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Thanks Atelier Partero for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Atelier Partero.
Atelier Partero:2018年,Ellement建筑工作室赢得了兹林Gahurův prospekt广场修复项目的竞赛,其提案基于空间简洁性、可识别性、功能性和口才逻辑展开。建筑师邀请我们Atelier Partero一起深化和实施这个项目,我们为能接受这项具有挑战性的任务而感到既荣幸又兴奋。然后你可能会问:为什么说“具有挑战性”呢?
Atelier Partero: In 2018, Ellement studio won the competition for the rehabilitation of Gahurův prospekt square in Zlin, with a proposal that was based on spatial simplicity, legibility, functionality and eloquence. The architects invited us to work with them on the detailing and implementation of this project. We were both honored and excited to take on this challenging task. Why ‘challenging’ you might ask?
▼项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

Simple and minimalist solutions are often some of the most complex. We felt the full weight of the responsibility to ensure that a seemingly simple thing like a lawn met every conceivable parameter in such an exposed urban space. It was clear from the outset that bringing this design to life and sustaining it within the given conditions was not going to be easy. Details of maintenance and care had to be attentively acknowledged from the start. The simple thought of how the lawn mower will be able to reach the grass patches for trimming determined that the lawn terraces need to be sloped down to meet the level of the path from at least one side.
▼草坪一侧与周边道路相接,以便割草机进入 The lawn terraces are sloped down to meet the level of the path from at least one side

Handling the drainage system was an important task as well. Since the design was a lawn with no perennials or flower beds or trees, irrigation elements had to be hidden to maintain a flawless green carpet look. Underneath the benches was the perfect hideout. Another smart detail was the gravel gutter between the edge of the lawn and the concrete bench edge to capture runoff dirt and maintain a clean seating surface.

▼砾石排水沟 Gravel gutter

The project was also very successful in recycling existing materials and rumble during the construction process. Managing the existing organic materials and demolished elements was quite mind boggling. It was tricky to calculate any precise volume of these recyclables as the site was full of hidden concrete foundations covered by a vegetation layer that randomly fluctuated between 5 – 40 cm.
▼施工过程 Construction process

Thanks to the cooperation of everyone from the architects, the general contractor, the investor, to the actual implementation companies, the work was completed in fine quality and standards that met the vision and expectation of the initial holistic design. A holistic design where simplicity and elegance do not comprimise the goals of meeting a reasonable budget, incorporating long term sustainability and facilicating easy maintainability.

The site nowadays is very popular and the proposed solution works very well as it meets the needs of the locals who are in search of an open green space to enjoy the sun and catch up with friends/colleagues in the city center. We are happy with that, even though in this case it was “just a lawn”.
▼夜景 Night view

▼平面图 Plan
项目名称:Gahurův prospekt
景观设计:Atelier Partero
建筑师:Ellement studio
项目地点:捷克共和国 兹林
图片来源:Ellement Studio
主要供应商:KKS, spol. s ro
玻璃胶板:DAKO Brno, spol. s ro
景观园艺:ACRIS zahrady sro
照明:Zumtobel Lighting sro
Name of the project: Gahurův prospekt
Project category: Public space
Role of the entrant in the project : Landscape architect
Other architecture offices involved in the design: Ellement studio (architects)
Project location: Zlin, Czech Republic
Design year: 2018
Year Built: 2018
Size: 8725m2
Contact email: info@partero.cz
Photo credit: Ellement Studio
(main suppliers) KKS, spol. s ro
(glass-cement slabs) DAKO Brno, spol. s ro
(landscaping) ACRIS zahrady sro
(lighting) Zumtobel Lighting sro
更多 Read more about: Atelier Partero
I want to see what it looked like before, so it’s more convincing~~~