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PosadMaxwan: PosadMaxwan’s design for Mechelen Boulevard strengthens the links between the city’s central station and its market square. The more than 1km-long shopping, pedestrian and cycle zone forms a central axis running through the city centre and is designed largely as shared space.

Mechelen Boulevard links a chain of five important squares. A deliberate decision was made to provide maximum space for pedestrians and to finish the street furniture and walking surface to a high standard, supporting the retail functions. We opted for an understated design with accents, integrating bicycle facilities, greenery, water and art. The project interweaves Mechelen’s historic character with pleasant, contemporary public space.
▼街道分析 Street analysis

这个街区是城市、当地居民和其他利益攸关方密切合作的结果,2018年,梅赫伦市因林荫大道而获得公共空间奖(Prijs Publieke Ruimte),这条林荫大道被认为是比利时最有吸引力的步行街。
The project is the result of close collaboration by the city, local residents and other stakeholders. In 2018 the city of Mechelen received the Prijs Publieke Ruimte (Public Space Award) for the boulevard, which was deemed Belgium’s most attractive pedestrian shopping street.
▼效果图 Visualization

▼平面图 Plan

▼街道鸟瞰 Aerial

团队:Rients Dijkstra, Hiroki Matsuura, René Sangers, Olivier Vet, Artur Borejszo, Aleksandar Hrib, Veronika Kommova, Nobuki Ogasahara, Ignas Uogintas
Assignment: design for a shopping street; total 25,000m2
Location: Mechelen, Belgium
Year: 2014
Client: City of Mechelen
Team: Rients Dijkstra, Hiroki Matsuura, René Sangers, Olivier Vet, Artur Borejszo, Aleksandar Hrib, Veronika Kommova, Nobuki Ogasahara, Ignas Uogintas
Partners: Antea Group
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