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L&M: We remodeled an unfinished elementary school. As a microcosm of the intense residential development that is commonly occurring in county units, this school in Xinyang Huangchuan County, Henan Province, is surrounded by high-rise residential neighborhoods on an extremely compact site. Walking into it, one feels as if one has returned to the high-rise buildings of the big city, oblivious to the vast fields that lie just a kilometer or two away.

▽学校区位 School location

▽改造前,已经接近完工的建筑 Nearly completed building before remodeling

The new campus, enclosed on three sides, seems to be a cage, isolating the leisure and nature of small county life.
As the original building was nearly completed, the design could only unfold like a loach drilling tofu in order to control costs and avoid waste as much as possible. This is a renovation that races against time and fights against boredom. Under the circumstance that the building shape, pattern and area are almost unchangeable, the original orderly school is salvaged into a paradise that will be loved by the children.
A blue pony runs into this elementary school, wearing a Red Armillary Sash for a full day of play, and is currently sleeping soundly, revealing his adorable little hooves. The Red Armillary Sash is a clever thread that connects the main public spaces of the elementary school.
▽概念生成图 Concept Generation Diagram

▽整体轴侧图 Overall axial view

▽校园整体鸟瞰 Aerial view of the whole school

▽校园沿街立面 Street facades of school

▽改造后的校园新貌 The new look of the campus after renovation

01 送你一匹小马 A PONY FOR YOU
The U-shaped layout of the building encloses a second-floor rooftop terrace that was once a passive void. The design transforms it into an undulating children’s playground and brings it to life with zebra stripes.
▽二层屋顶场地改造前后对比Before and after remodeling of the second floor roof site
▽压缩造价后的小马涂装 Pony painting after cost compression

▽在小马的肚皮上玩耍 Playing on the pony’s belly

▽隐藏的小斑马 The Hidden Zebra

Looking down from the classroom, the sleeping ponies are gentle and sweet, using their bodies to provide a safe and fun place for the children to play during recess. As he sleeps so soundly and relaxes so much, one of his hooves unknowingly stretches out into the distance, accidentally stepping out of the entrance of a unique multi-purpose hall.
▽多功能厅入口改造前后对比 Before and after remodeling of the entrance to the multi-purpose hall
▽马蹄暗示入口 Horseshoe hints entrance

Legend has it that the “Red Armillary Sash” have the power to turn the world upside down with their many variations.
While the pony sleeps, it plays around the grounds, imagining buildings wherever it goes, and gaining a new connection with the elementary school and kindergarten buildings that were previously inaccessible to each other.
▽围合校园改造前后对比 Before and After Enclosed Campus Renovation
▽小马的混天绫 The pony‘’s red armillary sash

▽橙蓝CP Orange and blue as couple

▽游戏空间 The game space

At the main entrance of the elementary school, the “red armillary sash” is a winding staircase that floats and winds its way up. As the easiest way to get around, it connects the main entrance to the stormy playground on the second floor, and is the prettiest thing on the street.
▽小学门厅改造前后对比 Before and after of the elementary school foyer remodel
▽螺旋楼梯暗示小学部分的主要入口 Spiral staircase hints at the main entrance to the elementary school section

▽螺旋楼梯上的活动 Activities on the spiral staircase

In the original design, the school had almost no public areas. The design squeezes out a foyer, where the “red armillary sash” is a dynamic slide. As a fast track to the end of the school day, it gives every child the happiest moment of the day.
▽幼儿园入口 Entrance of the kindergarten

▽幼儿园门厅里的楼梯间 Stairwell in the foyer of the kindergarten

▽楼梯间里追逐打闹 Chase and fight in the stairwell

And the “Red Armillary Sash” next to the playground is a sturdy and robust staircase, which, as the outdoor transportation with the best view, gives the children the possibility to catch every precious moment on the playground.
▽面向操场的楼梯改造前后对比 Before and after remodeling of the stairs facing the playground
▽面向操场的楼梯 Staircase facing the playground

▽操场上的孩子们 Children on the playground

▽鲜艳的色彩激活空间 Bright colors activate the space

▽教学楼与操场之间的大台阶 The large steps between the school building and the playground

▽活泼的大台阶空间 Lively large step space

03 乡土的记忆 Memories of the countryside
The campus colonnade and courtyards use red brick, the most common and inexpensive building material in the area, saving money and grounding the campus. The same concept is continued in the event space, where earthbags, gravel, grass, red bricks and painted patterns are used to keep costs under control while allowing the campus to break free of the concrete cage and blend into the countryside.
▽一步之遥的田野 A step away from the fields

▽幼儿园部分的建筑体量 Building volumes of the kindergarten section

▽乡土材料延续记忆 Local materials perpetuate memories

▽幼儿园室外活动场地 Kindergarten outdoor space

▽报告厅里的毕业典礼 Graduation ceremony in the lecture hall

▽教室室内 Classroom

▽教学楼走道 Corridor of the teaching building

Compared to their peers who are involved in the arms race of “Elementary School” and “Junior High. School” at an early age, children in the county have more possibilities to grow up slowly.
Just like the ponies that lie down when they are tired of playing, children here are closer to the land and fields, and they can have a complete and pure childhood, finding themselves in the carefree freedom of the wild.
▽幼儿园大班毕业啦 The kindergarten class graduated

▽放学啦!School’s out!

A pony for you, Barefoot and growing up with the summer.
▽丰富的校园节点 Enriched Campus Nodes

▽改造后总平面图 Retrofitted master plan

设计单位:立木 L&M
Project Information: New School in the County
Building area: about 15000m2
Designed by: L&M Design Lab
Project Manager: Guo Lan
Lead Designer: Liu Jinrui, Zou Mingxi
Design Team: Cheng Miao, Xie Shunbing, Li Jiayan, Li Chunyao, Liu Minghao, Guan Haoting, Liu Yiming,
Hou Xiaohang, Zou Chengxin, Xiao Luoqin, Chen Zixi, Lv Wufan, Song Xinyi, Lu Yuyao, Wan Yuetong
Project Photography: Zhu Qingyan
Structural Consultant: Tang Xi
Design Consultant: Shen Peng
“ 设计将原本秩序森严的学校,演绎为被孩子们喜爱的乐园。”
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