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WALLMAKERS:Nisarga art hub is an initiative by a family of musicians to make a community residency where people can interact and congregate for art and cultural events.
The site was near a paddy field, with the traditional “kerala roofs” being the only feature crowding the horizon around it. Even though these traditional roofs are famous for being the ideal insulators and temperature regulators , it’s a waning feature in contemporary architecture today, simply because the darkness it brings is not suited to the modern man’s comfort and aesthetics.
▽外部视野 Exterior view

▽屋顶鸟瞰 Birds-eye of roof

▽屋顶音乐会 Roof concert

因此,我们萌生了将屋顶打通的想法,以便安装天窗,将光线引入室内。而屋顶倾斜的角度(35°) 与露天剧场的 30° 似乎有着异曲同工之妙,于是我们便有了将屋顶的天窗改造成观众席的想法。在游泳池上铺设一排木板,就能立即成为露天音乐会的舞台,还可容纳 75-80 人。
Thus the idea to break open the roof to accommodate skylights that stream in the light was conceived. The 35° angle of the roof seemed to perfectly matchwith the 30° angle of an open-air amphitheatre and the idea for the same skylights to become seating spaces for an audience was born. A series of wooden planks could be set on the swimming pool and it immediately doubles up as a stage for open-air concerts that can accommodate 75-80 people.
▽泳池上的表演舞台 Stage over the pool

▽屋顶上的观众 Audience on the roof

▽音乐会期间的屋顶 Roof during concert

The separate entry to the hub, ensuring that activities can happen parallelly above undisturbed, opens into a large living space overlooking the field.
▽住宅入口 Entry to the home

▽生活区景观视野 Living area view

The interior spaces are conceived as open flexible spaces where the occupants mostly use the wooden floors for interacting with visitors and for dining, as was the preference of the clients who advocated the benefits of the ‘Padmasana’ position (sitting lotus pose).
▽生活区 Living area

▽地板座位 Floor seating

▽餐厅 Dining area

▽餐桌 DIining table

▽厨房 Kitchen

墙壁采用了百叶窗式碎石墙技术(已获专利),用从邻近城镇收集的建筑碎石和工地上的泥土建造而成,作为整体建筑的承重结构,甚至可以支撑楼上 4 米高的悬臂式录音棚。
The walls that are built with our patented shuttered debris wall technique, made with construction debris collected from the neighbouring town and soil from the site, is entirely load-bearing , supporting even a 4 meter cantilevered recording studio in the first floor.
▽天窗 Skylight

▽漂浮的录音棚 The floating recording studio

▽卫生间 Toilet

The west facing side of the hub had the guest rooms which are protected with discarded racks collected from a scrapyard, that became the grills and allowed for a curtain of creepers to shield it from the afternoon sun.
▽卧室 Bedroom

▽顶楼的卧室 Bedroom on the top floor

▽卧室内部 Bedroom interior

▽盥洗区 Wash area

The strategically designed breaks in the roof allow light to stream in, diffused by jute sack rolls and permits for the hot air to escape. Reclaimed laterite blocks from demolished buildings form the verandah in front of the home reminiscent of the old “muttams” of traditional Kerala homes.
▽喀拉拉邦传统民居结构 Muttam

The building is designed like music- where the pauses between the notes are more important than the notes themselves. Where the built architecture stops and the empty spaces in between speaks volumes.
▽夜景 Night view

▽场地平面图 Site plan

▽一楼平面图 First floor plan

▽底层平面图 Ground floor plan

▽建筑立面图 Elevation

▽建筑剖面图 Section

项目名称:Nisarga Art Hub
面积:2557 平方英尺(总建筑面积)
项目地点:印度 喀拉拉邦 Ernakulam
公司网址: www.wallmakers.org
首席建筑师:Vinu Daniel、Oshin Mariam Varughese
设计团队:Subhrodipta Ghosh,Rosh V. Saji
图片来源:Syam Sreesylam
Project Name: Nisarga Art Hub
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: 2557 Ft² (Gross Built Area)
Project Location: Ernakulam, Kerala
Landscape/Architecture Firm: WALLMAKERS
Website: www.wallmakers.org
Contact e-mail: vinudaniel@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Vinu Daniel, Oshin Mariam Varughese
Design Team: Subhrodipta Ghosh, Rosh V. Saji
Photo Credits: Syam Sreesylam
Photographer’s Website: @Syam.Photographer (Social media)
“ 传统的建筑结构承载了乡村的艺术生活,为邻里创造了一个享受生活的舞台,在屋顶举办的一次次音乐会,也让艺术的音符飘荡在自由的乡野之间。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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