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Thanks Km Architecture Office for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Km Architecture Office.
Km Architecture Office:这座修建于新冠疫情之后的隆城别墅(Long Thanh Villa)成为了一对退休夫妇的宁静港湾。业主建造该别墅的初衷是为了与家人和兄弟姐妹建立更亲密的联系,并在亲近自然的环境中安享简单的晚年生活。
Km Architecture Office:Designed and built after the Covid pandemic, Long Thanh Villa serves as a peaceful haven for a retired couple.It was built with the intention of reconnecting with family and siblings, living close to nature, and enjoying the simple pleasures of old age.
▽入口 Entrance

▽主立面和前院 Main facade and front yard

Taking advantage of the existing greenery, the design aims to allow all spaces in the house to fully experience the surrounding nature. Therefore, the structure is simple, consisting of two rectangular blocks stacked and slided on top of each other, with a void created by cutting the blocks to form small gardens interspersed within the overall large garden.
▽建筑外观(侧立面) Exterior

Thanks to this block structure, the design creates buffer zones: corridors, wide porches, canopies, and auxiliary blocks (elevator, garage, auxiliary kitchen). These important spaces allow the main cores (kitchen, living room, and bedrooms) inside to have a wide view of the garden through large floor-to-ceiling glass windows. However, it also reduces the impact of sunlight and high temperatures on the west-facing facade. At the same time, the open buffer zones with canopies and corridors create the best ventilation conditions for the main spaces inside the core of the house.
▽竹帘系统关闭状态 Closing bamboo doors

▽车库 Garage

▽房屋入口 House entrance

The back of the house is designed to be quiet, with a lawn and a bamboo slat canopy above, where the owner can hang bird cages, a hobby of his in his old age. The front yard is a lawn with a few trees at key viewpoints, located next to the yard of the neighboring brother’s house, which serves as a place for family gatherings. In addition, on the side of the house, adjacent to the existing garden (the reserve land of the Investor), is a lawn with a fish pond and a canopy, which is also an effective complement to the overall shape of the house, creating a quiet view and drawing attention to the main house.
▽车库与后院 Garage and backyard

▽从后院看向客厅 View from backyard to living room

▽客厅 Living room

In addition, the design proposes a system of rotating bamboo slat doors for the facades. This local material is reminiscent of the familiar bamboo screens and fences in Vietnamese houses, and is in line with the discreet yet impressive spirit of the villa.
▽卧室 Bed room

▽带旋转竹门的走廊 Corridor with rotating bamboo doors

The combination of oak wood, bamboo, and white paint creates a relaxing and unpretentious space, alongside the necessary amenities for a villa.
▽夜景 Night view

▽概念生成 Concept

▽等测图 Isometric

▽结构分解图 Diagram

▽项目位置 Location plan

▽设计平面图 Plans

▽立面图 Elevation

▽剖面图 Section

▽效果图 Renderings

项目名称:Long Thanh Villa
建筑面积(m2/ft2):约 290平方米
项目地点:越南 同奈 隆城
设计工作室:Km Architecture Office
公司所在地:越南 胡志明市
设计团队:Tran Minh Phuoc、Nguyen Trung Can、Le Quach、Tran Minh Truong、Huyen Tram、Phan Minh
首席建筑师:Tran Minh Phuoc
设计与施工:Km architecture
图片来源:Hiroyuki Oki
Project Name: Long Thanh Villa
Completion Year: 2023
Built Area (m2/ ft2): ~ 290m2
Project Location: Long Thanh, Dong Nai, Viet Nam.
Program / Use / Building Function: Villa
Office Name: Km Architecture Office
Office Website: https://km-architecture.com/index.php/en/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kmarchitectureoffice
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/km.architecture.office/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/KmArchitectureOffice/
Contact email: km@km-architecture.com
Firm Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Design Team: Tran Minh Phuoc (Architect in Charge), Nguyen Trung Cang (Architect), Le Quach (Architect), Tran Minh Truong (3D Artist), Huyen Tram (3D Artist), Phan Minh (2D Artist)
Lead Architects: Tran Minh Phuoc
Lead Architects e-mail: km@km-architecture.com
Design and Build: Km architecture.
Photo Credits: Hiroyuki Oki
Photographer’s Website: https://www.facebook.com/OKIHIROYUKI
Photographer’s e-mail: deconphotostudio@gmail.com
“ 建筑体块之间通过切割产生空隙,形成小花园,穿插在整个住宅之中。”
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