The Shanghai Eco City Green Belt starts from Lao Hu Min Road in the west, extends to Longwu Road in the east, borders the Outer Ring Expressway in the north, and reaches south of Huajing Road in the south, with a total area of about 37 hectares. The initial rennovation area is roughly 19.7 hectares. ZT Landscape is working for a 3-hectare area installation. Through innovative and immersive design strategy, while also minimizing intervention, an experiential landscape organization connecting multiple spaces has been constructed.

▽上海市环城生态公园带图及项目区位 Zone map and project location of Shanghai Ring Ecological Park

▽场地原貌鸟瞰图 Aerial view of the original site

▽场地改造后鸟瞰图 Aerial view of the site after renovation

With the concept of a“mysterious realm of forests and insects,”and following a storyline of “what’s below the forest”, the participant is guided through a journey of forest exploration. The overall design utilizes local insect species as creative inspiration, including the “Silkworm”playground, “Centipede”lounge chair, “Stick insect”seesaw structure, “Caterpillar Cocoon” adventure cave, “Butterfly”climbing net, “Snail”hut, and “Spider”rest station. These installations are placed in the existing woods to encourage exploration and interaction with the natural environment.
▽概念平面手绘 Conceptual plan hand-painted

▽总平面图 General Plan

▽项目视频 video ©刘松恺
-最小干预的“嵌入式”设计Minimal intervention designs
The Outer Ring Green Belt Project, initiated in 1994 and launched in 1995, spans 98 kilometers and covers an area of 6208 hectares. The design includes a 500-meter-wide green belt composed of a 100-meter woods belt outside the Outer Ring Road and an additional 400-meter green space. Due to the majority of trees being fast-growing species, the area suffers from ecological challenges such as overcrowded canopies and lack of biodiversity.
The primary tree species in the park include camphor, magnolia grandiflora, parasol, and liquidambar. The design approach emphasizes minimal intervention, combining aerial images, on-site GPS surveying, and field measurements to establish road networks and the location of gathering spaces. This method aims to protect existing vegetation while selectively replacing unhealthy species.
One of the major challenges of the renovation project is managing the complexity of existing site constraints. To avoid irreversible damage to the environment, the design requires meticulous planning and precise execution for the construction.
▽现状植被勘测复核 Current vegetation survey and review

▽场地植物的品种分布、常绿落叶面积比、高度排序的分析 Analysis of plant species distribution, ratio of evergreen to deciduous area, and height order of the site

▽林隙间的生境 Habitat in the forest gap

-互动装置系列- Installations
Centipede Bench: This installation, made from durable African padauk wood known for its natural anti-corrosion properties and termite resistance, defines a boundary in the park’s northeastern corner. The wood’s durability allows for effective use for over ten years with annual maintenance.
Stick Insect Swing: Positioned at the edge of the main road in the park, this swing integrates existing camphor trees. With large-size H steel beams, the structure is designed to meet the requirements for hanging and swing strength.
Spider Rest Station: Situated among magnolia grandiflora trees, this station is designed for children under 6 to crawl around and play in. The use of weather-resistant Moso bamboo allows for customized lengths and thicknesses, while meeting construction needs.
Caterpillar Cocoon: This structure includes seven cocoon formations of varying sizes, crafted using high-strength fiber concrete. The material aligns with the design vocabulary of natural woods and offers durability and ease of maintenance. Inside of the cocoons, colorful hanging nets and climbing equipment are designed for children under 8.
Mirrored Swings: Five sets of mirrored swings are placed around the main activity area for caregivers to rest. The exterior of the structure is covered with a new type of composite material, while the interior employs mirrored panels, creating a multi-angle reflection effect.
Interactivity Site: It is located among several large cedar trees, where the three different shapes of caterpillar installations interacts with the preserved cedar trees, providing shade and rest areas for care takers.
▽大草坪上的竹节虫秋千和千足虫座椅 Stick insect swing and millipede seat on the Great Lawn

▽千竹虫座椅 Thousand bamboo worm seat

▽竹节虫秋千概念手绘及1:100模型研究 Stick insect swing concept hand-painting and 1:100 model study

▽毛毛虫核心综合活动场地 Caterpillar Core comprehensive activity venue

▽毛毛虫1:40模型研究 Caterpillar 1:40 model study

▽刺蛾茧 Spiny moth cocoon

▽刺蛾茧壳上爬满童趣涂鸦 The cocoon shell of a thorn moth is covered with childish graffiti

▽林间蜗牛小屋 Snail House in the Forest

-安全防护的认定方法 Safty standard
For a playground in the park, besides strict adherence to national standards. ongoing operational management is crucial to public safety. Prior to opening the participatory activity area, third-party inspections by TUV Rheinland were conducted to ensure reliability of all the interactive structures. The main safety challenge is the sudden surge in visitors and over crowd control.
▽TUV实地专项检测配合 TUV field special testing with

-后续 Conclusion
▽瞬时暴增的人流 Sudden increase in the flow of people

Since its opening, the park had attracted nearly 100,000 within the first week. The spectacular features are designed for everyday use which has significantly enhanced the visitor experience. For long term management and maintenance, enhanced safety reminders, regular feedback collection, and adjustments to service quality is required. Re-planning the park’s traffic flow, location of the entrances, exits, and parking facilities will also be done eventually.
The park aims to balance public welfare with commercial sustainability to ensure long-term development. Future plans include offering more diverse activities and services, such as outdoor education classes, art festivals, book clubs, community events etc.

设计时间:2021年 -2023 年
建成时间:2024 年 3 月
Project name:Forest Wonderland
Client:Greening and City Appearance Management Bureau of Xuhui District, Shanghai; Shanghai Xuhui District Greening Management Center
Cooperative units: Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd; Shanghai Landscape and Greening Construction Co., Ltd
Year designed: 2021 – 2023
Year completed:03.2024
Area:30000 square meters
Project location:Shanghai Xuhui District
Landscape Design: Z+T Studio
Design members: Zhang Dong, Tang Ziyin, Zhang Qing, Zheng Jialin, Liu Hongchao, Fan Yanjie,Zeng Qinghua, Wang Hu, Zhou Teng, Zhang Siyu, Liu Binyuan, Zhang Xiaolai, Chen Haitian,Wang Zihan, Li Weiqi, Li Mingfeng, Xu Qin,Zhong Chuanyi, Liu Shinan, Zhang Yian
Installation Design and Construction: Z+T Hapitor Art Studio
Photo credits: Liu Songkai, Zhu Xia,Tang Ziying
Translation: Shinyu Tang, Zhang
“ 森林中的体验式自然景观艺术公园。”
更多 Read more about: 张唐景观