Thanks Kengo Kuma and Associates for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Kengo Kuma and Associates .
隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所:2018 年 7 月,位于岩国市 Shuto Town 的一座桥梁被洪水冲毁,随后被重建为一座木桥,并成为了当地的新标志。
KKAA:A bridge in Osogoe, Shuto Town, Iwakuni City destroyed by the Western Japan Flood in July 2018, was rebuilt as a wooden bridge that will become a new symbol for the community.
木桥两侧分布着“Dassai”(獭祭)的工厂和商店,“獭祭”是日本清酒,由以酿造独特清酒而闻名的旭酒造(Asahi-Shuzo )生产。旭酒造出资修建了这座新桥的木结构部分。
On both sides of the bridge are the factory and store of “Dassai”, a Japanese sake produced by Asahi-Shuzo brewery known for its unique sake production, which covered the wooden part of the construction cost by donation.
Considering the risk of recurring disasters, a RC frame was combined with 105-square cypress balustrades.
柏木排列形成了一条柔和的曲线,与周围的山脉遥相呼应,105-square 构件(日本木结构建筑中最常用的构件尺寸)的使用则赋予了桥梁一种具有怀旧感的人性尺度。
The arrangement of the cypresses created a gentle curve that echoed the surrounding mountain range, and the use of 105-square members, the most used member-size in Japanese wooden construction, created a bridge with a nostalgic human scale.
By combining Japan’s proud carpentry skills with the modern technology of computational design, a human and soft expression that has never been seen before in conventional civil engineering structures was created.
项目地点:日本 岩国市 Shuto Town
公司网址: https://kkaa.co.jp/
Project Name: KusugiBashi
Project location: Osogoe, Shuto Town, Iwakuni City, Japan
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Kuma Yanwu Architectural Urban Design Firm
Website: https://kkaa.co.jp/
“ 新的木桥为灾后重建工作注入了具有怀旧感到人性尺度和温暖体验。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: 隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所