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Thanks Batlleiroig for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Batlleiroig.
Batlleiroig:Ocellets公园的城市化项目创建了一个各方向可自由流通(特别是在通往La Florida健康中心的多个入口)的娱乐、消遣和休息的空间。该设计解决方案旨在为Pubilla case和La Florida社区创造一个参考点,为Castellers等流行活动的庆祝创建一个新的中心空间。
Batlleiroig:The urbanization project of the Parc dels Ocellets proposes a recreation, diversion and resting space, allowing free circulation in all directions, with special attention in the multiple accesses to the Health Center of La Florida. The proposed solution aims to create a reference point in the neighborhoods of Pubilla Cases and La Florida, obtaining a new central space for the celebration of popular activities such as Castellers.

As a result, a diaphanous central space of large dimensions is generated, big enough to accommodate a considerable number of people. In addition, a series of surrounding spaces are equipped for different uses and they enable people to sit in variable steps. These stairs help solving the diffrenet height between the central square and the perimetral streets in a simple way, besides generating different spaces.

The central square of Parque dels Ocellets is formed by a horizontal plane of a constant longitudinal slope of 1.5% and a cross slope of 1%. This allows the water to circulate by gravity and without obstacles, avoiding the formation of puddles and excessive runoff. The other resting areas, dog areas and playgrounds have variable slopes, with a maximum of 2.8% in the most unfavorable case.

The connection between the central square and the perimeter streets is made by ramps with variable slopes. All of them comply with the accessibility code with slopes lower than 6% or slopes not exceeding 8% for lengths of less than 10 meters.

项目名称:Ocellets Park
公司网址: www.batlleiroig.com
首席设计师:Enric Batlle, Joan Roig
设计团队:Iván Sánchez, Javier Zaldívar, Lourdes Romeo – Architects;Dolors Feu – Agricultural Engineer & Landscape Architect
图片资料:©Jordi Surroca
Website: www.batlleiroig.com