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Thanks Valari for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Valari.
Valari:该度假旅馆占地 1.5 公顷,拥有百年历史的橄榄园和亚得里亚海沿岸的广阔景色,建筑结构呈 L 形布局,全部由石头砌成,内部所有空间都带有拱顶。
Valari:Located within a hectare and a half of land, which includes a centuries-old olive garden and ample view over the Adriatic coast, the masseria presents an L-shaped structure made entirely of stone and all its spaces are vaulted.

Valari 公司的合伙人、建筑师 Nicolò Lewanski 和 Federica Russo 解释说:“与传统的建筑公司不同,我们希望提供更广泛的服务,不仅利用我们的规划能力,还利用我们的管理能力,以及我们对于当地历史与文化的深刻了解,我们认为,建筑师在此类修复改造项目中的角色应该朝着这样的方向发展,这也是我们在 Masseria Belvedere 项目中所做的工作。”
The restoration project stems from the desire of the client to identify an investment opportunity in Puglia’s tourist sector, particularly for a foreign medium-high target, and that would offer a holiday home for large family groups or company retreats.
The architects Nicolò Lewanski e Federica Russo, who are partners of Valari explain that “As opposed to classical architectural firms, with Valari we want to offer a vaster service, which not only takes advantage of our planning capacities, but also of our managerial ones, together with our deep knowledge of the territory: management of on-sight inspections, interaction with agencies, taking charge of all the preliminary phase of choosing the allotment; therefore being a fully-fledged consultant aside of the client, which is the way we think the role of the architect should evolve in this kind of project and what we did for the Masseria Belvedere project”.

该团队策划的项目包括翻新 Masseria Belvedere 的建筑,建筑部分为两层,面积达 500 平方米,现有的两层楼内设有 8 间带浴室的双人床客房。此外,设计师还计划在底层建造一间瑜伽室和一间带鸡尾酒吧的游戏室。日间活动区位于一楼,可以俯瞰大海,这是一个两层的独立空间,顺着岩石的坡度而建,包括一个厨房、一个餐厅和一个起居室。
The project curated by Valari has consisted in the refurbishing of Masseria Belvedere’s building, which extends, partially on two levels, for 500 sqm and that now hosts 8 double bed rooms and 8 bathrooms in the existing two-storey volume. It also envisages a yoga room on the ground floor and a games room with cocktail bar. The ground floor, overlooking the sea, hosts the day area, a single space on two levels that follows the rock’s slope and includes a kitchen, a dining room and a sitting room.

Outside, the infinity pool runs parallel to the day area and to the sea-view horizon. Next to it, a solarium, a fireplace, an outdoor kitchen and a second dining and sitting area. On the first floor, the terrace from where to enjoy the sunset, hosts the Jacuzzi.

该旅店的规划理念以欢迎客人为指导,由此创造出具有无限可能性的空间。设计师表示:“对我们来说,设计意味着创造以前不存在的空间,打开以前被遮挡的视野,展示以前无法到达的地方。 因此,我们设计了这座庄园的平面图:创造出一系列简单的几何图形,让人们在这里建立起之前不存在的友好联系。”
The planning idea of the masseria was guided by the desire to welcome guests creating spaces which are amplified within their infinite possibilities. “Designing for us means creating spaces that did not previously exist, opening up views that were obstructed, revealing places that were not accessible. Designing the masseria’s plan has been this: creating a series of simple geometries that would allow convivial relations that were non-existent up until that point”.

Before the restoration, the building presented itself as a stone ruin on rocks, and it’s this strong character of the matter that lead the architects in the declination of the contemporary restoration of a pre-existing building of such strength.
“One of the project’s urgencies was also understanding how to unite a contemporary architectural approach to a pre-existence of this type. We decided to work mainly on horizontal elements, identifying connecting geometries oriented towards the sea, so as to underline the primary direction of the project: the kitchen and the dining room table, aligned within the long space of the multi-level living area, the bar table on the first floor that accompanies the gaze towards the terrace and the sea; as well as the pool, the tub on the roof, the outdoor platforms, all run parallel to the horizon.”

Valari 还对这座古老建筑的实际情况进行了详细研究,以评估最佳设计基调。
Valari also undertook a detailed study of the actual state of the masseria, so as to evaluate the best design mood board.
The planning choices of this project have been defined studying the maternity of the building – the rock floors, the stone walls and the vaults, the various frames and scaffoldings, the different types of stone, the porosities, the different mortars – and the conservation state, that is, the different types of installations – some historical pieces, some more recent, some with reclaimed stones, some more precious.

In some cases it was opted to maintain the rocky character, allowing the hill to enter the project; in other cases more space was given to contemporary materials: micro-cement and plaster to guarantee continuous homogenous surfaces in neutral colours, bleached oak wood for the fixed furnishings, Arpicena marble, the natural, warm tones of the décor and the textiles contributed to giving the rural relic a more domestic feel.

建筑师总结道:“对我们来说,重要的是要选择那些能在 Masseria 的复杂性中增加舒适感的材料。深色钢窗装置的细长线条、彩色金属户外家具、黄铜室内灯具以及浴室装置和水龙头,所有这些元素的选择都是为了勾勒出原有建筑与新修复建筑之间的对比,从而使空间感更加丰富。”水泥地砖、装饰品和一些灯具则是色彩的点缀。材料的选择强调了与当地的紧密联系,与当地企业共同开展的研究旨在发现和重新利用阿普利亚的材料和人力资源,也使项目的修复过程更具现代感。
“It was important for us to choose materials which could add the idea of comfort to the masseria’s complexity. The slender lines of the window fixtures in dark steel, the outdoor furniture in coloured metal, the brass indoor lights, like the bathroom fixtures and faucets, are all elements chosen to outline a contrast between the pre-existing and the new restoration, so as to make the perception of space richer” – conclude the architects. The accents of colour are left to the cement tiles, the décor and some lamps. The selection of materials underlines the strong connection with the territory, and the research, conducted with local businesses had the objective of discovering and reutilizing Apulian materials and manpower in a more contemporary key.

“我们还选择将所有室内社交空间复制到室外,因为阿普利亚的环境和文化不允许我们忽视客人的室外生活。在与设计师 Simona Serafino 合作的景观项目中,除了泳池区域,我们还设想了许多环境:岩石花园、菜地、橘子园(现在还设有沙滩排球场)以及拥有百年历史的橄榄园和吊床区域。”
“We have also chosen to replicate all indoor social spaces outdoors, the Apulian context and culture don’t allow us to overlook the guest’s outdoor life. In the landscape project, in collaboration with the architect Simona Serafino, together with the pool area, we imagined numerous environments: the rocky garden, the vegetable patch, the orange garden that now also hosts a beach volley court, and the centuries-old olive garden with the hammock area”.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Masseria Belvedere
规模:520 MQ
项目地点:Contrada Belvedere、Carovigno、Brindisi、Puglia、It 72012
首席建筑师:Nicolò Lewanski、Federica Russo、Domenico Sasso
客户:Puuglia Investimenti Turistici Srl
合作者:Arch. Simona Serafino(景观设计)
图片来源:Lorenzo Zandri
Project Name: Masseria Belvedere
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: 520 MQ
Project Location: Contrada Belvedere, Carovigno, Brindisi, Puglia, It 72012
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Valari
Website: www.valari.eu
Contact e-mail: info@valari.eu
Lead Architects: Nicolò Lewanski, Federica Russo, Domenico Sasso
Clients: Puuglia Investimenti Turistici Srl
Collaborators: Arch. Simona Serafino (Landscape Designer)
Photo Credits: Lorenzo Zandri
Photographer’s Website: www.lorenzozandri.com
“ 经过专业修复的 16 世纪意大利庄园如今作为一座优雅的度假旅店开放,设计通过对细节、材料、色调、空间和形态的把握,完成了一场古与今的对话。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: Valari