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Thank 501 architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by 501 architects.
501 architects:2016年,Panevėžys市议会同意对主要城市广场进行重大整改。其主要的目标是创造一个开放的空间,鼓励Panevėžys的市民参与户外活动。广场的现有条件已经不符合21世纪欧洲城市的持续发展前景。但Rail Baltica铁路的开通使该市成为了一个强大的区域中心,为所有居民提供了良好的商业机会和高品质的生活。
501 architects:In 2016, the City Council of Panevėžys agreed on a major renovation of the main city square. The main idea was to create an open space, encouraging the citizens of Panevėžys to engage in outdoor activities. The pre-existing condition of the square was not compatible with the dynamic vision of the 21st century European city. Having access to Rail Baltica railway allows the city to position itself as a strong regional center with good business opportunities and high level quality of life standard for all residents.

新的自由广场 The new Freedom Square
在广场设计竞赛的准备期间,市议会进行了一项研究,其结论是三分之二的受访者要么只是路过广场,要么在那里停留不到 30 分钟。无论哪种方式,游客都宁愿去广场周边的餐厅和咖啡馆,也不愿在广场中心地带过多停留。此外,许多受访者也认为现在的广场是令人满意的,但只有改善某种基础设施,才会带来更多好处。
During the preparation for the architectural competition, City Council conducted a research concluding that two thirds of respondents either only pass by the square or spend less than 30 minutes there. Either way, visitors would rather go to restaurants and cafés on the square’s perimeter than spend time in the central part. Furthermore, many respondents have concluded that the existing square was satisfactory – only some kind of infrastructural improvements would have been beneficial.

Therefore, the design team faced a difficult task – to improve pre-existing benefits, such as large open spaces, old trees, and functional pedestrian layout with subtle architectural innovations, significantly improving the square’s attractiveness to the residents without drastically altering its existing potential.
The team has chosen to leave the historic functional layout unchanged yet improved with architectural tools of modern playful design, lighting, and natural material selection.

Previously, the square’s perimeter was densely populated with commercial functions and the center was divided into three parts – event space, central – city park zone, and a representational part, now dedicated for municipal events, was a public parking lot. Architects have decided to split the central part into smaller islands, enhancing each one of them with specific functions – children playgrounds, planting islands providing calm retreat, and some more private spaces in between those islands.

The event space was completely restructured by flattening it out to remove all unnecessary stairs in the middle. Existing supporting walls were converted into an elegant staircase, thus opening up an important perspective from the historic theater to the Senvagė park.

It was decided to use curved corten steel constructions to highlight the aesthetic image of the benches and make them appear to be growing out of green hills. The precise execution of bent two-directional metal structures was a real challenge.

设计师表示,在整个项目过程面临着无数的挑战,但大部分问题都得到了有效的解决。该项目作为501 architects公司承接的首个重大项目,他们必须快速学习,以获得市议会和总承包商的信任。他们也十分高兴有机会学习并为Panevėžys自由广场的更新做出贡献。
The architects faced numerous challenges during the entire process, yet they are confident that most of them were solved with the highest precision. Since this was the company’s first major project, they had to learn quickly to gain the trust of the City Council and General contractor. 501 architects are glad they had the opportunity to learn and contribute to the renewal of the Freedom Square in Panevėžys.

▽广场平面图 Plan

总建设面积(平方米/平方英尺):8 公顷
项目地点:立陶宛 Panevėžys
首席设计师:Martynas Norvila
设计公司:501 architects
公司所在地:立陶宛 维尔纽斯
图片来源:Norbert Tukaj
摄影师邮件:Norbert Tukaj <norbert@norberttukaj.com>
Project Name: Freedom square
Completion Year: 2021
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 8 ha
Project Location: Panevėžys, Lithuania
Program / Use / Building Function: Square, Landscape architecture
Lead Architects: Martynas Norvila
Lead Architects e-mail: martynas@studija501.lt
Office Name: 501 architects
Office Website: http://www.studija501.lt/
Social Media Accounts: https://www.facebook.com/studija501
Contact email: martynas@studija501.lt
Firm Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Photo Credits: Norbert Tukaj
Photographer’s Website: https://norberttukaj.com/
Photographer’s e-mail: Norbert Tukaj <norbert@norberttukaj.com>
“ 细分广场空间,形成多样化娱乐活动场地,同时用植物构筑绿岛,为人们提供舒适惬意的公共空间。”
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